...” (goodread.com), This quote is from the 2008 Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, in the Hunger Games the main protagonists, Katniss and Peeta , are chosen to fight for their lives. The Hunger Games contains lots of characterization, is an amazing book, and is better than Nothing But The Truth. First of all, The hunger games is a series of books that has lots characterization and may apply to the 6th grade curriculum. To show the characterization in the book a statement that applies is, Katniss Everdeen is a strong young woman who shows bravery, courage, heroism, maturity, and much more, (sparknotes.com). This applies to the assertion because the statement is showing different traits of Katniss and this is what you call characterization. Secondly, in...
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...Qullen des Terrors, initially a book first written in German by author Peter Sloterdijk. However, the English translation of the book was published by Semiotext(e) in 2009, which we now know of as Terror from the Air. Sloterdijk wrote this book based around terriosm and our atmosphere, he calls this Atmoterrorism. Peter Sloterdijk defined the 20th century as these three things “the practice of terrorism, the concept of product design, and environmental thinking” (reference p.9). And for him, there was one day in particular that marked the beginning of the 20th century; it was on April the 22nd of 1915. On that epoch, the unexpected happened at Ypres in Northern France during World War 1, when the army of Germany attacked using chlorine gas, making this the first act of gas warfare in history. It was this event in which modernity arose, no longer would attacking involve death to only the enemies, but now to their environment and the air they breathe. The evolution of using poisonous gas would cause harm and destruction to everything essential for living, it was also a sign that traditional war was no longer, but more so classed as terrorism. The first one of the three themes that outlines the 20th century is the practice of terrorism, which was when enemy interaction was established on a post- militaristic basis (Sloterdijk, 2009, p.29REFERENCE). During this time of war is when the discovery of the atmosphere and ecosystem transpired, this lead to human survival being compromised...
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...He is now currently the Laurence S. Rockefeller University Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University. My paper is intended to outline his life, education, accomplishments and philosophical theory. Appiah was born in London to Enid Margaret Appiah, an art historian and writer, and Joe Emmanuel Appiah, a lawyer, diplomat, and politician from the Asante region. Between the years 1977 and 1978 he was Ghana's representative at the United Nations. Young Appiah was raised in Kumasi, Ghana. As a child, he also spent a good deal of time in England, staying with his grandmother, Dame Isobel Cripps, widow of the English statesman Sir Stafford Cripps. Cripps was Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, or Minister of Finance, and was also involved in negotiating the terms for Indian independence. He currently lives in Manhatten with his husband, Henry Finder, the editorial director of the New Yorker since 1997. Professor Appiah was educated at the University Primary School at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi; at Ullenwood Manor, in Gloucestershire, and Port Regis and Bryanston Schools, in Dorset; and, finally, at Clare College, Cambridge University, in England, where he took both B.A. and Ph.D. degrees in the philosophy department. His Cambridge dissertation explored the foundations of probabilistic semantics, bringing together issues in the philosophy of language and the philosophy of mind. Out of that first monograph grew a second book, For Truth...
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...A REVIEW OF KNOWING JESUS THROUGH THE OLD TESTAMENT By Christopher J. H. Wright Rick Mangrum OBST591-D17 Old Testament Orientation I Dr. Doug Wilson November 28, 2010 INTRODUCTION Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament is one of many books written by the Rev. Dr. Christopher J. H. Wright. He is also the author of The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative. Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland the son of missionary parents, he was raised as an Irish Presbyterian. He studied at Cambridge earning his doctorate in Old Testament Economic Ethics. Ordained as a pastor in the Anglican Church of England, he has worked as writer, pastor, teacher and missionary. He currently lives and works in London.1 Wright’s purpose in this work is to give the reader a deeper understanding of Old Testament teachings and how they molded and impacted the life of Christ. “For these are the words he (Jesus) read”.2 A book completely without footnotes, it represents the thoughts of only the writer. This book has been in demand and in print since its original publication in 1992.3 The easy, though sometimes wordy style clearly teaches the book’s main idea that the Old Testament begins to tells the story that Jesus completes! Through a deeper understanding of the Old Testament story and promise, and how it molded Jesus’s identity and mission as well as his values, we are lead to a deeper understanding of who Jesus truly was, why he lived the way _____________________________ 1Langham...
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...Hebrews Book Review Michael L. Smith Oklahoma Wesleyan University November 27, 2014 Professor Devon Smith Abstract This is an analytical book review of Hebrews. This book review is includes a synopsis of the content of the book as well the purpose and the historical context of the book with indications of why this book was included in the canon of scriptures. This review will explore significant passages and the key verses of the book, as well as concluding the book review with writer’s personal commentary on Hebrews. Synopsis The writer of Hebrews neither identifies himself nor does he clearly identify his audience. In addition to not identifying himself or the writer of letters, the writer does not give us the destination of the letter. Martin Luther suggest that Apollos is the writer of Hebrews based on Luke’s account of Apollos in Acts 18:24-28, identifying Apollos as being a well-read, well-educated Hellenistic Jew from Alexandria (The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, 2008). It was Clement of Alexandria that argued that Paul authored the book in Hebrew but someone like Luke or Apollos came along and translated it into Greek. Traditionally, the title of the letter is “to the Hebrews” with the possibility of those Hebrews being in Rome. The origin of the book of Hebrews is a mystery but the one thing we do know is that Hebrews is the oldest Greek manuscript (Zondervan, 2009). What is more puzzling is that...
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...Nouwen 4-MAT Book Review 1 Nouwen 4-MAT Book Review Quinton Neighbors Liberty University Nouwen 4-MAT Book Review 2 Summary Reaching Out The Three Movements of The Spiritual Life by Henri Nouwen, published on November 20, 2013. The author lays out three dimensions of spiritual movements in the Christian life. Each one proceeding from the previous one to make a simple but profound process for the reader to understand. Explained first as the spectrum of loneliness to solitude. Next, hostility to hospitality, and finally illusion to prayer. The needs of loneliness manifest its in the quest for messianic completeness in other things to fill the void. This has many implications as violence, resentment, and other reactions to having such flawed idols are being used to fill the gap. On the other hand, the author presents Christ as the point of wholeness that we as humans long for. Our innermost selves are filled by this to become receptive to inner talk, the world and others. The immovable wholeness in Christ is the axiom in which the heart solitude provides loving faith filled responses. Going further into solitude is an process of inner stability in Christ, that plants seeds of hospitality instead of the natural hostility our world has created. Hospitality is defined as a biblical term of open freedom of space so that strangers can be invited as friends. Balanced in heart solitude and freedom from attachment to things either material or immaterial makes the space for a good host...
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...nation, to give voice to a people silenced for too long. But as June realizes this Elector is nothing like his father, she’s haunted by the choice ahead. What if Anden is a new beginning? What if revolution must be more than loss and vengeance, anger and blood—what if the Patriots are wrong? Review Note: This review will have slight spoilers for ‘Legend’ as well as ‘Prodigy’ so go read these wonderful books and then come back and discuss all of the things! What I liked (Besides the obvious, June and Day) Kaede: We get to see Kaede in this book. I know that some people are a little wary about her but for some reason I love her as a character and I’m glad we got to see her. The Tunnel Scene: I loved this scene because it shows that Day and June are real people. They pick fights and they have flaws. What I didn’t like Tess: I actually loved Tess in Legend but in Prodigy she was just really whiny and desperate to win Day’s heart. Like just kill her off already. Anden: I can see why people like Anden because he is nice and I think he really cares about June. I just didn’t like him because Day is obviously a better match for her and I was just eager to see June and Day to be together. Even though I didn’t love Prodigy as much as Legend, it was still a really great book overall. I forgot to mention in the beginning of this review that it took me two years on and off to read this because I just found a couple of the chapters in the middle to be really boring...
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...2014 Clark, Patrick. (2014, August 06). How Now to Handle a Bad Yelp Review. BusinessWeek. Retrieved September 14,2014 from http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-08-06/what-to-do-about-a-bad-yelp-review Article summary When you are an owner or manager of a company your ethics and values are a huge role in how you represent your title and your company. That is one of the jobs you take when accepting a position as a manager or owner. What you say or do could affect your company in a positive or negative way. To be a good manager you always take the route that will satisfy your customers. When, Chris Wagoner, owner of the Union Street Guest House in Hudson, New York wrote a clause in his guest book for his customers he did not get positive feedback from individuals. The clause in the guest book stated that if any guest wrote a bad review on Yelp the hotel could charge you $500. Once this news got out on other websites many individuals got offended even individuals who had never stayed at this hotel. When word got out to Wagner about the rage individuals had towards his clause he issued a comment to say the policy was a joke however this comment did not satisfy the customers they were still offended. To ensure this does not happen again Yelps website now deletes comments that do not follow their guidelines. Clark states that about 3,000 reviews for the United Street Guest House have been erased. Relevance to the Material This article is relevant to chapter three of our...
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...book reneeds to be 4-5 pages of the book left to tell, book review to be wrote in times romain font size 12, argins to be one inch, and text double spaced. no subsections or subtitles and must anser qustions below following the below format Book Review of Left to Tell Please note carefully all of the guidelines for this assignment already stated in the course syllabus with respect to length and format. I take off a full letter grade minimum for any violations of the guidelines stated in the syllabus. A good book review answers the questions below. Of course, you would never make any reference to the questions themselves. It is simply to say that when the work is completed, these questions should have been answered. 1. Why did the author write the book? The motivations can be stated or unstated. You can speculate within reason based on the actual content of the book. 2. What are the central themes that run throughout the book? You can obviously make reference to particular sections, but it should not simply be a chapter-by-chapter summary. What points seem to run through the whole book? 3. How effective do you think the book was in fulfilling its purpose? Provide a clear assessment. A book review should give a reader a good idea of what the book is about, and should be accompanied by the reviewer’s clear evaluation. A reader should know whether or not you thought the book was good, and that can only happen if you address the questions above...
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...copies in print. Was adapted for the cinema. Awards Won the Ambassador Book Award, Anisfield-Wolf Book Award, Asian American Literary Award, Premio Speciale Dal Testo Allo Schermo, and South Bank Show Award for Literature. Was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, James Tait Black Memorial Prize, Commonwealth Writers Prize, Arts Council England Decibel Award, Australia-Asia Literary Award, and Index on Censorship T R Fyvel Award. Was named a Book of the Decade by the Guardian and a Notable Book of the Year by the New York Times. Reviews 'An artist of fantastic cunning... demonstrates what certain trumped-up laureates of post-modernity seem incapable of grasping: that it is possible to simultaneously address the byzantine monstrosity of contemporary existence and care about the destiny of one's characters... [a] resounding success... not unworthy of Nabokov.' -- The Village Voice (full review) 'Taut and accomplished... Changez's story, which seems to gush from him like blood from a wound, traces the self's shifting sense of itself against the rumblings of a rudely shaken world... Dostoyevskian.' -- San Francisco Chronicle (full review) 'Changez's voice is extraordinary. Cultivated, restrained, yet also barbed and passionate, it evokes the power of butler Stevens in Kazuo Ishiguro's Remains of the Day... brilliantly written and well worth a read.' -- The Seattle Times (full review) 'Some books are acts of courage...
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...Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, and China. It also provides international shipping to certain countries for some of its products. On January 15, 2009, a survey published by Verdict Research found that Amazon was the UK's favorite music and video retailer, and came third in overall retail rankings.[4] History Amazon was founded in 1995,[5] spurred by what Bezos called "regret minimization framework", his effort to fend off regret for not staking a claim in the Internet gold rush.[6] While company lore says Bezos wrote the business plan while he and his wife drove from New York to Seattle,[7] that account appears to be apocryphal.[8] The company began as an online bookstore;[8] while the largest brick-and-mortar bookstores and mail-order catalogs for books might offer 200,000 titles, an online bookstore could offer more. Bezos named the company "Amazon" after the world's largest river. Since 2000, Amazon's logotype is an arrow leading from A to Z, representing customer satisfaction (as it forms a smile); the goal was to have every product in the alphabet.[9] In 1994, the company incorporated in the state of Washington, beginning service in July 1995, and was reincorporated in 1996 in Delaware. The first book Amazon.com sold was Douglas Hofstadter's Fluid...
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...Understanding: |Title of Lesson: |Materials and Resources: | |Reading: |-Reading: Looking Closely At Nature |Reading: | |The students will understand the sound |-Math: Data Analysis/Graphing |Pearsonsuccess.net | |and shape of letter I. The student will |-Science: Capacity |Big book | |understand how to blend words based on |-Social Studies: Important People |Readers/Writers Notebooks | |letter sounds. The student will | |Sound spelling cards | |understand story elements. The student | |Paper/pencils/glue/scissors/crayons | |will understand and generate...
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...chart going around shows that since 2001, college textbooks have increased in price more than 100% while recreational books have fallen in price by a little more than 1%. The consumer price index, meanwhile, has only increased about 30%. Have writing, printing, and supplying higher-education materials increased in cost so much that producers are just trying to pass on the expenses? Likely not. The fact is that consumers of college textbooks typically don't have a choice, making the demand inelastic and allowing publishers to charge prices well above what the consumer may value. While fantastic for publishers' margins, is this bubbly business sustainable? Let's analyze it. The rotating roster of publishers McGraw-Hill Education, now owned by Apollo Group (NASDAQ: APOL ) , Pearson (NYSE: PSO ) , and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt make up the three largest educational publishers. The previous owner of McGraw-Hill Education, McGraw Hill Financial (NYSE:MHFI ) , completed the sale of its textbook segment in March for $2.4 billion in cash, which it is using for share buybacks. Why did McGraw Hill want to divest from its education segment? The company's press release positions the slimmer group as "a high-growth, high-margin benchmarks, content and analytics company." And since completing the sale in March, McGraw Hill's stock has outperformed the S&P 500 by 14%. But was the segment that big of a drag? Not too much. In 2011, its education business brought in 37% of its total revenue...
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...lists of their favourite restaurants for personal use and to share with their closest friends. To generate the first survey, the Zagats polled 200 people and increased that number over time. Executives, tourists and New York foodies alike found the list to be indispensable. Spurred by this success, the Zagats decided to publish a book with their survey themselves. The few booksellers that took a risk in stocking the book were rewarded with sales so robust that the Zagat Surveys became best sellers. The pair also published similar lists for other major cities, including Chicago, San Francisco and Washington DC. In addition to print books, Zagat opened a unit that creates custom guides for corporate clients, like the ones at Citibank. For a long time, this business model was sufficient to ensure that Zagat Survey was successful and profitable. When the dot-com bubble came along, venture capitalists were attracted to Zagat for its brand recognition – the Zagat name is instantly recognisable to fool lovers, travellers and restaurateurs alike. Zagat was one of the first companies to popularise user generated content, collecting restaurant reviews from its readers, aggregating those reviews and computing ratings. In addition to...
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...Ms. Breuer – 8 Book Review 18 October 2012 11/22/63 by Stephen King I have always loved Stephen King and his disturbing ways of writing. After reading 11/22/63, I was amazed at all the different types of writing he is capable of. I first fell in love with Stephen King’s ways after watching the movie It and later reading the book. I have continued reading his books and watching his movies as they are always spine-chilling, exciting, and very creative. I was over-joyed at the thought of him writing a book about one of my favorite periods in history, the 60’s. My parents gave me 11/22/63 the Christmas of 2011. I started reading this book right away. It begins with a 30-year-old man named Jake. He’s a high school English teacher in the year 2011. Almost every night he eats at Al’s Diner where he knows the owner, Al. Al is about 45 years old and full of life, but one day Jake suddenly notices he’s becoming very sick and weak. Turns out Al has been traveling back in time to the year 1960 and experiencing time back then. Al opens up the opportunity to Jake of going back in time, as Al is now developing cancer. Al gives Jake the mission of going back to 1960 and stopping President John F. Kennedy from being assassinated. Along the way, Jake finds himself changing the future as we know it. He ends up in some tricky situations, such as lying about where he comes from and falling in love with a girl with a messed up past. It’s not an alternate reality sort of book, but it is a great...
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