...Classic P90X Monday Tuesday Wednesday Shoulder & Arms, AB Ripper X Shoulder & Arms, AB Ripper X Shoulder & Arms, AB Ripper X Kenpo X Thursday Yoga X Friday Legs and Back, AB Ripper X Legs and Back, AB Ripper X Legs and Back, AB Ripper X Core Synergistics Saturday Kenpo X Sunday Rest or X‐Stretch Rest or X‐Stretch Rest or X‐Stretch Rest or X‐Stretch PHASE 1 Chest & Back, Plyometrics Ab Ripper X Chest & Back, Plyometrics Ab Ripper X Chest & Back, Plyometrics Ab Ripper X Yoga X Core Synergistics Yoga X Kenpo X Yoga X Kenpo X X Stretch Yoga X Monday Chest, Shoulders & Tirceps, Ab Ripper X Chest, Shoulders & Tirceps, Ab Ripper X Chest, Shoulders & Tirceps, Ab Ripper X Tuesday Plyometrics Wednesday Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X Kenpo X Thursday Yoga X Friday Legs and Back, AB Ripper X Legs and Back, AB Ripper X Legs and Back, AB Ripper X Core Synergistics Saturday Kenpo X Sunday Rest or X‐Stretch Rest or X‐Stretch Rest or X‐Stretch Rest or X‐Stretch PHASE 2 Plyometrics Yoga X Kenpo X Plyometrics Core Synergistics Yoga X Kenpo X Yoga X X Stretch Yoga X Monday Tuesday Wednesday Shoulder & Arms, AB Ripper X Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X Shoulder & Arms, AB Ripper X Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X Kenpo X Thursday Yoga X Friday Legs and Back, AB Ripper X...
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... # of Sets Rep Scheme Straight arm pulldown | 2 warm up sets then4 sets- | 8 plus NOS | Reverse grip pulldown | 4 | 8 plus NOS | Bent barbell row | 4 | 8 plus NOS | One arm dumbbell | 4 | 8 plus NOS | Hyper Extensions | 4 sets with bodyweight | | Hamstrings Lying Leg curl in hip extension | 4 | 8 | *Superset with lying leg curl (hip up) | 4 | 8 plus NOS | Stiff Leg Deadlift(“with intention”) | 4 | 8 plus NOS | Day 2-Chest Flat Barbell press (with “intention”) | 3 warm ups then4 working sets | 8 reps Plus NOS | 45 degree* Incline Dumbbell press | 4 | 8 Plus NOS | Flat Dumbbell “Press Fly” (see exercise descriptions) | 4 | 8 plus NOS | Machine Pec Fly | 3 | 8 plus NOS | Superset with pushups | 3 | Faliure | BICEPS Machine Preacher | 2 warm ups then 4 working sets | 8 plus NOS | Seated Dumbbell Curl | 3 | 8 plus NOS | Cable Curl | 3 | 8 plus NOS | Day 3-QUADS Leg Extension | 4 | 8 Plus NOS | Hack Squat | 4 | 8 Plus NOS | Lunge | 4 | 20 | Leg Press | 4 | 20 | CALVES Seated Calve Raise | 3 sets | *ALL 3 NOS | Standing calve Raise | 4 sets | 8 plus NOS | Day 4-OFF Day 5-BACK Wide Grip Assisted pullup | 6 (2 second hold in contraction) | 8 plus NOS | Supported Machine Row | 4 | 8 plus NOS | Two Arm Dumbbell Row (Supported)**Hold for 2 seconds at top of rep. | 4 (30 second rest) | 15 | Deadlift | 3 | 8 plus NOS | HAMSTRINGS Seated leg Curl | 4 | 8 plus NOS | ...
Words: 1880 - Pages: 8
...Introduction Mogul skiing is a fairly new sport that emerged as part of freestyle skiing back in the 1960’s and 70’s (Appelbe, 2010). Moguls are the bumps that are formed when skiers push down the snow as they ski downhill. The formation of moguls happens naturally with time on a frequently used slope. This unstable terrain was challenging to many and soon became a course to run on the slopes. In 1966, the first freestyle event took place in Attitash, New Hampshire but was not yet recognized as a sport. Later, however, the Canadian Freestyles Skiers Association was formed and mogul skiing was recognized by The International Ski Federation. Freestyle skiing was originally broken up into three distinct disciplines which were aerials, ski cross, and moguls. Moguls and aerials became Olympic sports in the early 1990’s, and ski cross became an Olympic sport for the first time at the 2010 Games (Appelbe, 2010). The mogul skiing event is a downhill event where the goal of the skier is to finish the run as fast as possible while maintaining control through a very unstable terrain filled with moguls and they also need to execute tricks and turns to impress the judges. The moguls measure approximately four feet tall and are approximately 3.5 meters apart, the slope also has two small jumps known as “kickers” due to the steep take off. Each mogul slope whether natural or man-made is different so the terrain is never exactly the same. There are several competition events for mogul...
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...complicated part is that the change cannot occur in just one facet of the organization, the change must carry across the organization and the entire supply chain. Drew Schramm finds himself in a difficult position at the Herman Miller organization. His supply chain background is in conflict with the organization’s environmental sustainability position. While he may see easy money to be picked from the savings tree, it has now become forbidden fruit. The Herman Miller organization is committed to their stance of environmental sustainability and Schramm must now take that into serious consideration when making supply chain decisions. Their new chair design, the Mirra Chair, has yet to have a decision made on the construction and materials of its arm pads. They can either use the common polyvinyl chloride (PVC) that violates their cradle to cradle (C2C) protocol standards, thermoplastic urethane (TPU) which meets the C2C standards but is more expensive and unproven with production tooling at higher volumes, or come up with an alternate solution. When one considers the organization’s mission and culture, the choices narrow down to either the safer TPU material or coming up with another solution completely. A company cannot go against their mission and still maintain their credibility with the consumer, industry, and employee base. The use...
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...Press Sets: 3 Reps: 8-10 Rest: 20 Seconds Lie on the bench, grab the bar underhand, and pull your torso up and forward, resting your head on the bench before the rest of your body. Your eyes should be under the bar. This should also cause your knees to bend 45 degrees so that your feet are planted far back—it's OK if the balls of your feet are in contact with the floor—but your heels are in the air. Now switch to an overhand, shoulder-width grip. Lift the bar off the rack and hold it directly above your chest [1]. Squeeze the bar hard and arch your upper back. Lower the bar to just below your nipples [2]. Once the bar touches your chest, push your feet hard into the fl oor (dropping your heels if they're up). Press the weight up, focusing on pushing the bar back slightly toward your face. When the bar is halfway up, begin fl aring your elbows outward to lock it out. That's one rep. B. Exercise 1b Dumbbell Fly Sets: 3 Reps: 8-10 Rest: 20 Seconds Hold a dumbbell in each hand and lie back on a bench as you would to perform a bench press. Press the weights over your chest and turn your palms so that they face each other [1]. Slowly spread your arms and lower them in an arcing motion until the weights are about level with your shoulders [2]. Hold the stretched position for five seconds. Now squeeze your pecs and draw your arms back to the starting position. That's one rep. C. Exercise 1c Partial Lockout Sets: 3 Reps: As many as possible Rest: 90 Seconds Set up as you...
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...broke my arm. It was the middle of an ordinary day in first grade. My class lined up single file to go to P.E. As we drew closer to the gym us kids would become enthusiastic about what we were going to do that day. That day we would happen to be playing banana tag. Banana tag wasn’t a personal favorite of mine, but nevertheless at least it was a game. Once in the gym doors, I headed to sit in my spot on the gym floor. Mr. Hien’s gave us the rules of the game that no one would most likely follow. After he had finished, we were instructed to stand up and he told us we could begin. Immediately most kids sprinted to a surrounding wall, including me. This almost always happened when we played tag. Apparently, we used to believe that we couldn’t get tagged there. Every time the tagger would appear near us, we would fleet to another wall in the gym. Eventually I got bored with keeping it safe and I ventured towards the center of the gym. This was my first mistake....
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...purpose is to maximally contract the muscles of the back and arms – mostly the lats, biceps, and forearms. The rest of the body is meant to remain in enough tension to maintain a rigid structure. With the strict pull-up, the body should not move except for those joints which are required to perform the movement itself, the elbows and shoulders. All other joints should remain relatively stationary, as they shouldn’t contribute to the force production required to execute the exercise. This is the classic exercise that people think of when they hear about pull-ups. (LINK) So, basically you need to increase muscle hypertrophy — in particular, the lat and bicep muscle. You have to train your core too because you have to keep your other parts of the body tense while doing pull-up, so it is easier for you. Below will be the exercises I can think of to improve your strength. If you do it properly, you should be sore the next day. Please do not do the same workout consecutively for two days because when muscles are sore/ torn, they need at least 24-48 hours to repair (usually 24 hours, unless you really trained hard). Switch the muscle group you trained daily, e.g., Monday train back muscles and arms, Tuesday train shoulders and etc. But actually I can’t think of any other part of the muscle that you need to train, so I will just give you what you can do to improve the strength of your back and arms. So as long as you rest on the next day, it is fine. Do some sprinting intervals...
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...[pic] 1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Rest your fingertips on the back of your head. 2. Crunch up toward your knees. Lift your head, shoulders, and upper torso off the mat. Don’t crunch up more than 45° off the floor. 3. As you crunch, keep your eyes on the ceiling, your belly button drawn in, your upper back flat, and your shoulders lowered. 4. At the top of the movement, tighten your abs a bit. 5. Lower yourself back to the mat. Repeat. [pic] You can add extra difficulty to a crunch by performing a weighted crunch, in which you hold a weight plate across your chest or behind your head. Reverse Crunch [pic] [pic] 1. Lie on your back with your thighs perpendicular to the floor and your knees bent at a 90° angle. If it’s more comfortable, cross one ankle over the other. 2. Rest your fingertips flat against the floor. 3. Use your lower abs to roll your pelvis back and lift your hips an inch or two off the floor until your knees are directly over your chest. 4. Keep your head against the floor and your belly button drawn in. 5. Return to the original position. Repeat. To make the reverse crunch more difficult, attach ankle weights to your ankles. Dumbbell Crunch [pic] [pic] 1. Lie on your back with your legs straight on the floor. 2. Hold a dumbbell so it hangs down between your hands. Then straighten your arms. 3. Lift your head, shoulders, and upper torso off the mat by contracting...
Words: 1263 - Pages: 6
...* DRILL SERGEANT PROGRAM Standardized Physical Training (SPT) and Drill & Ceremonies (D&C) Module Book Prepared by: Drill Sergeant Program Proponent Fort Jackson, SC 29207 * * This Module Book supersedes the version dated 26 April 2003. 1 March 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preface ………………………………………………………………………............ 5 History of the Drill Sergeant...................................................................................... 6 History of the Campaign Hats................................................................................... 7 Drill Sergeant Identification Badge........................................................................... 8 Drill Sergeant Creed...................................................................................................9 Soldiers Creed………………………………………………………………………. 10 FORMATIONS 11 Instructional Formation..............................................................................................12 U-Formation………………………………………………………………………... 13 Extended Rectangular Formation............................................................................... 15 STANDARDIZED PHYSICAL TRAINING 17 Conditioning Drill I Bend and Reach...
Words: 36356 - Pages: 146
...physical architecture, industrial design, the psychology of perception, and cross-cultural mono-myth, a new implementation paradigm is proposed to help software architects and developers meet these challenges; one that invites participants to shift their mental model from that of programming network devices to programming the network to which those devices are connected. To accomplish this goal an “affordance-rich message” is proposed; one that is based on shared understanding through network-oriented affordances instead of device-oriented APIs. A working model based on this approach is offered, examples given, and areas of related work identified. Figure 1: From Ericsson : 50b devices by 2020 Keywords HTTP, WWW, hypermedia, networks, SOA, REST, distributed computing, web services, usability, evolvability 1. BACKGROUND In the last several years, the landscape of the Internet has changed noticeably. There are many more connected devices, more connected applications, and thousands of Web ’APIs’ to service them. This represents a new ’ecosystem’ for the Web; one dominated by small devices loaded with specialized applications, all talking across the Web using shared application programming interfaces (APIs). While the shift did not happen all at once, probably the date that best marks the start of this new era in the Web would be January 10, 2007; the day the first...
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...Did you know that one out of every five pitchers get injured at one point in his or her career? Taking care of your arm is crucial if a player wishes to succeed later in their journey to Major League Baseball. A variety of things in the sport of baseball can cause injuries, from overuse to throwing a specific type of pitch. Pitchers need to take car of their arms or they may experience injury. (Visual 3). Practice makes perfect. This is a famous phrase meaning the more you perform a task, the better you will get at it. This theory can be applied to pitching as well. If you repeat the throwing motion repetitively, come game time, pitching will almost be second nature. If a player pitches a great amount early on in their life, pitching will...
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... lean pro- tein, and healthy fats to maximize results. Aim for 1,600 to 1,800 calories spread evenly throughout the day. To keep tabs on your eating, go to prevention. com/healthtracker. THE EXPERT: Tony Caterisano, PhD, exercise scientist and professor in the department of health sciences at Furman University, designed this workout. Written by Marianne McGinnis. Photographs by Tara Donne SAMPLE WORKOUT SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................ DAY MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN ACTIVITY ABS AND CARDIO CARDIO REST ABS AND CARDIO...
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...recover effectively. Your spine is made up of three sections; the top portion or the cervical, the middle portion or the thoracic, and the lower portion or the lumbar (Anderson, Parr, and Hall). When it comes to back injuries, dancers tend to get injured in their thoracic or lumbar regions. The most common injury is frozen back. Frozen back is when the muscles in the back spasm. This is caused by fatigue, hyper mobility, inequalities in the dancer’s leg length, and scoliosis or curvature in the spine. Another common back injury is sprains and strains in the ligaments in the spine. Sprains and strains are injuries in the muscle-tendon units of the body. (Anderson, Parr, Hall) The best way to treat a back injury is R.I.C.E. R.I.C.E stands for rest, ice,...
Words: 2859 - Pages: 12
...______ NAILED IT BARELY MADE IT • DAY 3 “Today is about progress, not perfection.” Today’s Workout: __________________________________________________ Notes: __________________________________________________________ NAILED IT BARELY MADE IT • DAY 4 “It ain’t easy, but it’s worth it.” Today’s Workout: __________________________________________________ Notes: __________________________________________________________ NAILED IT BARELY MADE IT • DAY 5 “First Double Day! Do your best and don’t quit!” NAILED IT BARELY MADE IT Today’s Workouts: _________________________________________________ Notes: __________________________________________________________ NAILED IT BARELY MADE IT WEEK 1 Weight Chest Waist Arm • STATURDAY Thigh 2 ALPHA CYCLE • DAY 1 • WEEK 2 “Weekend is over, now it’s T-time. Let’s get into it.” Today’s Workout: __________________________________________________ Notes: __________________________________________________________ • DAY 2 NAILED IT BARELY MADE IT “Make every minute count.” Today’s Workout: __________________________________________________ Notes: __________________________________________________________ NAILED IT BARELY MADE IT • DAY 3 “Don’t let...
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...anyone. If you suspect you are suffering from tennis elbow, below is your guide to identifying, understanding and treating your elbow pain. What is tennis elbow? Tennis elbow begins as pain, tenderness and/or a burning sensation around your elbow. The pain can radiate down the forearm. When left untreated or undiagnosed, the pain can become so debilitating that you will be unable to grasp objects firmly or extend your arm completely. Pain may be exasperated when: Shaking hands with others Turning door knobs Picking up objects...
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