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What´s Genetic Engineering Ethical?

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Technology has made many progress and has influence numerous inventions and has improved the quality of life. However, the one technology that has continued to affect the world is the computer and the internet. The development of these technologies has made information from all over the world easily accessible with just the click of a button. The development of information technology as influence new and creative developments through the storing and sharing of data. Today, information technology has even impacted science. Through the use of information technology, data collected by scientists across the country and even the globe can be stored and accessed for further research by other scientists. New technologies have been developed that aid …show more content…
The idea of scientist changing the DNA of a human being as not been well received by those in the religious community who argue that genetic engineering is playing God. Many in favor of genetic engineering have argued that the possibility of eliminating diseases in humans cannot be unethical because it can potentially save a life. If diseases can be eliminated from the DNA of an embryo then more parents will have healthy babies. However, those who in opposition of genetically engineering humans have argued the fact that they may very well be causing more harm than good when they eliminate mutations form human DNA. Additionally, genetically modifying DNA can alter the human germline affecting future generation, passing on not only the desirable trait but also the undesirable side effects. The side effects of genetically engineered embryos are unknown because it is still in the experimental stage and the embryos used in previous experiments were …show more content…
With the use of information gathered from scientist and the ability to store and share these information, new discoveries can be made. New information can be learned from these discoveries that would be inaccessible without information technology to help store and communicate the information. Consequently, some information garnered from these new discoveries as also been made accessible to the public. The process of genetic engineering as become public knowledge which gave rise to the opposition of certain genetic practices and experiments. This however, seem to be the way corporations and government agencies are responding to the ethical issues; by providing information about the genetic engineering process and

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