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The Ethical Use Of Genetic Engineering

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Genetic engineering as the direct transfer of changing DNA from one organism to another first happened in 1973 by Herbert Byer and Stanley Cohen (Wahlberg, “Raises Ethical Question”). Genetic engineering is a newer scientific technique that used to be impossible to even think about. This science is used for alterations to plants, animals, and sometime in the future humans too. Some of the uses are alright, but performing genetic engineering on humans should never happen. Genetic engineering was once difficult, if not impossible to use because scientists lacked certain technology to achieve it, but recently more has been learned about this futuristic technique. Webster’s dictionary defines genetic engineering as a science of making changes …show more content…
First of all an abundance of animals have already been cruelly used to test biogenetics to help prepare for a time when it is safe enough to use on humans. At Harvard researchers discovered a technique to alter 62 genes in a pig to help its immunity (Wahlberg). This research is helping prepare the pigs to become organ donors for humans. Several other research groups tested animals such as mice, pigs, and other rodents all for the benefits of humans, with no thought of the animal’s wellbeing in mind. Also, biogenetics may lead to social inequalities. The use of genetic engineering may be costly, so it could cause a tremendous gap between social classes. For example, in the movie Gattaca families are allowed to genetically engineer one child and have one natural child. Well, in the movie Vincent is the natural child and an invalid. Vincent always has a dream to become an astronaut, but due to a heart condition, his dream will never be achieved. Not to mention the government does not allow invalids to have important jobs such as lawyers, doctors, or astronauts. His valid brother on the other hand receives all of the glory in the family. He has the superior job, the superior grades, and the superior looks. The society does not give invalids equal opportunity in life and this could happen in real life too with the use of genetic engineering. Besides …show more content…
There are organizations which meet up and plan the restrictions the scientists must follow. One organization is the Department of Health and Human Services, or the HHS (Wade). Presently HHS has ruled genetic engineering of humans illegal in the United States, but some private companies such as Editas Medicine is trying to receive a go ahead to perform experiments on humans. The company believes they can come up with a cure for an eye disorder to help people see better. Another restriction scientist must follow when experimenting on humans is the common role (Wade). There are three parts of the common role. First, all test subjects must be aware of the possible risks, they cannot go into the experiment not knowing all of the risks which could possibly go wrong with them during the tests. Secondly, all volunteers are able to make formal and voluntary decisions about remaining in the experiment. The subjects have the ability to leave the test if it affects them negatively. The third and final part of the common role is researchers are required to have a fair subject selection. Researchers are not allowed to discriminate and must permit anyone to participate in the tests. Besides the common role there are other guidelines that are required to be followed. Tests are only allowed to be performed if it contains minimal risk to the subjects. If the method is too harmful for the

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