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Uncontrollable Panic Summary

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anxiety disorders to the American economy is estimated to be between 42.2 to 46.6 million dollars. Anxiety disorders affect adults. For example, panic attacks affect 2.7% of the United States adult population, which is equivalent to 6 million people (America, 2017). The disorders also affect children, which ends up changing their school's performance and sometimes can lead to substance abuse. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable. There are various methods in which the illness can be treated, and in cases where a person gets the correct treatment, they can be cured. However, according to Anxiety and Depression Association of America (2017), only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment. The film will not only make people aware of anxiety …show more content…
The film is intended for people who can grasp what anxiety disorder is about, cases of the illness have been widely reported, and a lot of people are not aware of it. The film aims to educate its target audience through the story of Charlie Norris about what anxiety disorder is, symptoms of the illness when to seek medical attention and the sort of treatment that can be used to treat anxiety disorders. People will become aware of the various types of the illnesses, but most importantly, the film wants to end the stigma that is usually associated with mental illnesses. Uncontrollable panic will assist people in understanding that mental illnesses manifest themselves in many forms and just because a person is suffering from anxiety and depression it does not mean that they are lunatics. I hope that all those people suffering from anxiety disorders without them realizing it, will become aware of their condition and seek medical attention since there are many people who suffer from the illness without them …show more content…
In the film he highlights how for a long time he experienced anxiety without him realizing it, thinking that it is normal to everybody. He encounters constant voices in his head that live him anxious about many things in his life. The anxiety affects him since he is always pessimistic. We see that when he is driving, he continually thinks about an accident happening before he reaches his destination. All along he believes that it is normal but only when he experiences a severe panic attack while he is shopping at the supermarket does he realize that he is suffering from anxiety disorder after a diagnosis from his doctor. The film then takes us through the whole treatment that Charlie undergoes and three relapses later to attain his recovery. Interviews with his girlfriend, doctor, and neighbors are also carried out in the film to highlight Norris’s story while suffering from anxiety disorder. The interviews are edited professionally, scenes from various people are used interchangeably to the extent that one thinks all people are talking together in one room to each other and at the same time which is not the case since people were interviewed at different times. The technique enables the film to flow smoothly with the audience, gaining a better understanding of anxiety

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