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The Activity and Art of Reading by Adler and Van Doren


Submitted By marciesuter
Words 593
Pages 3
The Activity and Art of Reading by Adler and Van Doren

Abstract Adler and Van Doren argue that a teacher can help students but students must do the learning. We will never truly be done learning; there are things that are taught to us every day. We must be accepting in the fact that we will never know everything there is to know. Even with the best teachers in the world, it is up to the students to open their minds and do the learning.

The Activity and Art of Reading by Adler and Van Doren The authors Adler and Van Doren argue that a teacher can help students but the student must do the learning. It’s very easy to understand their argument, a teacher can guide a student but it is up to the student to open their minds and learn. I believe anyone can learn, we listen to a song on the radio and sing along, we memorize the words and know it by heart. However, it takes something deeper to understand what the artist is trying to get across. Listening to a song and understanding the words is much different than simply singing along. For instance, a teacher is like a gardener, he or she can plant a flower but it’s up to the student to nurture the flower so it can grow and thrive. “Knowledge must grow in his mind if learning is to take place” (Adler and Van Doren; “The Activity and Art of Reading” page 8). I believe the authors are trying to help us understand that the work can be planted or started by a teacher, but must grow and expand by the student. I think this makes complete sense, if I am given the tools to succeed then I must apply them myself. I see the relationship between my instructor and myself as a mentor and protégé. If I allow myself to open up my mind, then my mentor can guide me to success. I believe a teacher can learn a lot from their students. Every student is unique and has a different way of learning; it’s not better or worse,

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