Free Essay

The Crab


Submitted By zjones10100
Words 4739
Pages 19

ITT Tech Student Portal

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...A crab meat processing company is located in a small town on the eastern shore of Maryland is a family business that supplies crabmeat to various restaurants in the city. The business is headed by John Smith, the president and the stockholder of the company. He has primary responsibility of receiving orders from customers and overseeing the crabmeat production process. Aside from those, he also takes charge of opening mails, signingams and inputting them into General Ledger program. At the end of the month, she analyzes the company’s trial balance and open balances in accounts payable and accounts receivable. Tommy Smith, the son of John and Susan, is the company’s shipping manager. Aside from handling shipping activities, he helps John is overseeing the production of crabmeat. The company also hires and office worker, Debbie Jones. Her parents have been friends with Smiths for more than ten years. She began working for the company 6 months before the theft and upon graduation from high school, she began working full time. As an office worker, Debbie is mainly responsible for billing customers by entering sales data into accounts receivable program and recording the receipt of cash and checks which she also enters in the same program. She shares a lot of responsibilities with Susan such as preparing bank deposit Whodunit? Causal Analysis for Counterexamples - Electrical ... Hubara kining panira A whodunit, for “who done...

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Oceanography Field Guide

...a crucial source of food to larger, more familiar aquatic organisms such as fish and whales. The common jellyfish feeds by collecting medusa, plankton and mollusks with its mucus bell nematocyst-laden tentacles and bringing the prey into its body for digestion. They are found throughout most of the world’s oceans. They do not have respiratory parts such as gills, lungs, or trachea. It is a small organism, so it respires by diffusing oxygen from water though the thin membrane covering its body. It is probably rare for these to live more than about six months in the wild. The hermit crab species have long, spirally curved abdomens, which are soft. The abdomen is protected from predators by a salvaged empty seashell carries by the hermit crab, into which its whole body can retract. As the crab grows in size, it has to find a larger shell and abandon the previous one. If the hermit crab cannot find a well-fitting shell, it will most likely be eaten. Sea cucumbers are echinoderms from the class Holothuroidea. They are marine animals with leathery skin and an elongated body containing a single, branched gonad. Sea cucumbers are scavengers found on the sea floor worldwide. They all have an endoskeleton just below the skin. They catch collagen that forms their body wall. This can be loosed and tightened at will, and if the animal wants to squeeze through a small gap, it can...

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Argoterrorism: Pinky And The Brain

...While I was reading about Agroterrorism, I thought back to the old children's cartoon, Pinky and the Brain and it always starts the same with Pinky asking brain "what are we going to do tonight?" and Brain always replies, "Same thing we do every night, try to take over the world." Now, if in one of the episodes, Pinky and the Brain had attacked the agricultural infrastructure, they would have accomplished their goals of world domination. Agriculture in the United States is a trillion dollar industry as well as being a major player in the exporting of goods which amounted to 68 billion in 2006 alone.(Olson, Dean. 2012. Argoterrorism: Threats to America’s economy and food supply. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 81) This makes for a very appealing...

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Crabs in a Bucket

...When crabs are in a bucket, why do they continue to pull each other down? Crab bucket syndrome is often used to describe social situations where one person is trying to better himself and others in the community attempt to pull them back down. Case in point, as a crab tries to release himself from the bucket, the other crabs look as though they are trying to pull the crab back into the bucket; so it seems. Booker T Washington in one of his lectures fittingly described the black race by stating, “We are like crabs in a basket, that none would allow the other to climb over, but on any such attempt, all would combine to pull back into the barrel the one crab that would make the effort to climb out.” (160-170) Some crabs are aquatic by nature therefore when they are placed in a bucket to be consumed it is natural instinct for them to try to escape anyway possible. The same thing has been said of black people, “if you place them into a bucket, they will eventually pull each other back in, so no one can escape.” Eventually they will consume or destroy each other. If you remove something from its natural habitat. It has to transform itself. Just like taking a man from Africa from his native surrounding and placing him onto a ship, with 400 others suffering with him from inhumane conditions. What will he do? By trying to escape the bucket he fights his own kind, strictly to stay alive or maybe the others already know his fate. Perhaps they are trying to either, pull him back...

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Premium Essay

Pillips Foods

...In this case, Ron Birch, product manager for the new pasteurized king crab of Phillips Foods, needs to make a decision for the phase II of launch of king crab. He planned to continue the magazine strategy used in phase I, but Cherry Stockworth, vice-president of marketing of Phillips Foods, recommended him to use the budget to support half of cost of International Boston Seafood Show. According to the information given in this case, I don’t think this is an either-or choice, and my recommendation for Ron Birch is to decrease the cost of ads in trade magazines, change the content of ads in magazines before and after the IBSS, and support the IBSS in March SWOT Analysis of King Crab of Phillips related to Trade Show Before analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of two strategies, I would like to conduct a SWOT analysis of king crab, because making a suitable strategy for king crab required us to understand the current situation first. Strength: Phillips is a well-known company which has 14 plants around the world. The economies of scale could help Phillips decrease production cost, and the save from production could be used in marketing campaign. The new product, king crab, of Phillips has enough appeal to customers because of publicity of media such as the Discovery Channel, which would subsequently attract business customers. Phillips’s king crab have an 18-month long shelf time with pasteurization, which could also benefit the buyers because of less pressure to sell it in...

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