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The Enhanced Nurse Licensure Case Study

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Introduction The medical field is full of numerous jobs that are continuously growing. People can become doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses, certified nursing assistants, lab technicians, physical therapist, or work in house keeping. The opportunities for employment are endless, no matter the position an individual chooses to work, they are all equally important for total patient care. However, the majority of the time nurses are the individuals who spend the greatest amount of time with patients and provide the most care under doctors and other staff members orders. In The United States, each state has a nurse’s association that advocates and provides support for nurses. The Wyoming nurses’ associations mission is “to promote the profession …show more content…
During the Nurses Day at the Legislature we were informed of a new bill Wyoming passed known as the multistate licensure or the enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact (eNLC). The eNLC is a compact that involves 29 different states that have all adopted or agreed to the terms of this licensure. The eNLC allows registered nurses to be licensed in all 29 states rather than just one state or the states that the nurse has applied to be licensed in. This allows nurses to have one license that will actually lets them practice in 29 states. The eNLC allows for nurses to have mobility to move to different states without the stress of having to get a new license. The multistate licensure will help increase assess to care and enhance public protection because there will be more readily available nursing staff members to hire. Also, in the event of a disaster or mass casualty nurses could travel to other states to help out, rather than only relying on the nurses licensed in that state. It also helps nurses to save money because they only need to pay for one license to practice in the 29 states involved in the eNLC. Overall, this bill will allow for mobility in the workforce for nurses as well as for employers and it help save money for …show more content…
A topic that was covered a few times throughout the course of the day that stood out to me was work place violence. As a nursing student work place violence is not a topic of discussion very often so it is not something that I have thought a lot about. However, after listening to Gordon Gillespie’s presentation it made it evident that work place violence is something that happens every day in numerous hospitals around the united states. Gordon used a great example during his presentation, he asked the audience if they would every be violet to health care workers in a hospital and everyone replied no. He then asked if you had a child who had just been in a care accident who was taken to the emergency room and upon your arrival to see your child they told you you were not allowed to go back in the room, would you do whatever you could to see your child, and the response changed to yes. Depending on the situation and who is involved people may become violent in the work place. Every patient and every medical situation is different so every patient and their families will react different. IT was interesting to learn that there are multiple factors that can trigger someone to become violent such as mental health state, the situation, pain level, the nurses gender or age, and workplace factors. When workplace violence dose occur it can have long term affects on workers depending on

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...synthesize knowledge • ability to apply quantitative and qualitative concepts Proficiency • ability to solve practical problems • ability to collaborate with multiple disciplines • ability to communicate effectively • ability to practice competently and skillfully in a changing health-care environment Culture Care Values • ability to preserve/maintain cultural identities • ability to accommodate/negotiate diverse life ways • ability to re-pattern/restructure health-care delivery methods • ability to apply ethical and legal principles to health care The Associate of Science in Nursing Program (ASN) is a two-year program of study combining didactic and clinical nursing courses as well as general education courses.  The Program prepares beginning nurses who function as providers and leaders of direct and indirect nursing care for diverse individuals, families, and groups.  The ASN graduates function as collaborative members within the discipline of nursing and the health care team.  The ASN graduates use basic knowledge of therapeutic nursing interventions, communication, culture, critical thinking,...

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