Premium Essay

The Common Causes of Sports Injuries


Submitted By Citron13
Words 649
Pages 3
Cerone Brown

Professor Cawley

Eng. 101

May 11, 2012

The Common Causes of Sports Injuries.

Sport injuries are an epidemic in the U.S. and there’s little anybody can do

to stop them. The good part of partaking in athletics is that it’s a great way to get

and stay in shape. The bad part is suffering an injury in competition can flush a

potential winning season down the drain. The ugly is that a sports injury can effect

more than just a season; it can affect an athlete’s life even when he/she stops

playing. Since sports injuries are so prevalent, I will explore specific ways to help

Prevent such painful acts to occur. Pay attention and be sure to consider the tips on

the causes and prevention of sports injuries.

Stretching and warming up is focal step in the attempt to prevent injuries.

Growing up playing numerous of sports, I was always told to stretch before playing.

Stretching before playing was emphasized by my coaches so I wouldn’t pull a

muscle. Warming up is a four-step process. The steps include gentle loosening, some

form of aerobic activity, static stretching and sport specific exercise (Bird). I always

thought warming up was a one step thing. Meanwhile stretching and warming up

does numerous of good things for the body to help prevent a nagging injury.

Enhancing flow of blood to the muscles by increasing the heart rate, warming up

muscles, tendons and ligaments are the main results for stretching before play. This

is based upon the knowledge that cold muscles, tendons and ligaments are less

elastic that warm ones and the hence are more likely to tear when stretched (Bird).

This reality explains when a pulled muscle comes into play.

Have you ever played a game where two people race toward

each other in a car and the first one to give up wins! The game is

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