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The Concept of Leader


Submitted By md585876
Words 440
Pages 2
Malcom Dennard
Professor gay
Eng. 1101
17 October 2013

The concept of leadership

What defines leadership to you? What exactly is a good leader? Well if you ask me I would say anyone can be a leader, it just depends on the situation. To me, a great leader was Martin Luther King Jr. I say him because, at the time of the situation he lived in they needed someone to step forward and help lead others. When is the best time to be a leader instead of a follower. I would say that the best observer is the best leader. Since they can see when and where leading is needed. For instance when Mahatma Gandhi decided the time was right for him to step forward and lead his people. What caused Gandhi to stop watching and start leading was when the British had colonized India. Gandhi had seen how unhappy the people of his country really were. I feel like what Gandhi did was awesome, along with many other great leaders.
When I ask myself what a great leader consists of I would say it doesn’t matter and this is my opinion due to my leadership training. You could also, look at history a see all of the people who became leaders by the circumstances not by choice. Such as George Washington and how he became president due to how he handled the war. Not by his chose, because he did great with the pressure at the circumstances. Even though some may say he was dishonest, he was all for himself and very uncaring. Although, I would say that not every person is a great leader at all situations. The thing I would say that mostly defines a leader, is there personal experiences. Along with their knowledge of different situations and there vast understanding of what people go through personally. I say this to say that a good leader to me must be understanding and willing to listen to all other ideas. Not just always thinking they are the only one with a good idea. Or the right way

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