...applied in this area, e.g, game flow theory[3]. Based on the literature review [4], there are a list of strategies referring to game design: achievements - players will really love and keep them engaged as long as new achievements are created; challenge - gameplay should provide...
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...students the life cycle of a product. This includes different stages like the introduction, growth, maturity and decline stages. The process starts from extracting raw material and producing it to the final good. The process of supply chains sounds simple, however there are many steps to take into account. The steps include planning, purchasing,production,transportation, storage & distribution. Supply Chain is the part of the business that “glues” the different parts of the organization. Students majoring in this field must first plan out a career pathway, gain experience through internships and complete a degree in Supply Chain Management if they plan to reach their goal. Review One of the problems faced by students is planning out a career pathway. Choosing a specific career pathway for a college student can be difficult, because students have difficulties figuring out where they would want to be in the next 6 to 7 years. In the world we are living in today, there are so many fields that could that students could excel in. As students have limited knowledge in these various fields, this could confuse them. The second problems students could face is gaining internships. It is extremely important for a student who wants to succeed in this field to have experience working for a logistic firm. A college student biggest problem is time management. It can be difficult for students to complete their assignments and prepare for the test while applying for internships. The main reason...
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...|Administration Officer | |Vacancy Reference: |QLD/202653/16 |Closing Date: |Friday, 29 January 2016 | |Designation: |Administration Officer |Classification: |AO3 | |Section: |Evidence Preparation - Supervisor, Telecommunications |Salary: |$55,812 - $62,235 per annum | | |Interception Unit (TIU) | | | |Branch: |Covert Specialist Operations Group |Contact Officer: |Detective Senior Sergeant Ash | | | | |Durre | | | | |(07) 3364 4487 | |Command: |Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism & Major Events Command | | | |Location: |Brisbane |Date of Review: |December 2015 | ...
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...Initial Aims This report assesses the validity of Hebdige’s work on class and subcultures in the context of a distinctly international perspective: the Zephyr Boys Skateboarding team, founded in Dog Town, California, circa 1975. Key Questions • Can Hebdige’s Marxist-based, class-centred approach support the ethos of the Z-boys? Or does the Z-boys website reveal a more active dialogue between the subculture and processes of capitalism, rather than perpetuating a working-class incitement to overthrow the dominant? • The Z-boys website highlights the multicultural, multiethnic aesthetic of the 1975 skateboarding team. Does Hebdige’s citing of black culture’s role in the formation of punk help locate the inter-racial influences of the Dogtown skating scene? Or does Hebdige’s insistence on the metropolitan render the ‘ethnic’ experience a historically specific moment with essentialist characteristics? • In relation to the above, is Hebdige’s London-based study congruent with the California skating/surfing scene of the early-to-mid 1970s? Do the Z-boys conform to Hebdige’s notion of the ‘spectacular’? • McRobbie and Garber identify a patriarchal discourse within Hebdige’s work, in which they suggest ‘(girls) are absent from the classic subcultural ethnographic studies, the pop histories, the personal accounts…of the field’ (Gelder & Thornton (eds).1997, p112). Does this assertion coincide with the difficulties in applying a structuralist approach to the analysis...
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...AWARDS: FIVE SCHOLARSHIPS IN THE AMOUNTS OF: $1,000, $600, $400 and $250 (2X) ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be 14-19 years of age. Applicants must be members of a Conservative congregation. The scholarship will apply to any Conservative Movement sponsored Israel program (including Israel programs taking place from June 1, 2014 and on). THEME OF THIS YEAR’S ESSAY COMPETITION: “WOMEN IN ZIONISM: PAST AND PRESENT” This year’s contest celebrates the upcoming 30th anniversary of the ordination of women as Conservative Rabbis. ESSAY FORMAT: Choose one of the questions below, making sure you answer all parts of the question: 1) Jewish women have been involved in Zionism, and later the State of Israel, from its early years both in Eretz Yisrael and in the Diaspora. Choose two women actively involved in Zionism or the Zionist movement: one from the pre-State years or the first three decades of the State of Israel (1935-1978, either from Eretz Yisrael or the Diaspora) and one involved today (2004-2014, again from either location). a. Give a short history of your chosen figures, explaining why you chose those two women. b. Compare and contrast the challenges faced by both women in their advancement towards leadership in the Zionist Movement and/or Israeli politics; what pathways were open to them, their experiences and successes. 2) Women in Israel have been guaranteed equality since the dawn of the State. The Israeli Declaration of Independence states, “The State of Israel… will ensure complete...
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...acquire advanced applications of e-commerce effectively. Trade transactions B2B (Business to Business) will gradually gain advantage over others. Mr. Vinh said, although the chance of developing e-commerce in Vietnam is very optimistic, there are also many challenges such as the lack of human resources for e- commerce, an under developed ICT infrastructure and particularly the unformed legal environment and policies. In fact, most enterprises only hear of e-commerce but do not know about its benefits and the conditions for joining e- commerce. Indeed, the e- commerce concept is still strange to the majority of the public. Very few enterprise leaders and management officials have any basic knowledge of e-commerce and human resources for applying, exchanging and developing and the business skills of e-commerce. Additionally, dispute settlement in e-commerce is unformed. According to the Ministry of Trade’s E-commerce Department, Vietnam should set four main targets to develop e-commerce: - About 70 per cent of large enterprises to conduct B2B...
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...Web site design and Information Koby Creswell BIM Fa15 I decided to do my analysis on a website over the Centre for Sustainable Design because it is something in my free time that I really hold a passion for ever since I was introduced to it about four years ago. The design of a website, as a whole, still involves many of the same principles as a linear document. That is, contrast, alignment, repetition and proximity should be consistent throughout the site. Choosing logical flexibility within these design elements can enhance a website to a desired level. On the flip side, overemphasizing differences between pages can lead to a poor design. The following analysis strays from applying the design principles in a traditional sense as I take a look how they are applied to the document as a whole. The Centre for Sustainable Design maintains a simple, yet professional appealing website. Style decisions using contrast on a black background for the homepage give the site a preliminary degree of credibility because it has been made known that the majority believes that white and black contrast is the easiest to read. Of course there is a san-serif font, like most other websites because serifs seem to be more difficult to read on a computer screen. Repetition in the focal graphics on the homepage begins to lead the audience to a comfort level within the site. The general template remains the same, with the navigation being on the left and the top, maintaining its black color and...
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...Step one: Understand why a covering letter is important 2. Step two: Draft the letter 3. 1 Say why you're writing 4. TOP TIP 5. 2 Show that you're interested 6. TOP TIP 7. 3 Tell them why they need you 8. 4 Suggest an interview 9. Step three: Remember the essentials 10. Common mistakes 11. [N] You use a covering letter template from a book 12. You use the same covering letter for all your job applications 13. STEPS TO SUCCESS 14. Useful link When you send in your CV to a manager or recruiter to apply for an advertised vacancy or to let him or her know that you are looking for work, you'll normally send a covering letter too. If you're applying for an existing vacancy, your covering letter should briefly describe the position you're applying for and where you saw it advertised, why you are particularly qualified for the job, and why you want to work for that specific company. If you're approaching an agency to register your CV as part of your search for a new job, you should describe the type of job you're looking for, the skills you have that would make you an attractive candidate, your current salary, and any preferences you may have in terms of location. In all cases, a good covering letter can give a sense of who you are that may not come across in a CV. When you come to write your letter, remember to think about its tone, how you are describing yourself and your skills, and also remember to include the results of any research...
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...The management therefore takes quite some time to ensure that the employees get along. This has to be done to enable every single employee feel engaged within the organization. The website identified for this study is Apple Company website. The company clearly highlights the reason it identifies diversity among its staff. The website also highlights on what it aims to benefit from a diverse force based on its quest for more innovation. When the term diversity is searched a series of plans the company has for diversity pop up (Apple, 2016). For instance the plans it has for the present workforce, future plans, job creation by identifying diversity, its policy on diversity and inclusion and diversity based jobs. The material on diversity is related to the organization’s plans for innovation as it targets to have a workforce that have different ideas that will enable it come up with unique products. The mission and goals are all inclined with the plans the company has for a diverse workforce (Apple, 2016). Potential employees and customers will be able to know by logging onto the website the immense opportunities the organization has and will not hesitate working with them. The information on diversity is current because the management has put in place plans that will see it implement diversity even in future. The opportunities available for students under diversity can clearly justify this plan. The picture on the page symbolizing show a team of individuals from different...
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...Introduction: Graduating high school students often have a short period of time to think about what career path they would like to have in the future. Some are pressured to follow the footsteps of their parents, some are applying for the course because it sounds easy while some are applying for the course because of the big profit that the future job can offer. According to Vince Silva (2014) an engineering student, one of the major factors that have been affecting college students to graduate earlier is the shifting of courses of the college student, especially after the first to second year of experience of the student's studies. Shifting of course is a way of college students to change their chosen program to another that may have been chosen by many. In this generation many college students shift courses because of personal, social, and educational conflicts. Shifting courses became a delay for the progressing development of the country even in the Philippines. It is commonly experienced these days that a good number of freshmen students shift from one course to another every semester. It has always been a burden on the part of the student's immediate superior who approved the shifting of courses. In fact, the incidence of indecision in occupational choice among college students has become a burden to some faculty members in college level, since shifting is a product of irrational decision which is notably interferes with the educational growth of the students. According...
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...students are enhanced in vocabulary, reading, and sight word acquisition. The student reading levels also increases. The use of the internet helps enhance students thinking skills and problem solving skills. Evaluate specific ways you will use technology to help build communities in your classroom( or future classroom). There are several ways educators can use to build communities in the classroom. Wiki is one way to build communities in the classroom because it offer an environment for the students to come together in a learning-building community. Wiki is a type of website that allows users to ad, remove, or edit and change available content. Blogs is another way to build community in the classroom. Blogs are intended for people to use as personal diaries or journals for individuals to post their own thoughts, ides and opinions. Blog writers can link to many different websites. They also can link to other blog that might refute the opinions expressed in one’s...
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...What I can say reflecting back on this class that I learned a lot. When I first started, I had no clue what this class was going to be like. All I heard that it was going to be a lot writing and essays. So at the start of the class, I was having a little bit of difficulty grasping the 100 word policy because I was used to writing the five sentences from Unv. 103, after my first post in the DQ discussion, I knew that this 100 word policy was serious. When the assignments came out for the week, I started thinking about what I wanted to type for answers and making sure I was following the 100 words policy the instructor was asking for. After practicing I started typing 100 words with ease, and I really felt comfortable typing answers to my DQ Questions. The only thing that I had trouble with in this class was the expository essay, because it has since high school since I last wrote some kind of essay. So I was kind of freaking out because it had been a long time and I wanted to do a good job. When we started using the GCU Library to find resources, it was a little hard at first, but after some practice it got easier. With learning how to find resources, also learned how to use the Purdue Online Writing Lab. The website had so much information how to write an effective essay from start to finish. After writing my first paper in several years, I actually did good job with the paper. I plan on using the skills I learned in this class, and applying to my next course. I understand...
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...Executive Summary This report explores the possibility of a merger between Visy and HP. I will show in this essay that the merging of the two companies is highly benefical socially and economically. I will then state that when all stakeholders are considered, the merging of these two companies would be in everyone’s interest. The overall benefit would be a net reduction in cost to the consumer. Introduction Recently, Visy Industries Australia Pty Ltd seeks clearance from Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)to acquire certain business and assets of HP Industries Pty Ltd. It raises concerns socially and economically as to whether the merged entity will substantially lessen customers in each of NSW and/or Victoria. This report will identify and justify the type of market for the Australian packaging industry. It will then consider the stakeholders and their interests regarding this issue. Finally, it will assess the social and economic consenquences if the merge take place. Nature of the packaging industry The Australian packaging industry is a Oligopoly in which natural barriers prevent the entry of new firms. The new entrants could experience a significant start- up cost involved in establishing a manufacturing plant on the quantity produced and low marginal cost. Visy, HP and Pact are the three major firms dominate the market. Such firms are interdependent.The kinked demand curve model is applied to this market which indicates that if one of the...
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...Homework: Specify one area or field which makes use of Operations Research as a tool. Give specific and real examples. According to the website scienceofbetter.org, Operations Research (OR) is basically a discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions. OR can also be called as Management science which also concerns methods for strategic planning and strategic decision support. Therefore, using operations research will be very helpful for executives and companies in order to sustain and even improve their systems or businesses. Some of the fields that use operations research as a tool are education, decision analysis, engineering, marketing, supply chain management, mathematics, project management and a whole lot more. However, the field of supply chain management will be focused in this paper. Supply chain management (SCM) is a sequence of business processes and information that provides a product or service from suppliers through manufacturing and distribution to the ultimate customer (Roger Schroeder, 2007). Basically, this is the management of the flow of goods. Having the right and efficient supply chain management system can increase coordination in a company as well as maintaining the demand for a particular product. On the other hand, this can also be very crucial since a company must be able to think of strategic ways in order to be competitive and keep their customers. However, just like any other function or activity, SCM also...
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...Literacy Activity Complete the following steps to conduct research related to your career interests. Some questions will require you to use the ECPI University Libraries Website. Once you have completed the activity, upload it to the learning management system, either Moodle or Canvas. 1. What is your program of study? (Other ways to think about this question include your major, your field of study, what College you belong to, such as Technology, Health Science, Business, and/or your concentration in that college, like network security or accounting.) MEDICAL ASSISTING 2. What is a topic related to this program of study or the career you plan to pursue? OB/GYN 3. How does this topic relate to your chosen career? This topic is in a private health care field 4. What do you already know about the topic? I know this topic consists of female health care. 5. What are five keywords that you could use as search terms for this topic? (If you have difficulty, review your previous answers for important words. Also, think about broader or narrower terms that could be used to describe your topic.) a. gynecology b. obstetrics c. pregnancy d. planned parenting e. menopause 6. Choose a library database from the ECPI University Libraries website (http://ecpi.ent.sirsi.net) to research your topic. Which database did you choose? Health and wellness resource center 7. Choose a keyword and use that keyword to...
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