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Tesla's Influence On Professor Rogner

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During this same period in his life while at the Poly-Technic School in Gratz, Austria he finds several professors who are worthy mentors and aid him in his talent development. He mentions three professors in his autobiography Professor Rogner, who taught arithmetical subjects and geometry, Professor Poeschl, who held the chair of theoretical and experimental physics, and Dr. Alle, who taught integral calculus and specialized in different equations (Tesla, 2013, p. 38). All three of these men appeared to have a deep effect on Tesla’s studies. He argued with Dr. Professor Poeschl over creating a certain kind of motor based on direct current machine (Tesla, 2013, p. 39). He spends a series amount of time trying to prove this professor wrong. Dr. Alle he seemed genuinely enjoy his lectures and spent many hours talking to him about his theories and lectures (Tesla, 2013, p. 39). All three of these mentors helped him along his talent development.
After he finishes with his formal education and begins working his passion remains inventing things. He describes an instance enjoyment that receives from picturing …show more content…
The Tesla Electric Company was founded in April 1887. He describes making the motors that he built there were “exactly as he had imagined” (Tesla, 2013, p. 52). In 1889 in New York he began to work with high-frequency machines (Tesla, 2013, p. 53). In 1900 he created a 1,000 feet of electricity that flashed a current around the globe (Tesla, 2013, p. 54). One of his biggest accomplishments happened in 1890, “In investigating the behavior of high frequency currents, I had satisfied myself that an electric field of sufficient intensity could be produced in a room to light up electrodeless vacuum tubes” (Tesla, 2013, p. 57). After this event took place he began being courted all over the world by countries to work and give lectures in

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