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The American Dream Friedman Summary

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Homework X 2 = The American Dream discusses of raising reading, literacy, math and science is school is the most important factor to increase our economic growth. America faces many changes and challenges in education and governance. Technological has become more important and widens the gap between America and other countries. Friedman mention problems with closing the gap between African Americans, Hispanic, and other minority. However, Friedman discuss what is more damaging is the gap between “average Americans students and the average students in countries that are competitive. Furth more, Friedman discuss how teachers and principals can make an immense different in students education.
The achievement gap can be measure on the level educational between the students especially group by race, socioeconomics and gender. Friedman explain that some results of standardized test do not state the whole account. In the United States, the test score are similar of those students who live in different countries. Freidman point out the some fourth grade Americans scores were equivalence with their …show more content…
According to Friedman teachers need to be more educated with ongoing training. Nevertheless, teacher who perform well in the classroom desire rewards according to Friedman. By rewarding teachers, it will help teachers teach their children better. However, we need to weed out the “Bad” teachers who are in our school system. One question Friedman brings up is “what are the best school systems doing to maintain and attract “Good” teachers? Some teachers are remarkable by choose. The article state that most good teachers come the top high schools and universities. American education is in “crisis” compared to other countries. According to Friedman “we treat education as a Social Issues”. In today’s society, education is not a choice, it’s mandated in every

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