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The Best Times of Learning


Submitted By sallycowan11
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Descriptive Paragraph – Final Template
Step 5: Descriptive Paragraph Final Draft

Directions: Turn off the “Track Changes” feature. Copy and paste your edited draft. Select the entire paragraph and choose “Accept Changes” if the document does not automatically make the changes for you. Save the changes to this document; save it as “Descriptive Paragraph Assignment.” Then use the link provided in Blackboard to submit the document to your instructor. I like to ride my pony Lollabye.I like to brush his tail and get grass out of it.He has the markings of a brown and white paint and on his face a little cute star on his fore head. When I am with my pony I feel real happy about life. I like the way when it feels when I ride him I am special. I sometimes ride him through the grape vineyards along besides my parents’ house. I like to gallop and go fast through the rows one by one. I like to gallop through the pastures and get grapes as a walk down the fence line back to the gate. One time I was riding lullaby going real fast through the field he bucked and I almost fell off. I remember I was hanging on to his mane and reigns so tight I felt the burn of my skin blister. Holding on for dear life. I finally got him to pull back and slow down into a trot and then a complete stop. I was holding him stopped. In the fist of my hands one on top of each other. I remember looking in between lullabies ears straight forward so I did not look around and loose balance with the saddle. One ear was going one way. The other one was going the opposite direction. That was the least of my worries at the least of my worries at the time. I was just trying to stay and grab the saddle and stay on.

Honor StatementRead and sign this honor statement prior to submitting your assignment:By typing my name in the space provided, I certify that all words and ideas in my writing assignment are mine alone, and if I used another person’s words or ideas (by summarizing, paraphrasing, or directly quoting), I gave credit to that author, and I also put quotation marks around any direct quotations.By signing my name, I also understand that if I have copied someone else’s ideas or words, I have plagiarized, and I understand that the penalty for plagiarism is course failure.Student Name: ____sally cowan_________________________________ | |

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