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The Eight Components

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The text states that wellness is defined as the state of healthy living achieved by the practice of a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular physical activity, proper nutrition, eliminating unhealthy behaviors and maintaining good emotional and spiritual health. In understanding this definition of wellness, I am able to state the eight components: physical, social, emotional, environmental, spiritual, financial, intellectual, and occupational. Of the eight components, my strongest area is intellectual and my weakest area is physical. I maintain my intellectual wellbeing by keeping an active mind, in ways such as taking classes that stretch my knowledge and involving myself in educational opportunities. I am working to improve my physical well being by avoiding burn out from overinvesting myself, learning to manage my stress in healthy ways, …show more content…
Through some of the assignments and modules I was able to learn which of my behaviors are unhealthy and how to change them for the better. I also learned how to maintain my health now and in the future through a variety of methods. As I age, I am able to improve my wellness with each of the eight components. In regards of my physical wellbeing, if I maintain a healthy body through physical fitness, I will be less likely to develop disease and have a longer life. I can continue to be socially well by developing quality relationships with other people. To improve my emotional health as a I age, I can manage my stress with day-to-day relaxation techniques. I can improve my environmental and spiritual wellbeing by avoiding factors that could detrimental to my health and continuing to help others. In the coming years, I improve my financial wellness by saving money for retirement as I age. With age, I can also improve my intellectual and occupational wellbeing by taking part in thoughtful discussions and enjoying my future career as a

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