Premium Essay

The European Union and Governance


Submitted By mayenuam
Words 9149
Pages 37
V1. Introduction: The EU in the New World Order (3 Videos)
1. Who has the power to represent the EU internationally? The president of the European Commission, the high Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the head of delegation of the EU to third countries (e.g. the US),and the president of the European Council.
2. Of which of the following international organisations is the EU a (full) member? The FAO and WTO, two conditions need to be fulfilled: 1) The EU must have the power (as conferred by the Member States in the Treaties) to become a member,
2) the international organization must allow the EU (which is not a state) to become a member. Consult, for instance, Art. 4 of the UN Charter
3. What is the EU in international law? Rights and obligations. It is not a state or is a regional integration organization with a very extensive measeur of international legal personality (at 47 TEU)
4. Who represents Europe in the world, in external affairs and treaty negotiations with 3rd countries or international organizations,
High representative of EU for foreign affairs and policy: created by the Lisbon treaty , it is also the vicepresident to the European Comissions.
Head of state, Europe is represented by 2 persons: permanent president of European Council and President of the European Commission (more for classical competences of the EUUU).
And Rotatic council.
World wide diplomatic network of the European Union: EU ambassadors, EU delegations of the European Action Service (EEAS, it has more than 141 embassies and delegations around the world).

5. Engagement of the EU in international organizations and legal position on those organisations, special look on United Nations.
Effective multilateralism- works with global and regional international organisations, the TEU says in art 21: The union “Shall

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