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The Factors Causing Extramarital Affairs


Submitted By yoyochen0611
Words 2426
Pages 10
The Factors Causing Extramarital Affairs

Introduction According to Herbert S. Strean’s “The Extramarital Affair”, only happy people can have a happy marriage and an extramarital affair is almost always a sign of a conflict marriage. People who have unhappy marriages tend to have extramarital activities in order to achieve happier marital intersections therefore they can return to their stable family lives and continue their marriages. Extramarital affair also can refer to a way of expressing the anger and unhappiness for people who are in unhappy marriage. In addition, the couples who have longer marriage years tend to have more chances to have extramarital activities since they will have less willingness to make up their relationships. Especially if their relationships already have had problems for a long period of time, they will have extramarital affairs instead of solving the problems in their relationships since solving the problems is more difficult and sometimes people tend to do something to achieve happiness and avoid the difficulties in their lives.
Theoretical Model

In the project, I assigned the number of affairs as the dependent variable. Since individuals’ extramarital behavior has a close relationship with their married years and their happiness in marriage, I assigned the number of years married and the self-rating of marriage as the independent variables. I am going to discuss how the two factors affect the individuals’ number of extramarital activities. The estimation equation is as following:
(〖Naffairs〗_i ) ̂ = 〖b_1 + b_2 Yrsmarr〗_i+ 〖b_3 Veryun〗_i+ 〖b_4 Somewhatun〗_i+b_5 〖Average〗_i+ 〖〖 b〗_6 Happier 〗_i , In the equation, 〖Naffairs〗_i is the number of extramarital affairs for individual i. 〖Yrsmarr〗_i is the number of years married for individual i. The independent variable of self-rating of marriage is a

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