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Texas Public Policy Case Study

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4a. Discuss how visible the public policy process is to the people of Texas. Explain whether or not you believe the people of Texas should have a strong say in the development of public policy.

The public policy process should be clear and visible, giving people access to the policy making process. This process is part of a string of policies such as rule making, implementation and adjudication, which provide policies for our Texas bureaucracy.
Texas has a very large population. It makes their involvement in public policies very difficult as oppose to the executive, the legislature or even interest groups. It is difficult for people (individuals or disorganized groups) to suggest and foster new policies or programs on the debate table. As …show more content…
Explain the role of interest groups in the state of Texas. Do they deserve a place at the table when it comes to public policy? Why or why not?

As we have seen in earlier chapters, an interest group is a group whose affiliates have mutual concerns, and attempts to sway government policies in their favor. They spend time organizing their members as well as new recruits who have similar problems, they inform the people but also the representatives on their pressing issues; they organize and rally people for elections, and they help connect national issues to state ones, especially in the domain of their interest.
It is difficult to give an absolute answer as to whether they deserve a place at the table of public policy. Yes they deserve a place because of the benefits their presence brings to the political arena. They have the ability to inform and rally people around a common cause; they can also pull out crowds on election days, they have a track record of defending the causes of minorities with activities such as writing petitions, demonstrations, media campaign and other good …show more content…
Describe what you believe the proper relationship between a legislator and lobbyist/interest group when it comes to public policy, like any of the four areas mentioned above.

The relationship between interest/lobbyist group and legislature should go back to it the original intend:
- They should represent the people and their interest to the legislature. Their goal shouldbe not only to retain privileges and benefits for their members but advocacy for all the people.
- They should continue to develop strategies that include public education, encourages massive participation and provide information to legislators and bureaucrats.
- They lobbying activities and financial contribution to the electoral process should be impeded as much as possible. Texas has been able for more than a 100 years to limit taxation and the budget, they can also limit the flow of money into the electoral process.
- They can be of use in the electoral process to make sure the people are informed about the legislatures and people that run for office.
- They can provide valuable realistic real time information to legislature that will help them during their policy making

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