Premium Essay

The Evolution of Business Ethics


Submitted By virgieshoward
Words 415
Pages 2
The Evolution of Business Ethics

The Evolution of Business Ethics

November 18, 2013

The Evolution of Business Ethics “The history of ethics in business is a long one, going back to the beginning of business. If it were written, it would be an enormous and complex work. Business ethics is so recent a phenomenon that many might claim it is too young to have a history” (De George, 1987). “As recently as a decade ago, many companies viewed business ethics only in terms of administrative compliance with legal standards and adherence to internal rules and regulations. Today the situation is different. Attention to business ethics is on the rise across the world and many companies realize that in order to succeed, they must earn the respect and confidence of their customers” (Enterweb, 2004). Ethics deal with a variety of moral dilemmas that can either make or break a business. A worker has to deal with the ethical aspect of handle situation when it comes to the public and their own personal beliefs. Ethical issues can be simple to very difficult to handle. When it comes to dealing with the public, they try to incorporate some of the values of their potential customers to lure them in to their establishment. By incorporating the general public in to the ideas at least they will learn what offends or gain the consumer respect. This will help build a positive outlook for the company if it is done correctly. Learning whether or not a company is ethically or morally correct will also make or break them. It is a good idea for a business to practice good business ethic throughout the organization. If a business does not follow the business ethics and ethical law they will be fined and the amount can reach the millions of dollars. The Evolution of Business Ethics
A business can and will be forced to close if they do not follow the laws when it comes to

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