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The Coming World Order


Submitted By evan4mc
Words 882
Pages 4
Over the past year in international relations clearly manifested several trends that suggest the beginning of a new political phase. Period replaced the Cold War ended. Upcoming events is hardly possible to predict, but the main factors that will determine the future development are evident now. Just make a reservation: in the scope of this article were very important points, such as the beginning of the spread of nuclear weapons, a progressive weakening of the system of international governance, expansion of the incident or failed states, and others.

Recent advances in technology have created a single world market of labor and capital. The ability to act as a high use value, regardless of their location in alignment rates worldwide. In recent years, this factor of a price equalization were used nations with abundant cheap labor and the people who have access to cheap capital. Some argue that the current era of rapid technological progress the merit of work, and some argue that it is a merit of capital. What both camps infringed is the fact that the technology not only integrates with existing sources of labor and capital, but also creates new ones.

Machines replaced the principal amount of types of human labor than ever before. How do they reproduce themselves, they also create more capital. This means that the real winners in the future will not be providers of cheap labor, or the owners of ordinary capital, both of which will be shorter for automation. Luck is in favor of a third group: those who can innovate and create new products, services and business models.

Distribution of income for this creative class, as a rule, take the form of law, with a small amount of winners capture the majority of awards and a long tail, which consists of the other participants. Thus, in the future, the ideas are really scarce in the world with a few exceptions, and those

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