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Honey Bee Research Paper

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Honey Bees and Bumblebees are currently being poisoned by your garden, causing their mass extinction. There are many causes of bee life decline, some being: Pesticides, drought, habitat destruction, nutrition deficit, air pollution, and global warming. We are at fault for so many of these death traps, but the biggest harm is pesticides. Everytime you spray your garden with any pesticides (especially those containing neonicotinoids), the poison seeps into the pollen and the bud of the flower. The bee, who’s collecting the pollen from the flower, is now collecting the poison you fed your yard with. These little workers ingest the insecticides, which intoxicates their central nervous system, causes paralysis and then kills them. The issue …show more content…
Apparently, twelve years ago, the countries “seemingly healthy bees” and their hives began to vanish, “leaving only the queen bee.” This is referred to as ‘Colony Collapse Disorder’. There have been no reported CCD situations in several years, but that doesn’t mean that the bee community does not still have obstacles to overcome.
In addition, while I interviewed beekeeper Tim Fries, one thing really stood out to me: his passion. He maintains his own hive, and has for three years, now. Mr. Fries not only doesn’t use pesticides in his garden, but he grows plants for the main purpose of feeding bees. When asked what advice he could give others, he replied “Plant a lot of pollen and nectar producing flowers (especially for natives [bees]).
Before beginning this project, I didn’t know much about the Save the Bees Campaign, except that I wanted to learn more. As I researched, I began to see the problem, not only from an sympathetic view but also from a political view. I realized that this is practically animal cruelty and people need to know this. If there could be one thing I accomplish from this project, it would be spreading awareness throughout my

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