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The Divine Command Theory

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Kelsey Thelen
Jerilyn Tinio
Philosophy 1100
30 October 2015 The Divine Command Theory (D.C.T) is the view that what is morally good relies on what is established by God’s commands. God creates laws and morals, and those who follow those morals are rewarded and not punished. To some, this can be a promise of eternal life in heaven without worry of damnation to hell. The Euthyphro dialogue asks “are the pious acts pious because they are loved by the gods, or are the pious acts loved by the gods because they are pious?” D.C.T. implies that it is God’s rules that explain why the good acts are morally good, and that we blindly follow whatever God says to be right or wrong. Moral, in this case, is a synonym for “commanded by God”.
The Devine

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