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The Effects of Cultural Diversity in Workplace


Submitted By ty5085071
Words 1522
Pages 7
Journal of Diversity Management – December 2014

Volume 9, Number 2

The Effects Of Cultural
Diversity In The Workplace
Gillian Coote Martin, South Florida College of Arts Science & Technology, USA

Cultural diversity in the workplace has grown as a trend over the passage of time with the increase of globalization in the world. One positive effect is that employees belonging to different cultures usually have different ways of thinking and can thus analyze a matter at hand from a variety of perspectives. This is hard to achieve when employees belonging to the same culture are asked to analyze the same matter.
Keywords: Effects; Workplace; Cultural Diversity


ith the increase of globalization in the world, cultural diversity in the workplace has grown as a trend. “Cultural diversity is when differences in race, ethnicity, language, nationality, religion, and sexual orientation are represented within a community” (Amadeo, 2013). Although the media and contemporary literature embark upon the benefits of cultural diversity in the workplace, citing enhancements to employees’ competence and creativity, this recognition does not reflect, in actual practice, as strongly as in theory
(Al-Jenaibi, 2011, p. 49). Cultural diversity can affect the workplace in numerous ways. Negative effects can include miscommunication, creation of barriers, and dysfunctional adaptation behaviors. Positive effects can include building a sound knowledge base with in-house talent, which can make for smoother integration of the organization into foreign cultures.
One negative effect of cultural diversity in the workplace is the increased tendency of organizational personnel to indulge in interpersonal conflicts. Culturally diverse workers have different opinions, thoughts, beliefs, norms, customs, values, trends, and traditions. “The analogy of

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