...Sime Darby's scandal 2010-11-18 12:20 World's leading listed plantation company Sime Darby has just celebrated its 100th anniversary and it has once again become a focus recently due to a project cost overrun scandal involving malpractices. When Sime Darby was said to have suffered a loss of RM2.1 billion in May this year, the market was shocked as Sime Darby has been a giant multinational conglomerate involved in five core sectors with a total annual turnover of about RM33 billion. Even the largest listed company is facing a management problem, we can actually imagine the situation of other government-linked companies (GLCs). It has seriously affected the confidence of investors in the stock market and supervision of the authorities. There are questionable points in its four projects, including the Maersk Oil Qatar (MOQ) Project which has lost RM526 million and the Bakun hydroelectric dam project which has caused a loss of RM340 million. Sime Darby decided to take civil action against certain individuals found culpable over the severe losses. It has reflected the seriousness of the situation and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) should also take actions. The government must disclose the internal audit report of Sime Darby to tell the people the truth. Over the years, losses suffered by the GLCs would just be left unsolved without even an investigation. For example, the Bumiputera financial scandal in the early 1980s had caused the country a loss of RM2...
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...Ethical and operational issues……………………………………………………………..7 * Introduction This report will explain the legal and ethical issues that relate to the use of business information. l personally think that legal and ethical issues are usually to do with something that involves people having to abide to a law, in most cases there will be a consequence for not abiding with the law. Tesco may collect and process information about you, including: * Information that you give to them. You may give them information about you by filling in forms on the Tesco website or by corresponding with them by phone, e-mail and more. The information you give Tesco may include your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, personal description and photograph. * Information they collect about you. With regard to each of your visits to the Tesco website they may automatically collect technical information and information about your visit. * Information they receive from other sources. Tesco may receive information about customers if they use any of the other websites they operate or the other services they provide. Tesco, as well as other business, also work closely with third parties, which mean they may receive information about you from them. * Ethical issues Ethical issues are moral principles that govern a person’s or group’s behaviour businesses ethnics are moral principles that concern businesses behaving in an acceptable and unacceptable way. Codes of practice exist in companies...
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...oVeRVieW tesco around the world Creating value for customers across all our businesses UK Revenue* £40,766m Number of stores Us Revenue* 2,715 Employees £495m Number of stores 293,676 Selling space (sq ft, % of Group) 164 Employees 4,134 Selling space (sq ft, % of Group) 36.7m sq ft 35.4% 1.7m sq ft 1.6% tesco Bank Revenue* £919m Employee figures represent the average number of employees during the year ± 230 employees across asia and Europe work in locations other than those listed Employees * Revenues are sales excluding vaT and exclude the impact of iFRiC 13 (customer loyalty schemes) † Revenue for Europe includes France; revenue for asia includes india 1,274 GDP growth: Economist intelligence unit europe Revenue*† Revenue* (£m) Stores GDP growth Employees (% real change pa) £9,192m Number of stores 1,082 Employees± Republic of ireland Poland Hungary Czech Republic slovakia turkey 2,332 2,156 1,649 1,355 996 700 130 371 205 158 97 121 13,344 24,932 21,157 12,812 9,105 8,038 -0.8 3.8 1.2 2.3 4.0 8.1 89,559 Selling space (sq ft, % of Group) 30.2m sq ft 29.2% asia Revenue*† £10,278m Number of stores 1,419 Employees± india in india, we have an exclusive franchise agreement with Trent, the retail arm of the Tata Group. we are supporting the development of their Star Bazaar format. 104,071 Selling space (sq ft, % of Group) 35.0m sq ft 33.8% Revenue*...
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...Table of content 1. Introduction 1 2. Traditional conditions and issues in business operations and commercial environment 1 2.1 Previous situations of operating business and the relevant environment 1 2.2 Issues generating along with time increased 2 3. The rise of online presence in modern business 2 4. One kind of online presence --- websites 3 4.1 Impacts of websites on business operations 3 4.1.1 Procurements & sales 4 4.1.2 Employment 7 4.1.3 Promotions 9 4.1.4 Security and privacy 11 4.2 Influences of websites on commercial environment 13 4.2.1 Industry environment 13 4.2.2 Social environment 14 5. Advantages and disadvantages of some other online presence 15 5.1 Blogs & microblogs 16 5.2 Search engines 16 5.3 Social networks 17 6. Conclusion 18 7. Bibliography 19 1. Introduction ‘Over time, trade became a more formalized, structured process, evolving from one-to-one transactions into many-to-many exchanges’ (PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP SAP AG, 2001, P1); in addition, modern business is partial to be built electronically on a network in order to be more efficient and convenient. This report will chiefly discuss how the online presence websites impact on the business operations which cover procurements and sales, employment, promotions, and security and privacy; furthermore, introduce the significant changes which are brought by the websites on the commercial environment. Finally, both benefits and limitations...
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...BACK COVER FRONT COVER OUTSIDE FLAP Contents Tesco PLC Annual Report and Financial Statements 2014 Strategic report IFC Tesco at a glance IFC Highlights 01 Chairman’s statement 03 Report from the Chief Executive 08 Market overview 10 Business model 12 Financial review 16 Key performance indicators 19 Other statutory disclosures 20 Principal risks and uncertainties Corporate governance 26 28 30 41 62 Tesco PLC Annual Report and Financial Statements 2014 Board of Directors Executive Committee Corporate governance report Directors’ remuneration report Directors’ report Financial statements 64 Statement of Directors’ responsibilities 65 Independent auditors’ report to the members of Tesco PLC 69 Group income statement 70 Group statement of comprehensive income 71 Group balance sheet 72 Group statement of changes in equity 73 Group cash flow statement 73 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt note 74 Notes to the Group financial statements 122 Tesco PLC – Parent Company balance sheet 123 otes to the Parent Company financial statements N 131 ndependent auditors’ report to the members of I Tesco PLC (Parent Company financial statements) Other information 132 Supplementary information (unaudited) 143 Financial calendar 143 Glossary 144 Five-year record There’s a lot more content online Go online to find out more about our performance, hear from our leadership...
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...Annual Report and Financial Statements 2012 Tesco at a glance 2011/12 We are one of the world’s largest retailers with operations * in 14 countries, employing almost 520,000 people and serving millions of customers every week. £72.0bn +7.4% Group sales Group sales growth £3.8bn Group profit before tax +5.3% Group profit before tax growth +1.6% Underlying profit before tax** +2.1% Underlying diluted earnings per share**† 14.76p Full year dividend per share UK Revenue± Trading profit Asia Revenue± Trading profit Europe Revenue± £42.8bn 66% of Group £2,480m 66% of Group £10.8bn 17% of Group £737m 20% of Group £9.9bn 15% of Group Revenue growth± Trading profit growth Revenue growth± Trading profit growth Revenue growth± +5.0% Employees (1.0)% Stores +10.5% +21.8% Employees Stores +7.3% Employees 300,373 2,979 Market position Multiple formats include Loyalty scheme dotcom 1st Hypermarkets, superstores, supermarkets, convenience Clubcard – around 16 million active members First grocery home shopping service 1997 117,015 Market position Multiple formats include Loyalty scheme 1,719 94,409 Market position Multiple formats include Loyalty scheme dotcom dotcom 1st or 2nd in all except China Hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience Clubcard in Malaysia and Thailand, Family Card in South Korea, Legou Tesco Membercard in China – over 20 million active members across Asia South Korea...
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...ethical dilemmas facing toward Tesco The first dilemma that faced by Tesco is the items delivery arriving late. Tesco has operated online businesses, it consists of around fifty percent of the food ordered market in the internet. There is around fifty percent Many customers were complained that the Tesco’s delivery service is not efficiency. The customers were waiting the items delivery so many hours and many days. In addition, since some customers waited for too long, so they were tried to phone to Tesco customer services and ask for their items delivery matters, but the answer that the customers could get is they cannot track down the driver. It may show that there is lack of efficiency and effective toward Tesco especially the ways they serve to the customers. In the other hand, even the items delivery arrives to the customers’ location, the customers were founded that some items were wrong or missing. These problems could affect the image of the Tesco from the customers. Some of the customers may consider turning their general trading seller to another market competitor due to inefficiency services that served by the Tesco Company. If these problems cannot settle well by Tesco, Tesco not only getting fewer customers, moreover Tesco’s businesses profit will also keep reducing. The second dilemma facing by Tesco which is the discriminations problems among the customers. There is a case indicates that Tesco has been sued of religious discrimination...
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...All About Asda What we love about 2010 ASDA 08 A Sustainable Business 09 Business Strategy 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Our Food Our Brands Our Home & Leisure Our Clothing Brand - George Our Format Portfolio Our Digital Business Our Openings & Extensions Our Five Year Summary Our purpose at Asda is simple..Quis aliquatie volor sustrud tio delent num eu Contents faci blandit, se dunt vent luptatue voluptat wiscincipis dolestrud modolore We magna aliquatem zzrit vercil dolor adipsum quat am quat nim nisl 02 WhoAsdaAre ut veliquate 03 The Story feuisis delese volobore conse do dit am, quamconse vel et ad tate04 The Walmartfeum magna Family 06 What We Love About Asda veriureet niatem v xx Business Review Pack 2010 Who We Are Our Mission To be Britain’s best value retailer exceeding customer needs, every day Our Purpose To save everyone money, every day Our Values We put our customers first, every day We care for our colleagues, every day We strive to be the best we can be, every day 02 All about Asda 2010 The ASDA Story The Reign of Queen’s Supermarkets Peter Asquith and his brother Fred made contact with Associated Dairies and a new company was formed... Asquith + dairies = the birth of Asda The Foundation of George A major success of this period was the foundation of the George Davies partnership and the introduction of George clothing into 65 stores in February 1989 Asda Became part of the Walmart Group in June 1999 The Digital Age The end of the decade...
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...policy 5.2.3 Local products that fit customers’ tastes 5.2.4 Aggressive pricing strategy 5.2.5 Adapted communication 5.2.6 Adding value through service 5.2.7 Adapting to changes in the macro-environment 5.3 Evaluation of Tesco’s success within the Czech Republic 5.3.1 The Czech success 5.3.2 Problems within the Czech market 5.3.3 The future within the Czech Republic 5.4 Consumer perceptions of Tesco from the UK and the Czech Republic Conclusion Appendix 7.1 Czech Republic Questionnaires 7.2 UK Questionnaires Bibliography Entering the retail sector in Central Europe 1 2 3 5 5 5 6 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 17 18 18 21 23 1 of 25 Abstract 2 Abstract This report examines the role that Central and Eastern European countries play in the increasingly international strategies of retail companies. This report focuses specifically upon the Czech retail environment and how Tesco has successfully entered the market by adapting its market offering for Czech consumers. It is demonstrated that Tesco has been successful within the Czech...
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...Name Tutor College Course Date Wal-Mart Case Analysis Introduction Wal-Mart first store was opened in 1962 by Sam Walton and his wife Helen Walton. They had the main idea of opening a discount oriented shopping store all through the rural American. The first store was opened in Rogers, Arkansas from where the stores spread to other regions. The company grew rapidly incorporating Wal-Mart Stores Inc. just after a period of seven years. Within 8 years, the company was able to open the first distribution center in Arkansas and also be valued at the New York stock Exchange. By 1991, the company opened the first international center in Mexico City an achievement that has seen opening of several other stores internationally. Identification and Analysis of Corporate Strategy The main strategy that was emphasized by Wal-Mart was that of the control of prices and costs to attract more customers. Walmart had the idea of lowering the prices of its commodities and services to ensure that they attracted more customers as well as retain them too. With opening of retail stores that offered one stop shopping centers, Wal-Mart was able to grow more than its competitors. Consumers for a long period valued one stop shopping centers where they could find a variety of goods at the same time to ensure convenience and minimize time spent during shopping trips. Walmart stores took this strategy to open all purpose stores with grocery, clothing and other commodities...
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...Z01_JOHN2020_09_SE_EM18.QXD 10/13/10 9:09 Page 658 CASE STUDY Tesco: from domestic operator to multinational giant Michelle Lowe and Neil Wrigley This case considers the emergence of Tesco plc as one of the world’s leading multinational retailers. In a remarkable 10-year period, Tesco has transformed itself from a purely domestic operator to a multinational giant – with subsidiaries in Europe, Asia and North America – and in 2009 had 64 per cent of its operating space outside the UK. Examining market entry into Asia in more detail, the case compares ‘success’ in Thailand and South Korea with ‘failure’ in Taiwan. It also considers ‘a high risk gamble’ in Tesco’s entry into the US market, long considered to be a graveyard of overambitious expansion by UK retailers. ● ● ● Introduction In April 2009, Tesco, the UK’s largest retailer and private sector employer of labour, announced annual sales for 2008/09 of almost £60 billion (x66bn or $90.2bn) together with profits of £3 billion (x3.3bn or $4.5bn). After a dramatic decade-long transformation from purely domestic operator to multinational giant, Tesco now had a remarkable 64 per Source: Getty Images. cent of its operating space outside the UK, was developing increasingly strong businesses across 11 Asian and European markets, had a rapidly expanding ‘start-up’ subsidiary operating in the western USA, and had announced its entry into the Indian market. Moreover, as signalled in both the title of its Annual Report...
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...strategy may focus on developing a competitive advantage via differentiation, low cost, rapid response, or a combination of these. (pg 186) With all the different products which are sold through Tesco PLC, the aim of the organisation is to meet specific needs of its customers. In creating new products, the needs of the customer are sought through a range of focus groups and ongoing research trackers. A lot of emphasis is placed on feedback from social media with Tesco actively involved on Facebook, Twitter and webchats. It also actively seeks feedback through instore ‘every comment helps scheme’. Tesco clubcard was launched in 1993 and this gave them a competitive advantage over their rivals who had initially rejected the idea. It also offered a way for them to better understand their customer’s shopping patterns. With the current economic climate, Tesco had revitalised its value brand and now puts more emphasis on value and quality rather than price. The products were reformulated with less fat and sugar and increase fruit and vitamin content where possible. According to Heize and Render, the objective of a process strategy is to build a production process that meets customers requirements and product specification within cost and other managerial constraints (pg 311). Tesco pursues a process focus strategy that produces low volume high variety production (is this right??) There is a seasonal demand for majority of their products but overall variation for household groceries...
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...suppliers to keep the costs down Opportunities To survive in today’s world globalization is important. M&S have a wide opportunity to go more global to improve and expand its business They also have the opportunity to consider more overseas supplier which will actually give them cost advantage, rather than suppliers available on a local level. They also have the opportunity to maximize the use of available technology to improve their functioning and to gain competitive advantage. Threats They are in strong competition with Gap, Oasis and Next, who are offering similarly priced products yet more fashionable. M&S is also in competition from discount stores like Matalan, and “George” range at Asda. M&S is also in threat from Tesco and Seinsbury’s who moved into offering added value foods, which had been pioneered by M&S. Alternative Courses of Action 1. Substantial research before operations and correct...
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...all VAT-registered businesses in the UK are retailers. 70% of UK retail is Organized and 30% is Unorganized. The retail sector generates almost 8% of the Gross Domestic Product of the UK. The retail industry employed 2.9 million people, as at the end of September 20. Supermarkets dominate the UK food retail market, with 56.0% of sales. 3 Company overview Tesco¶s is a United Kingdom based international supermarket chain. It is the largest British retailer both by global sales and by domestic market share. Established in 1924. Tesco is the third-largest retailer in the world next to Wal-Mart, Carrefour and is operating around 2,440 stores and employing over 4,00,000 people www.Tesco.com is recognized as the world¶s largest online grocer, with a customer base of little less than 1 million and more than 250,000 orders a week. Tesco¶s market share of UK retailing is 12.5%. 4 Company overview Tesco has moved into areas such as clothes, consumer electronics, consumer financial services, internet services, consumer telecoms and gas stations. Tesco now controls over 30% of the grocery market in U.K. As of March 2008, Tesco have a store in every postcode of the UK. 1960 1970 1980 1960 2000 5 Competitors Competitors ASDA Group Limited BP Plc Carrefour S.A. ExxonMobil Corporation The Big Food Group Plc J Sainsbury plc Marks and Spencer Group plc Royal Dutch/Shell Group Safeway Inc. 6 Safeway plc Somerfield SPAR HandelsAktiengesellschaft The Boots Group PLC Wm...
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...branches, 18,000 stock lines, and owns about 4.3% grocery market share in UK. Waitrose has a very good reputation and image because its products are quality, freshness, provenance, and safety, its good customer service, and good home delivery service that are the reasons why there are lots of loyal customers and new customers. (John Lewis Partnership, 2010) Waitrose supermarket is a luxurious supermarket because it provides high quality, fresh goods, and good service to customers. There are many loyal employees working in Waitrose so that the staff turnover is low and all of employees work hard to satisfy their customers. It makes Waitrose become more successful. In addition to, Waitrose has many strong competitors that are including Tesco, ASDA, Sainsbury's, and Morrisons. The price of goods in Waitrose is...
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