There are many people who think we should get rid of the death penalty. Saving Accountability Full Enforcement (SAFE) is one of them. They think the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. So is walking into a military facility with an automatic weapon and killing thirteen unarmed civilians, or walking into a Colorado movie theatre and killing twelve people and injuring fifty eight. So, should we get rid of that? Of course we should. But can we? I think it is cruel and unusual for someone to die who did nothing wrong. But in these particular cases, the perpetrators should be put to death immediately! Maybe the death penalty is unconstitutional, but so is mass murder. It’s shocking how in America you can commit such un-humane acts yet still be treated like a human. I don’t believe everyone who commits murder should be put to death, but there are some that should. Although murder is murder and one is not worse than the other all those should not be given the death penalty. It should be reserved mass murderers or terrorist (as we like to call them, although I don’t see the difference). If I know I’m going to die for killing twelve people, maybe I do not go in movie theatre and shoot them. But if I know I’m going to go to a prison and still receive food and water, and my family can come and visit me, it makes it easier to commit such a crime. Not only should these people be put to death, they should be put to death immediately! The families of the Fort Hood shooting are still suffering. But the person responsible is still walking around. I do believe in the judicial system however, some things should be taken care of sooner rather than later. When you have undisputable evidence, you should have an undisputable result. Death! SAFE also says that revenge is one of the lowest human emotions and to kill someone that has killed someone close to