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The Civil War: The Missouri Compromise

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The Missouri Compromise settled the question of slavery for many years in the United States. It's repeal would bring so much conflict that it would lead to the Civil War. Missouri applied for statehood on December 18, 1818. This created a huge problem because the Northern states refused to even allow another slave state to join the Union. A compromise developed when Maine applied for statehood in 1819. Maine could join as a free state to balance out Missouri joining as a slave state. By the year 1820, the compromise had been realized. The first step was that Missouri and Maine would be admitted to the Union, one as free and the others as slave. In 1845 the Missouri Compromise was revoked as part of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The revoke was more impactful than the compromise itself. It effectively settled the question of slavery from 1820 to 1854, it's revoke began the sectarian conflict which eventually brought the United States into the Civil War. …show more content…
It struck a balance between the large slave states in the South and the smaller Northern states that had terminated slavery. The South wanted slaves to be counted as people when it came to the representation in Congress, but still wanted them to be considered property. But the North didn’t believe that to be fair. So that’s when they came up with the ⅗’s Compromise. This compromise states that only ⅗’s of the number of slaves would be counted. Southern states had a much smaller population count, and therefore, fewer members in the House of Representatives. The ⅗’s Compromise led to the Civil War because of the representation in congress, not the slaves having to do with it

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