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The Effect of Teen Drunk Driving


Submitted By kail2005
Words 843
Pages 4
Every day, society has to trust the teenage driver on our streets. Unfortunately that trust is often in many cases. Teen driving while intoxicated is one of the worst causes of deaths, in the young of the community. The causes are many, a parental figure that was not there when the child was younger, in the more formative stages of their life. A bad parental figure, which has shown the young drivers, that while there are rules, they teach that the rules do not apply to everyone. And young adults, who have just entered the college setting. Instead of concentrating on learning, to advance their education, they concentrate on the social aspects of college, fitting in, and trying to be socially acceptable. This has a significant chance to lead to the “rowdier” lifestyle, which can lead to the more socially acceptable, but illegal choices.
According to Shelia Sarkar, and Marie Andreas, on a poll done with 1430 teen drivers, 880 of the teen drivers had traffic violations, which included speeding, drag racing, and driving under the influence. Younger drivers are more likely to overestimate their driving skills, especially young male drivers. When a driver overestimates their driving skills, they tend to be more agreeable to the riskier, and even lethal behaviors. Driving while under the influence is one of the more dangerous behaviors at any age, but especially for a teen driver who does not have the experience that an older driver does. It has been proven that those teen drivers, who were exposed to drunk driving, have a much higher chance of actually practicing those themselves.
According to the Dallas Morning News Crime Blog, a situation occurred where a mother picked up 8 teens in her car, two of them being her twins who were celebrating their 15th birthdays, from a movie theatre in their town. Before she even managed to leave the parking lot, she had almost run over two people, and was laughing hysterically about trying to run over a cat in the parking lot. She was later involved in a car accident, where all of the teens were taken to a local hospital to be treated for minor injuries. Fortunately, while the children were safe enough to go home, they still had a bad role model who was showing them that driving under the influence is cool, nothing to worry about, and a laughing matter. For her crimes she received 2 years in prison. But she still proves the point, if she had not gotten into a car accident, then the teens would have left with the impression that breaking this rule was no problem, and the consequences were laughable.
According to Laura Finkin, Janics Jacobs, and Kerrie Laguna, in a study done, 75% of college freshman report to drinking within the last month 51% on more than one occasion, and 17% on more than ten occasions. 43.4 of these students report to driving a car after a few drinks. While some may not find these numbers to mean more than “kids will be kids” the fact remains that all of those young people have been drinking before their 21st birthday. And while underage drinking occurs in mostly social situations, individuals with the prior experience of having done this are much more likely to repeat this behavior in the future. It has to do with actions, and consequences, during the previous experience nothing bad happened. So they do not have any negative associations with this behavior. Do to the decrease in inhibitions; the minor things that probably occurred have no bearing or relevance, due to the intoxicated frame of mind that they were in.
Teen drunk driving is all about actions and reactions, unfortunately for those teens that choose to follow in this path of drinking and driving, most of them do not have the real life experiences that are required to make a rational, educated, and safe decision. The social pressures to conform to the “normal” behavior, the bad examples, and the lack of strong parental figures can lead the best of teens down the wrong path. Hopefully, while most will learn, drunk teen drivers are a huge risk to everyone, with the potential to end not only their life, but the lives of the innocent drivers on the road, who for the most part are only thinking of going from point A, to point B, to hopefully make it home to their loved ones.

Work Cited:
Sarkar, S., & Andreas, M. (2004). ACCEPTANCE OF AND ENGAGEMENT IN RISKY DRIVING BEHAVIORS BY TEENAGERS. Adolescence, 39(156), 687-700. Retrieved from
Finken, L. L., Jacobs, J. E., & Laguna, K. D. (1998). Risky drinking and driving/riding decisions: The role of previous experience. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 27(4), 493-511. Retrieved from
Euless mom who crashed with 8 teens in SUV gets jail time for drunken driving (2010). . Dallas: Newstex. Retrieved from

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