...Kendra Manning Ethical Decision-Making Scenarios Worksheet For each scenario, discuss what the helper should do or should not have done. Support your answer with statements from the ethical standards for human service professionals (BOX 9.6 in Ch. 9 of the text) that provide guidance for each issue the helper faces. Your response must be thorough to demonstrate understanding of the ethical standards. Write in complete sentences with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. |Roseanne is a social worker with two preschool-aged children. Wanda, one of Roseanne’s clients, is a single parent who also has a | |preschool-aged child. Wanda has been unable to find work since she was laid off from her position at a daycare center that allowed | |her to bring her young son to work with her. She tells Roseanne that she is desperate for work, but even if she could get a job, | |she would not be able to afford childcare. Roseanne’s own daycare provider has just announced that she will be moving out of state | |at the end of the month. Roseanne is considering offering Wanda a job as her daycare provider. | |Answer: | | | | ...
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...Abstract My story on Diana Ross and the things she has accomplish in her life have inspired me. I have always loved Ms. Ross and what she stands for a go getter, loving, caring and beautiful woman. Ms. Ross has open a brand new world for a lot of black artist of her time, the paths that she has paved for young black female artist are breath taken. She set the stage for how hard work and motivation along with preservation go hand in hand. Ms. Ross was the key element of the Supremes her up-tempo vocals kept her as the lead soloist on most of the songs performed with the group. She impressed when he first heard her voice and he new he had a winner for his record label. Even though it took some years before Ms. Ross performed as a solo artist she still performed with the Supremes until the end. Ms. Ross hit the top of the charts when she became a solo artist and never looked back for several years. She kept the lime life going as she stared in sitcoms, movies, talk shows. Ms. Ross is still singing here and there but mostly spending a lot of time with her family. She is one awesome lady, who I admire and love… My Story on Diana Ross My paper is on the real Diana Ross, who born at Hutzel Women’s Hospital in Detroit, Michigan on March 26, 1944. She was the second eldest of Ernestine, a schoolteacher, and Fred Ross, Sr., a former United States Army soldier. Diana Ross’s real name is Diana Ernestine Earl Ross there was a story to be told if Diana’s name ended in “a” or an “e”...
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...It is no secret that organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year. This is quite a profitable sum, especially when one considers that the Mafia spends very little for office supplies. Reliable sources indicate that the Cosa Nostra laid out no more than six thousand dollars last year for personalized stationery, and even less for staples. Futhermore, they have one secretary who does all the typing, and only three small rooms for headquarters, which they share with the Fred Persky Dance Studio. Last year, organized crime was directly responsible for more than one hundred murders, and mafiosi participated indirectly in several hundred more, either by lending the killers carfare or by holding their coats. Other illicit activities engaged in by Cosa Nostra members included gambling, narcotics, prostitution, hijacking, loansharking, and the transportation of a large whitefish across the state line for immoral purposes. The tentacles of this corrupt empire even reach into the government itself. Only a few months ago, two gang lords under federal indictment spent the night at the White House, and the President slept on the sofa. HISTORY OF ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE UNITED STATES In 1921, Thomas (The Butcher) Covello and Ciro (The Tailor) Santucci attempted to organize disparate ethnic groups of the underworld and thus take over Chicago. This was foiled when Albert (The Logical Positivist) Corillo assassinated Kid Lipsky by locking him in a closet and...
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...Glengarry Glen Ross The Culture of American Capitalism David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross offers its audience a vivid portrait of the plethora of fallacies within a Capitalist-driven society. Within the realms of playwriting, Mamet echoes many of Karl Marx’s same critiques of Capitalism: universal acceptance, unequal distribution of resources, priority of self-interest versus that of the society in which one lives, and the false belief in the fair pursuit of achievement. These critiques are supported through the development of the characters who each represent a specific critique of American Capitalism. In addition to said critiques, Mamet shows how the artificial beliefs and subsequent actions derived from a Capitalistic culture can be counterproductive for an economic system/culture and its individuals. A constant example of this is the portrayal of men in this piece. The characters all associate the worth of a man with his level of success. The problem here is that a constant ideal of American Capitalism is that success is represented by material wealth, rather than an intangible source of self-fulfillment. Strength of intangible values is not the measure of a man, rather his ability to successfully fulfill the monetary-driven duties bestowed upon him by his boss. The successful fulfillment of the duties bring temporary, but instant gratification with the tools to continue to successfully fulfill those duties. Roma is depicted as not only the pinnacle of success in the office...
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...| | COVER STORY Is Wilbur Ross Crazy? Like a fox, maybe. His bets on steel plants, textile mills, and other woebegone assets are risky, but they're paying off A damp November wind blows off Lake Erie and across the Cleveland steel works, leaving a dusting of snow on the hulking metal buildings, many of which have long since fallen into disrepair. A rusting monument to America's industrial past, the Cleveland plant once employed some 18,000 workers who manufactured 500 different kinds of steel used in everything from General Motors (GM ) cars to Maytag (MYG ) appliances. These days, the sprawling site, which spans both banks of the Cuyahoga River, is largely still. Just two mills, manned by about 1,200 workers are still operating, although at something far below capacity. To most observers, the Cleveland plant looks like the last gasp of a dying Rust Belt behemoth, but not to Wilbur L. Ross. Ross is a collector of the junked, the unloved, the wretched refuse of an economy that has mostly given up making things in favor of buying them elsewhere. Ross, who picked up the plant for a song in February, 2002, is almost laughably contrarian. In May, he added mammoth Bethlehem Steel to his International Steel Group Inc. He has also bet big on Japanese banks, Korean insurance, U.S. textiles, and telecom. All are part of his growing empire of the damned. QUICK TURNAROUNDS At 66, an age when peers are looking toward retirement, Ross is taking on more risk, bigger deals...
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...IT’S MY BIKE Debbie Martin was overjoyed when she was selected the new Supplier Quantity Manager for the commercial product division of Cold Air Corporation. In this role, she was responsible for monitoring the quality of component parts for twelve production lines scattered throughout the large manufacturing plant. When she started the new position, Debbie knew she would be faced with many opportunities and conflicts. Her immediate supervisor, the manager of shipping and receiving, was not known as an easy person to work for. He expected his subordinates to have a take charge attitude and to avoid bothering him with trivial issues. What Debbie had not envisioned was just how trivial and non-productive some of the conflicts in her new position would be. She certainly had not expected to be on the verge of a fistfight. Debbie was just starting her shift when she received a telephone call from Ronnie, one of her subordinates. Ronnie was a purchasing parts inspector, and was responsible for inspecting certain incoming parts for all production lines in the plant. He was complaining that the Airhandler Quality team had borrowed “the bike” for a special project and would not return it. He reminded Debbie of his current project and how covering the entire 15-acre plant on foot would only delay completion of the project. Debbie rolled her eyes as she thought about the logistics of inspecting component past’s three separate buildings. She also realized that Ronnie had a...
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...[pic] Training Proposal Fundamental Communication Skills Training for Managers Prepared For: Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness 44 Cooper Square New York, NY 10003 Provided By: Personnel Fusion Consultants Table of Contents ICPH Background: The Institute for Children, Poverty and Homelessness is an independent nonprofit organization that was founded in New York City in 1990. The organization was formed after the late 1980’s when family homelessness rates was increasing in the United States. (ICPH) is a research and development organization that studies the motives of family homelessness and as well, develops data to inform and help enhance public policy for family homelessness. During their past 25 years of service, the Institute of Children, Poverty and Homelessness has been committed to advance statistics as they believe this data is what interests the public and political provision to help with homeless families. Their mission is to study the impact of poverty on family and child well-being and to generate research that will enhance public policies and programs affecting poor and homeless children and their families. ICPH examines the condition of extreme poverty in the United States and its effect on educational attainment, housing, employment...
Words: 3670 - Pages: 15
...ingVALUE-BASED METRICS FOR IMPROVING RESULTS An Enterprise Project Management Toolkit J. Ross Publishing; All Rights Reserved J. Ross Publishing; All Rights Reserved VALUE-BASED METRICS FOR IMPROVING RESULTS An Enterprise Project Management Toolkit Mel Schnapper, Ph.D. Steven Rollins, PMP J. Ross Publishing; All Rights Reserved Copyright ©2006 by J. Ross Publishing, Inc. ISBN 1-932159-25-8 Printed and bound in the U.S.A. Printed on acid-free paper 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Schnapper, Melvin. Value-based metrics for improving results : an enterprise project management toolkit / by Mel Schnapper, Steven Rollins. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 1-932159-25-8 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Project management—Quality control. 2. Performance standards. 3. Work measurement. I. Rollins, Steven C., 1950-. II. Title. HD69.P75S365 2006 658.4′04—dc22 2006001079 This publication contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is used with permission, and sources are indicated. Reasonable effort has been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use. All rights reserved. Neither this publication nor any part thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording...
Words: 27014 - Pages: 109
...Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL TRENDS DISCUSSION Organizational Trends Discussion Team B University of Phoenix Organizational Behavior and Group Dynamics MGT/307 Jack Land October 13, 2011 Organizational Trends Discussion High performance organizations are known as successful businesses. In order for them to be successful, they need to have a strong management to gain that success. The work environment can be a very stressful place to work in, but it can also be very rewarding if managed properly. This paper discusses the characteristics of a high performance organization and stress management techniques. High performance workplaces and organizations are entities that have developed and maintained certain successful processes that allow them to foster employees' commitment/dedication, service their customers effectively, and remain competitive. Examples of those processes are: the organization's culture (When an organization's culture is well defined, employees are more likely to understand it and want to be part of it), the high level of commitment of the employees (with organizational commitment, employees express dedication to the company because they feel a sense of belonging and a sense of duty towards that company), client centeredness (customers are the main reason companies are able to exist. Therefore, when client centeredness takes center stage, the result is complete customer satisfaction, cultural diversity (embrace cultural diversity...
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...Colin Campbell Ross, Joe Arridy, Thomas Griffin and George Stinney all have something in common. Despite all coming from very different backgrounds and very different families they all share one thing in common, they were all wrongly put to death. Each of their cases were revaluated after their deaths and each man was proven innocent, their families were awarded a large sum of money as compensation for the Courts mistakes. But with this fact being said can any sum of money truly contemplate for the loss of a life? Can money truly replace a loved one- a son, a husband, a wife? It is an obvious fact that money cannot buy back a human life. There have been many other recorded cases of executions; cases that were later proven to be innocent and...
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...a photo. Rachel Tilburn Unlike · · Share · 8 hours ago · You, Elle Alpin, Matthew Alpin and 2 others like this. Options Elle Alpin likes a photo. Rachel Tilburn Like · · Share · 8 hours ago · Elle Alpin, Matthew Alpin, Zak Bragg and 5 others like this. Michelle Hill You look fab Rach! Lovely photo xx 7 hours ago · Like Options Elle Alpin likes a photo. Josie Flint GBF 4Eva! — with Matthew Alpin. Like · · Share · 3 hours ago via Mobile · Matthew Alpin, James Jarnold Arnold and 2 others like this. Options Elle Alpin likes a status. Richard Burke This time next year will be my first fathers day as a daddy....... Cannot wait!!! Like · · Sunday at 10:29 near Bromley, England · Elle Alpin, Ross Braganza, Dawn Franks and 7 others like this. Kirsty Ann Whitfield wow congrats guys! another baby in the family! xx Monday at 21:28 · Like Richard Burke Thanx Kirsty, yeah another one. Lol. X Monday at 21:48 via Mobile · Like Options Elle Alpin likes a photo. Richard Burke...
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...Zinc Chemistry Term Paper Dr. Joyce Sherpa Mt. Hood Community College By Julianne Sorensen Zinc comes from the German word Zinc or spelter. Zinc is a metallic chemical element. The symbol for Zinc is Zn and its atomic number is 30. There are a variety of zinc compounds that are commonly used, zinc carbonate, zinc gluconate (used as a dietary supplement), zinc chloride (used in deodorants), zinc pyrithione (anti-dandruff shampoos), zinc sulfide (in luminescent paints), and zinc methyl or zinc diethyl in the organic laboratory. (Wikipedia) Zinc is of great importance to public health as an essential mineral. Zinc deficiency’s affect about two billion people worldwide and is associated with many diseases. Zinc deficiencies were first recognized in 1961, when diets with low zinc bioavailability due to high phytic acid content were associated with adolescent nutritional dwarfism. Children are affected the most by Zinc deficiencies and it is estimated Zinc deficiencies contribute to about 800,000 deaths per year. It causes growth retardation, delayed sexual maturation, infection susceptibility, and diarrhea. (Wikipedia) The role Zinc plays in growth and development, the immune response, neurological function, and reproduction are very important. Zinc’s function on a cellular level is divided into three sections; catalytic, structural and regulatory. Catalytic Enzymes depend on zinc for their ability to catalyze vital chemical reactions. Zinc plays an important role in...
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...CHATTANOOGA CASE ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT 2 Chattanooga Case Analysis Assignment 1 Tomas Thomson Jack Welch Management Institute Dr. Earl Richardson JWI 510 November 14, 2015 Abstract The goal of this paper is to analyze the Chattanooga Ice Cream Case. The Chattanooga Ice Cream case is a case study where senior officers of a food company have opposing views for turning a declining business around during a crisis. The general manager, Charles Moore is faced with several challenges. He has a consensus-oriented style that asks for his team’s opinion before making a decision. His style might not be the best for this situation. He is faced with choosing several competing ideas, managing conflict within his team and a quickly approaching deadline. Keywords: Conflict, Peer Relationships, Conflict Resolution Style, Group dynamics, Interdepartmental Relations, Management communication, Candor, Teams CHATTANOOGA CASE ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT 2 Charles Moore’s conflict resolution style, indecisiveness, and management of group dynamics drove his business unit to near failure. By modifying his style, Charles Moore can turn his team and company around from near failure to a profitable division. Case Analysis: Introduction – Background on Chattanooga Chattanooga Ice Cream, Inc. was founded in 1936 as a subsidiary of Chattanooga Food Corporation. The Ice Cream Division was one of the largest regional ice cream manufacturers in the United States...
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...The detective stories (or detective fiction) are a subgenre of crime fiction and mystery fiction in which an investigator or a detective—either professional or amateur—investigates a crime. These types of crimes are usually murder. The value of crime fiction, and by extension the value of collecting crime fiction works, has been debated at length. John Carter explained, in the 1930s, that, for crime fiction: The detective story shows every sign of having come to stay. As a literary form it is not yet 100 years old, and there have not been wanting during its most recent heyday (which is still going on) certain crabbed person to prophesy that such a boom must end in a slump, with the implied, or sometimes explicit rider that the sooner this happens the better for the republic of letters. (1934/ 1947, pp. 453– 454) One of the earliest examples of detective fiction is Voltaire's Zadig (1748), which features a main character who performs feats of analysis. Detective fiction in the English-speaking world is considered to have begun in 1841 with the publication of Poe's "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" itself, featuring "the first fictional detective, the eccentric and brilliant C. Auguste Dupìn". Poe devised a "plot formula that's been successful ever since, give or take a few shifting variables." Poe followed with further Auguste Dupin tales: "The Mystery of Marie Rogêt" in 1843 and "The Purloined Letter" in 1845. Arthur Conan Doyle had a longstanding interest in mystical subjects...
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...Consensual Relationship Agreement Case Study Tamiliah S. Spivey Dr. Gail Ferreira BUS 520- Leadership and Organizational Behavior April 22, 2012 Introduction: My paper will interpret the issues that may arise when there are relationships in the workplace where I presently work. For any organization to thrive and be successful in a recession and other companies that are competition, they must have certain policies and procedures in place. The current consensual relationship agreement that we presently have in place at Clarks Companies specifically entails if there is a consensual relationship between a supervisor and subordinate, they would need to contact human resources as soon as possible. The reason being is the other employees that may have knowledge of the relationship will say that they are receiving preferential treatment because they are dating someone they report to. Consensual Relationship Agreement – Arguments: I feel that having and using the consensual relationship agreement can protect our workers and they will feel comfortable with coming into work and not worried about being retaliated by the individual they were dating, especially if they were the one to end the relationship. While some companies prohibit workplace relationships, Clarks Companies know that it’s inevitable while working in a company of 500 employees, we try to give them the tools needed to use good judgment if they find themselves being in a relationship with someone they work with...
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