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Texting During Work Time

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One time I was on my phone too much after being told plenty of times to put it away and as i was on my phone i wasn’t paying attention so the final time he told me to put it away he ended up taking my phone for the rest of the hour. Then next time you get no warnings he said it was going to the office if he tell me to put it away again.Technology is distracting the class because people always use their phones during class time.Then Today society cell phones become a distraction because people always having phone in they hand and always on it like they can't live without it. they phone is they lifeline in today’s society.Technology is a distraction in the classroom because of texting, social media and the web.

Texting during work time is one of the way that cause a distraction. People texting while giving a lesson. loses distraction because when it comes to work time they wouldn’t know how to do it because as he/she was giving lesson they was on they phone texting they friends or family members.It’s like the teacher is no longer the center of attention.why? because the center of attention is the phone they mean like it’s bad because if your texting while he/she teaching then you not listening to what the teacher is saying you looking at what's on your phone. basically saying your phone is more important than what the teacher is saying. …show more content…
people are attempted to post something on facebook or twitter every other 5mins. Some students will bring out the phone just to text someone on facebook cell phone text-based abbreviated communication teens use are showing up in formal writing. As of the way how they post stuff on facebook , twitter or other social media is the same way how the write it in their papers. They write like how they text to other people they abbreviate words in their writing assignment. For Example, Hey wya (where you at) instead of saying Hey where you

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