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The Argument Essay: The Problem Of Evil

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The infamous Problem of Evil goes something like, “If God is omniscient, omnipotent, or omni-benevolent, He would erase evil; however, evil exists, so God must not havethose qualities or exist Himself.”. I intend to argue that the argument above is invalid.For clarity, as well as restrictions to personal knowledge, I will approach this argument from a Judeo-Christian background. To start, I believe that the Problem of Evil can be broken up into sections: The existence of evil, the traits of God, and the ‘disconnect’. The existence of evil is a simple premise. Does evil exist--can we see examples of itin the world today? The next premise lays out some commonly-accepted (to Judeo-Christianity, at least) traits of God and seeks to confirm that …show more content…
Diving deeper, it seems important that “evil”be defined. If there is a disagreement in definitions between skepticsand those of faith, then the conversation is null and they are talking past each other. As outlined in the original argument, the arguer seems to believe that injustices are evil, or at least a symptom of evil. That innocence would be violated, lives taken before their time, and inadequacies exist in the world are all traits or symptoms of evil. Or perhaps evil can be defined as anything less than perfection. In a perfect world, wrongswould not be punished—instead,crimeand suffering would cease to exist. To me, this seems to be a more complete definition of evil. By Christian faith, sin is evil and seen as “missing the mark”or falling short of the perfect law of God. So,whether Christian or skeptic, both could agree that anything shy of perfection—although the definition of ‘perfection’may be a point of tension as well—is …show more content…
According to the arguer, the God in question is omniscient, omnipotent, and omni-benevolent—or simply all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving. It seems to me that these traits are limited to the Judeo-Christian understanding of God, or those cultsand sectsbaseddirectly offthat image. Most would agree that these are traits commonly assigned to the person of God, maybe withexceptions or qualifications for “omni-benevolent”. It could be argued by the Christian that “God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose”(Romans 8:28,NIV), and; thus, His loveor goodwillmay be limited to the elect, but it is not uncommon to hear many modern churches proclaim God’s love for all.The omniscience and omnipotence of a god-figure are nearly universal traits—perhaps even necessary to qualify a ‘god-figure’.That said, there is little in this for disagreement; these are commonly said to be traits of God.Finally, there is the conclusion or ultimatum: evil and a good, knowledgeable, all-powerful God cannot exist. There must be a moral deficit, a physical weakness, or the lack of a God altogether if evil exits in the world, for someone with the power to prevent evil is morally obligated to undo it, according to the narrative. Interestingly, there is an implicated moral command and absolute within the argument, and thisassumption is that those withthe power to prevent evil *must* do so or commit an

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