Premium Essay

The CORPSE: Night Watchman Of The Forensic Anatomical Institute

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Words 1751
Pages 8
It was at midnight when the Antonio Peña, the chief of the police, received a call from work. Angel Torres, the night watchman of the Forensic Anatomical Institute, was in the hospital because he had been run over a couple of hours ago. Apparently he was escaping from someone or something.
Monica González, another chief from the police, told Antonio that the only clue that they had, was a call Angel made last night asking for a police patrol,but when they return the call he didn’t answered. Monica thought that he ran away because of a bad joke; according to the records there was a corpse missing. The missing body was from …show more content…
There he saw a estrange box with his wife’s name. He opened it very cautiously and discovered a liquid. It was the same he used to kill his wife, so he took it and hided in his pocket. Antonio entered at the exact moment to saw that Alex hid something. So he questioned him. Alex answered so nervous that Antonio started checking him, and found the bottle Alex hid in his pocket. So he remove it from him for examination. Also he noticed that the Mayka’s phone was missing. Alex was even more nervous than minutes ago, that made him look guiltier. But Alex knew he didn’t take the phone. That mean someone forced the padlock of the locker in which Mayka’s personal objects were, took the phone, and left the liquid in there. There he started to suspect that someone knew what he …show more content…
Antonio took Alex to the place where the secure cameras were disconnected, to show him that at the top of the room was a calendar that showed the date March 20th, 2012. Apparently the person who took the body changed the date of the calendar and the password of the door, which was also the same date, to get out of the room. The strange thing was that the password was the same of his work office, and only Mayka knew that password. This date was the date Alex met his lover Carla Miller. At that moment he started to think that Mayka was still alive, and knew he was cheating on her. So she was trying to play with him in revenge of his infidelity
Later, Antonio transferred Alex to a room with extreme security where they could see all what he was doing and hear everything. And another thing happened. Alex found the window of the room wide open, and at the edge of it he found a cup of the same wine he gave to his wife with the toxin that “killed her”. Suddently his phone started ringing. He looked at it and saw the name “Mayka”. Very nervous, scared, and panicked, he answered the phone but no one answered on the other

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