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Prison Reform Definition

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In order to be effective, reform efforts require two main things: (1) The principles the correctional system espouses have to rest on a solid philosophical foundation. And (2) the day-to-day conduct of prison staff must support rather than subvert the system’s philosophical basis. Just as the wrong philosophy can counter legitimate efforts, the daily behavior of prison staff can undercut the right theoretical approach. Institutional practices that largely consist of irresponsible staff occasionally preaching the importance of living responsibly—to use an overly simplified example—aren’t likely to have much of an impact on offenders beyond evoking their incredulity. It only stands to reason that when institutional staff are either indifferent, jaded, or hold too many of the same values and premises as the inmates in their charge, the philosophical basis of the entire system can be undermined. Serious progress toward reform is unlikely to take place in such a noxious cultural atmosphere. …show more content…
This of course fails to capture many instances which are exceptions to the general rule. Rest assured, however, exceptions exist within the DOC just as they would in other organizations. All correctional systems undoubtedly have those who approach their jobs in ways that transcend the institutional culture to some extent. But for the most part, exceptions are few and far between. Regardless of how small or isolated a culture may be as a more or less circumscribed entity, it is always a majority driven phenomenon. And regardless of whether an individual here or there manages to swim against the prevailing current at times, no one—staff and inmates alike—is entirely immune to the social mores, patterns of behavior, and values he is exposed to on a daily

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