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Texting Vs Multitasking

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Position paper Essay

Cell Phone Multitasking Versus Loss of Self Being The use of technology nowadays as texting and cell phones have become an important every day tools that many teenagers can’t live without it, to an extent that it controls people lives greatly. There are many needs regarding using cell phone and texting. One of the most important issues is its role in safety as people are not worried when being lost. Moreover it enables users to stay connected with family, colleagues and friends. Email access and surfing internet for educational purposes aids in using cell phones more especially by youth. Cell phones don’t just receive and place calls, but o it is used also in capturing nice moments, saving data, and can even …show more content…
One of the reasons of their support is that texting and cell phone use would help people enhance their writing and English language. They see that self-writing enhancement can be achieved through social media as others can correct your mistakes; also you can differentiate good writers from bad ones by imitating the fluent ones and getting the benefit on the expense of the bad ones and write better than them. Moreover having followers on Twitter and Facebook force you to write well in order to appear unique. On the other hand, although texting and cell phone use could enhance English language in some situations, but also during texting we use a lot of abbreviations that affects our way of writing, grammar using and affects our analytical skills. These entire can definitely affects our English language later on. Based on John Myhra's article, the overuse of texting negatively affects the way students write, mainly the formal writing in the school and even in the society due to character limitations that is used more than the formal one. He also adds that student's writings have little depth, terrible grammar, and are abbreviating almost every word. With the revolution in technology it is obvious how it affects literacy in terms of affecting the teenager’s way of reading, thinking and writing. Text …show more content…
The first reason why texting and cell phones shouldn't be used permanently is related to the physical problems it might cause to the cell phone user. The smartphone owner might suffer many diseases due to the forward- leaning posture during texting and using cell phone, such diseases are, heart diseases, hyper kyphosis, neck pain and back problems. Estelle Zauner-Maughan UCA executive member explains that cell phone user’s drop their heads forward while texting and rounds their shoulders and this is termed forward-leaning posture. She warned people that this posture while sitting long time using mobile devices results in having early problems including pain in the top of their neck and back. Consequently a remarkable change in the curve of the back occurs soon or later. A study, by the UK United Chiropractic Association (UCA), says that poor posture is similar to obesity which ensure that it is a big a risk to a person's health. The research also suggests a direct relation between forward leaning postures while texting, playing video games, sending emails and excessive back carvature, which results incardiovascular problems. Other physical problems are cramped sawing motion of certain tendons of thumb in addition to, eye problems due to staring a lot to the small device specially during lights -of at

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