...recently, the oldest non-compression bee fossil had been found in New Jersey amber, Cretotrigona prisca of Cretaceous age, a corbiculate bee. A bee fossil from the early Cretaceous (~100 mya), Melittosphex burmensis, is considered "an extinct lineage of pollen-collecting Apoidea sister to the modern bees"....
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...Drones are produced from unfertilized eggs and therefore represent only the DNA of the queen that laid the eggs, i.e. have only a mother. Workers and queens result from fertilized eggs and therefore have both a mother and a father. A modified form of Parthenogenesis controls sex differentiation. The sex Allele is Polymorphic and so long as two different variants are present, a female bee results. If both sex alleles are identical, diploid drones are produced. Honeybees detect and destroy diploid drones after the eggs hatch. Queens typically mate with multiple drones on more than one mating flight. Once mated, they lay eggs and fertilize them as needed from sperm stored in the Spermatheca. Since the number of sex alleles is limited - about 18 are known in Apis - there is a high probability that a queen will mate with one or more drones having sex alleles identical with one of the sex alleles in the queen. It is therefore typical for a queen to produce a percentage of diploid drone eggs. [edit]Micrapis Apis florea and Apis andreniformis are small honey bees of southern and southeastern Asia. They make very small, exposed nests in trees and shrubs. Their stings are often incapable of penetrating human skin, so the hive and swarms can be handled with minimal protection. They occur largely sympatrically though they are very distinct evolutionarily and are probably the result of allopatric speciation, their distribution later converging. Given that A. florea is more widely distributed...
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...The Tyranny of the Queen Bee - WSJ.com 3/4/13 6:58 AM http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323884304578328271526080496?mg=reno64-wsj.html?dsk=y Page 1 of 8 John Kuczala The Tyranny of the Queen Bee By PEGGY DREXLER Kelly was a bright woman in her early 30s: whip-smart, well qualified, ambitious— and confused. Even a little frightened. She worked for a female partner in a big consulting firm. Her boss was so solicitous that Kelly hoped the woman—one of just a few top female partners—might become her mentor. But she began to feel that something was wrong. In meetings, her boss would dismiss her ideas without discussion and even cut her off in mid-sentence. Kelly started to hear about meetings to which she wasn't invited but felt she should be. She was excluded from her boss's small circle of confidants. What confused Kelly was that she was otherwise doing well at the firm. She felt respected and supported by the other senior partners. She had just one problem, but it was a big one. One of the male partners pulled The Tyranny of the Queen Bee - WSJ.com 3/4/13 6:58 AM http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323884304578328271526080496?mg=reno64-wsj.html?dsk=y Page 2 of 8 her aside and confirmed Kelly's suspicions: Her boss had been suggesting to others that Kelly might be happier in a different job, one "more in line with her skills." I met Kelly while I was conducting research on women in the workplace. She was trying to puzzle through...
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...Bee Highway Problem Due to an increase of pesticides and urban sprawl bee populations have be decreasing in recent years. In Pennsylvania and New Jersey beekeepers have recorded winter loses of 26-48% and 17-40% in PA and NJ between 2006 and 2009 (SITE xerces) Solution & Goal The idea for the bee highway is to help maintain and increase the current bee population in Philadelphia. Through the use of vacant or abandoned lots throughout the city, recycling wood scraps from building sites and integrating green storm water infrastructure along with planting favored native plants for the bees, an educational and sustainable garden can be created to both educate the public and help the bees. Bee Species With over 4000 native species in North American and over 300 different species in Pennsylvania, bees provide an invaluable workforce for the world that is often over looked. (SITE) It is estimated that the local bee population in PA and NJ facilitate the reproduction and seed improvement of the top fruit and vegetable farms, accounting for a pollination service range from $6-263 million yearly. While not...
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...Honey Bees and Bumblebees are currently being poisoned by your garden, causing their mass extinction. There are many causes of bee life decline, some being: Pesticides, drought, habitat destruction, nutrition deficit, air pollution, and global warming. We are at fault for so many of these death traps, but the biggest harm is pesticides. Everytime you spray your garden with any pesticides (especially those containing neonicotinoids), the poison seeps into the pollen and the bud of the flower. The bee, who’s collecting the pollen from the flower, is now collecting the poison you fed your yard with. These little workers ingest the insecticides, which intoxicates their central nervous system, causes paralysis and then kills them. The issue...
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...The peculiar collapse of honeybee colonies is becoming a global phenomenon. First observed in the United States and parts of Europe over the past decade, there is now developing reports of a decline in China, Japan, and African nations – most notable Egypt. Initial viewpoints for the cause of these occurrences were surrounded by the use of pesticides, specifically neonicotinoids, on crops. However, recent studies by the University of Exeter in the UK provide reasoning as to why the pesticides are not proven guilty of the global honeybee decline just yet. Neonicotinoids are the most prevalent agricultural insecticides, and honeybees ingest residues of the pesticides as they gather nectar and pollen from the treated plants. However, Dr. James Cresswell of the University of Exeter stated that although it is known that neonicotinoids affect honeybees, there is no evidence that they could cause a colony to collapse. While admitting that these pesticides may be harmless, Dr. Cresswell revealed that based on calculations he conducted, pesticides are not the clear cause to this issue. In class, we learned about the extensive use of pesticides and other chemicals in the environment and food industry. Pesticides, by definition, are large and varied group of substances that are specifically designed to kill biological organisms such as weeds, insects, and rodents. Based on the knowledge of pesticides I gathered in lecture and the facts provided by the article, it is a very difficult...
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...We all know the feeling of being stung by a bee, it feels like an annoying pinch your sibling would give to you when you were younger, then right after you wonder, why do these things even exist? Fifty to eighty percent of food supply in the world is affected directly by the honey bee pollination (National Honey Bee). The honey bee pollination is extremely undervalued in our society because most of us are not aware how important it is to our everyday lives. The honey bee population is drastically dropping with twenty-five percent of the bee population disappearing since 1990, and a condition known as Colony Collapse Disorder is the main cause for the major decrease in the last fifteen years (Natural Resources Defense Council). While bees have become known as the summertime nuisance, they could easily be viewed as one of the most important species on earth to humans. We need to be more aware of how these creatures can help us and research may change a person’s perspective on honey bees....
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...Medical Use of Honey Bee Products Apitherapy is the use of honey bee products in treating illnesses and diseases. Apis means “bee” while “therapy” is a treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder. The different products derived from the beehive which can be used in apitherapy are: honey, pollen, propolis, venom, wax and royal jelly. Being from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, we all have been exposed to honey bees and their products in unique ways. Despite our differences, collectively, we share great interest in the application of honey, bee venom (BV) and propolis in contemporary medicinal practices. In the following paragraphs each member shares their personal exposure with bees and why they have an interest in the medicinal use of BV. Mai As a young boy, my father intentionally interfered with bees in order to get stung. Now, being an adult, he is immune to bee stings, showing no signs of inflammation after a bee sting. The first time I got stung by a bee I was 7 years old. It hurt so badly and one thing was sure: “I would not walk in my father’s footsteps, when it comes to the subject bee stings.” In university, a classmate mentioned that BV contains certain chemicals which are beneficial to multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Although my first experience was unpleasant, I started to believe that bees can be useful. Good story: it reveals the sources of your curiosities and it draws out social issues. Morayo “They sting! Keep away!” this was my...
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...Running head: FILM ANALYSIS OF AKEELAH AND THE BEE 1 Film Analysis of Akeelah and the Bee Miranda Clark (5568546) Word Count: 1561 Brock University Running head: FILM ANALYSIS OF AKEELAH AND THE BEE 2 This film is about an 11 year old girl by the name of Akeelah Anderson who has a hidden talent of being a really great speller. However her environment around her seems to interfere with her ability to be more independent and focus on school. Her dad was shot when she was only six, her family ignores her for their priorities such as work, children, and friends. Akeelah joins a spelling being to avoid having to attend detention for her absences at school suggested by her principal and teachers. Akeelah ends up succeeding and making it to the Scripps National Spelling Bee where she ends up winning the competition. I chose this film over the other films that were options because it was a film I have not seen yet as well as I felt like it would be a great film to analyze because of the black community the film is based in due to the fact that a lot of neglect and racism happens in black communities. Depending on the surroundings of these communities, children react differently based on what occurs. In this film, children and youth are depicted very differently depending on their surroundings as well as family situation. Akeelah is growing up in a community where bullying and racism occurs more often due to race and culture. An example of this in the film is when some...
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...Dr. White English 1301 October 26, 2012 The Bee’s Knees are Crippled “The busy bee has no time for sorrow” – William Blake Pollen production has been a growing industry in America since 1865. Not only do bees provide honey for local and national citizens, but the pollen found in most male bees has been proven to help in curing and preventing diseases that have struck those who suffer from seasonal allergies, and the pollen has been most recently used as a vitamin to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Until recently, there has been no debate regarding the extraction of bee pollen for medical purposes. However, changes in Federal Drug Administration (FDA) regulations now threaten the experimental use of bee pollen. In his documentary entitled: Won’t You Please Help Us with the Bees? Jon Stewart argues for the continued extraction and production of bee pollen for medical purposes. Stewart uses many rhetorical strategies in his argumentative film. Stewart details the debate as this: local farmers and beekeepers have, historically, held all rights as owners of the pollen and honey produced by bees. Therefore, farmers and beekeepers who own the bees reserve all rights (and risks) that accompany managing bees and their pollen. However, in 2006, the FDA enacted the Please the Bees Act, which enabled corporations and contractors to “seize the bees” if any potential outbreak of bees threatened the safety of residents who lived near bees. Also, since the pollen has not been inherently...
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...strong aroma and color, that the animals like. They rub against the plants, collecting pollen in their fur, hair, or feathers, and carry it to new plants as they travel. Wind also pollinates plants by carrying pollen from plant to plant. Pollinators are essential for creating and improving our habitats and ecosystems. Recent studies show significant declines in pollinator populations. Hummingbirds, butterflies, bats, ants, and bees are the top 5 pollinators. However, bees are the real MVP when it comes to pollinating, they are the “bees knees”. Sadly, the dwindling number of bee communities, both wild and managed, pose a real threat to agriculture that could result in billions of dollars in economic losses, food shortages, and skyrocketing prices due to supply and demand. Culprits of the pollinator decline are pesticides, habitat destruction, and climate changes. Albert Einstein said, “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man”. We must save our pollinators.. Reducing the use of pesticides, creating habitats by planting vegetation, and spreading the word about the vital contributions of our pollinators. Luckily, the fixes are all easy to implement, and everyone can play apart in saving our local...
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...Second, lack of diverse flowers and limited access to real nutrition are the reasons bee are vanishing. When weed grows on farmlands, cultivated plants do not get lots of nutrition, so farmers use herbicides to get rid of it. Farmers are decreasing the variety of flowers by using herbicides for their own profit. In her speech, Spivak said, “Many of these weeds are flowering plants that bees require for their survival”. In addition, the narrator said, “Like humans, bees do best when they eat a balanced diet from many different sources” (qtd. in It’s okay to be smart). When bees are starved of pollen, or receive from a single plant source, their lifespan and immune functions decrease. In addition, the monoculture of California almond tree leaves the bees few choices of flowers....
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...More than honey The movie takes a good look at bee colonies in the USA, Australia, Switzerland and China. Throughout the movie, its creator Markus Imhoof repeats Einstein’s saying:“When the bee population dies out, humans will die out 4 years later.“ Seems ridiculous and phony, but when you take a moment to think about the fact that one third of our food is pollinated by bees, you start to think differently. One third may be pollinated by bees, but at least another third relies on the pollination of honeybees. Yet the bee colonies are starting to disappear. The movie tries to explain why and how while showing how they are being treated in different environments. The movie describes brilliantly how the bees live: how they work together in their hive from the moment they are born. They remain loyal to their family no matter what and work to create a queen and keep the colony running like clockwork. The movie shows the many reasons that together make the lethal combination for the bees: toxins, transportation and diseases. To say honestly, it is heartbreaking, even for the viewer, to see a beekeeper open a hive and see thousands of little dead bodies on the ground with no particular reason. I guess that is what the movie relies on - the compassion and heart of the viewer. In China, once Mao Zedung told to kill all the sparrow because they eat the seeds on the crops. As a result there were so many insects that they had to start destroying them too. Due to that in some districts...
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...herself and then she makes a calm decision. Silvia Plath wrote this poem in seven five-line stanzas followed by a single line. On one level Plath is simply recalling a personal incident. The story of the poem concerns a task with a bee box. In the first stanza she states that it looks like ‘square’, like a midget’s coffin, heavy and noisy: ‘such a din in it’. The word ‘coffin’ suggests death. The overall description of the bee-box is strange and disturbing. In the second stanza, the bee box both frightens and attracts Plath. She stares in at the bees through a little wire grid. The box is ‘locked’ because its contents are ‘dangerous’. Yet Plath ‘can’t keep away from it’. She examines the box and considers opening it. But she is faced with the threat that what is inside may injure her. Yet, she feels she has to 'to live with it overnight'. In the third stanza, she regards the bees as angry slaves that seek release and revenge: ‘Black on black, angrily clambering’. Through the wire grid she sees darkness. She imagines the bees are like army divisions of blackness that she associates with ‘the swarmy feeling of African hands’. She is in a state of alarm. In the fourth stanza, the buzzing noise puts her off releasing the bees. She fears their bee language and now regards them as an aggressive Roman mob. She describes their language as ‘unintelligible syllables’. Her exclamation, 'small, taken one by one, but my god together!' reveals a fear of being attacked by these 'minute'...
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...a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.” This quote is especially apparent in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God as Hurston uses symbolism to express Janie’s life experiences. Multiple uses of symbols can be found in this story such as the pear tree to follow in Janie’s journey of self awakening. Many symbols focus on aspects of Janie’s identity including the pear tree which is brought to attention throughout the novel. The pair tree in her backyard starts out as representing safety and comfort to Janie. Once she is lying underneath the tree, “She saw a dust-bearing bee sink into the sanctum of a bloom” (Hurston 11). In Janie’s eyes, this interaction of the bees and the blossoms of the tree give a harmonistic moment in nature although the reader is able to interpret such as being a symbol of love given neither bee nor blossom hurt each other. Later in the novel, Janie says “Ah done lived Granma’s way, now I means to live mine” (Hurston 114); she makes it known she too sees the bees and blossoms representing love and marriage only after going through two failed marriages which do not have the same meaningful characteristics as the blossoms do. Throughout the rest of the story Janie not only searches for pure love, but she searches for herself. As she ventures more in her search of self-discovery, she becomes more independent and self aware as to what she wants: happiness and to be treated properly. Janie’s first couple husbands...
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