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The Effects of Gang Violence on Society


Submitted By tweezer0603
Words 946
Pages 4
The Effects of Gang Violence on Society

Gang violence is a very serious problem that has become extremely prevalent in many neighborhoods around the United States, and impacts each and every American in one way or another. Many Americans feel that gangs and the associated violence does not affect them because they live in an upscale neighborhood, however this couldn’t be further from the truth. Understanding and developing methods to curb this trend and offer positive alternatives to our youth, will go a long way in strengthening society, both socially and economically. By decreasing the active gang presence in this country, society can also drastically improve morally and culturally, while instilling hope and cohesiveness among the youth of America. Gang violence affects Americans in many ways, both directly, and indirectly. The direct effects include becoming the victims of crime, such as robbery victims, extortion victims, or even being murdered by gang members. Some of the indirect consequences include increased costs for healthcare, increased costs of consumer goods, and higher taxes to pay for law enforcement who deal with gangs. According to the National Gang Center “A single adolescent criminal career of about ten years can cost taxpayers between $1.7 and $2.3 million.” (James C. Howell, August 2006, page 6). Gang violence also greatly contributes to many other social problems within society, such as lack of trust, lack of safety, and an overall decrease in quality of life. Gangs use violence as their primary method to exert power and control over society, while instilling fear and distrust on those around them. The most prevalent gang activity typically occurs in neighborhoods with low income and high rates of unemployment and high school dropout rates. In some cities gang violence has become so overwhelming, that a certain level of gang

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