...International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investors by Ray Ball* Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of Business University of Chicago 5807 S. Woodlawn Ave Chicago, IL 60637 Tel. (773) 834 5941 ray.ball@gsb.uchicago.edu Acknowledgments This paper is based on the PD Leake Lecture delivered on 8 September 2005 at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, which can be accessed at http://www.icaew.co.uk/cbp/index.cfm. It draws extensively on the framework in Ball (1995) and benefited from comments by Steve Zeff. Financial support from the PD Leake Trust and the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago is gratefully acknowledged. 1 Abstract Accounting in shaped by economic and political forces. It follows that increased worldwide integration of both markets and politics (driven by reductions in communications and information processing costs) makes increased integration of financial reporting standards and practice almost inevitable. But most market and political forces will remain local for the foreseeable future, so it is unclear how much convergence in actual financial reporting practice will (or should) occur. Furthermore, there is little settled theory or evidence on which to build an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of uniform accounting rules within a country, let alone internationally. The pros and cons of IFRS therefore are somewhat conjectural, the unbridled enthusiasm...
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...111 Gender Diversity 111 Board of Directors 111 Financial Statements Independent Review Report to Santander UK plc 112 Primary Financial Statements 113 Notes to the Condensed Financial Statements 117 Shareholder Information Risk Factors 152 Glossary of Financial Services Industry Terms 163 Directors’ Responsibility Statement 177 1 Business Review and Forward-looking Statements Chief Executive Officer’s Review Overview Santander UK has delivered profit in the first six months of 2011 maintaining its strong track record of profitability and balance sheet strength. In line with other UK banks, a further provision for payment protection insurance remediation has also been made, resulting in statutory profit after tax attributable to equity shareholders declining by 51% to £413m. Santander UK’s trading profit before tax was £1,142m, 2% lower than the first half of 2010, impacted by the cost of liquidity, term funding and low interest rates. Santander UK has maintained its industry-leading range of “best buy” products for our retail customers, and is achieving improved levels of service satisfaction in its retail, corporate banking and intermediaries businesses. By returning its retail banking call centres onshore, we have acted upon customer feedback to improve...
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...Part 1 PA R T The Strategic Human Resource Management Model A human resource department helps organizations and their employees attain their goals. But it faces many challenges along the way. This chapter explores some of these challenges and outlines a strategic human resource management model upon which the rest of this book builds. The Strategic Human Resource Management Model Environmental Analysis Organizational Mission and Goals Analysis Analysis of Organizational Strengths and Culture Analysis of Organizational Strategies Choice and Implementation of Human Resource Strategies Planning Human Resources Attracting Human Resources Human Resource Tactical Plans Placing, Developing, and Evaluating Human Resources Maintaining High Performance Motivating and Rewarding Human Resources Human Resource Systems and Procedures Review and Evaluation of Human Resource Strategies CHAPTER ONE Strategic Importance of Human Resource Management The successful 21st-century organization will not take the loyalty of talented people for granted. It will constantly try to recruit and keep them. … The mutual commitment of an employer and an employee will be one of the most important factors for a 21st-century organization. Subhir Chowdhury1 One CHAPTER OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you should be able to: • List challenges facing Canadian organizations in the context of managing their workforce. • Discuss the objectives of human resource...
Words: 32978 - Pages: 132
...This article was downloaded by: [Library Services City University London] On: 26 July 2013, At: 08:32 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Accounting and Business Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rabr20 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): pros and cons for investors Ray Ball a a University of Chicago Published online: 28 Feb 2012. To cite this article: Ray Ball (2006) International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): pros and cons for investors, Accounting and Business Research, 36:sup1, 5-27, DOI: 10.1080/00014788.2006.9730040 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00014788.2006.9730040 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information...
Words: 16830 - Pages: 68
...Part 1 PA R T The Strategic Human Resource Management Model A human resource department helps organizations and their employees attain their goals. But it faces many challenges along the way. This chapter explores some of these challenges and outlines a strategic human resource management model upon which the rest of this book builds. The Strategic Human Resource Management Model Environmental Analysis Organizational Mission and Goals Analysis Analysis of Organizational Strengths and Culture Analysis of Organizational Strategies Choice and Implementation of Human Resource Strategies Planning Human Resources Attracting Human Resources Human Resource Tactical Plans Placing, Developing, and Evaluating Human Resources Maintaining High Performance Motivating and Rewarding Human Resources Human Resource Systems and Procedures Review and Evaluation of Human Resource Strategies CHAPTER ONE Strategic Importance of Human Resource Management The successful 21st-century organization will not take the loyalty of talented people for granted. It will constantly try to recruit and keep them. … The mutual commitment of an employer and an employee will be one of the most important factors for a 21st-century organization. Subhir Chowdhury1 One CHAPTER OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you should be able to: • List challenges facing Canadian organizations in the context of managing their workforce. • Discuss the objectives of human resource...
Words: 32978 - Pages: 132
...é The Effects of Mandatory IFRS Adoption in the EU: A Review of Empirical Research October 2014 Information for Better Markets An initiative from the ICAEW Financial Reporting Faculty The Effects of Mandatory IFRS Adoption in the EU: A Review of Empirical Research forms part of the Information for Better Markets thought leadership programme of ICAEW’s Financial Reporting Faculty. ICAEW operates under a Royal Charter, working in the public interest. As a world leading professional accountancy body, ICAEW provides leadership and practical support to over 142,000 members in more than 160 countries, working with governments, regulators and industry to ensure the highest standards are maintained. The ICAEW Financial Reporting Faculty provides its members with practical assistance and support with IFRS, UK GAAP and other aspects of business reporting. It also comments on business reporting issues on behalf of ICAEW to standard setters and regulators. Its Information for Better Markets thought leadership programme subjects key questions in business reporting to careful and impartial analysis so as to help achieve practical solutions to complex problems. The programme focuses on three key themes: disclosure, measurement and regulation. We welcome comments and enquiries on this report and on the other aspects of the Information for Better Markets programme. To contact us, please email bettermarkets@icaew.com. © ICAEW 2014 All rights reserved. If you want...
Words: 80078 - Pages: 321
...FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN EMERGING MARKET COUNTRIES Report of the Working Group of the Capital Markets Consultative Group September 2003 This report reflects the views of private sector participants in a working group examining the determinants, trends and prospects of foreign direct investment (FDI) in emerging market countries. The views expressed should not be attributed to the staff and management of HSBC, members of the CMCG, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. -2- Contents Page Main Findings ..........................................................................................................................3 I. II. III. Introduction....................................................................................................................10 Overview of FDI in EMCs.............................................................................................14 Motivation, Location, and Decision-Making.................................................................15 A. Motivation ...............................................................................................................15 B. Locational Determinants of FDI..............................................................................16 C. Decision-Making .....................................................................................................19 Financing, Global Conditions, and Managing FDI Risks................................................
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...economy, with the major thrust coming from the private sector. The country enjoys modest but steady economic growth. Its current development strategy is based on the premise that the creation and distribution of wealth occurs through the acceleration of growth driven by competitive market forces, with the government facilitating growth and making a clean break from the practices of a controlled economy where private investment is constrained. With this end in view. The government has been gradually withdrawing its involvement in this industrial and infrastructure sectors and promoting private sector participation. BANGLADESH: AN EMERGING DESTINATION FOR FOREIGN ECONOMY: Since Bangladesh followed a socialist economy by nationalizing all industries after its independence, a slow growth of experienced...
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...including the USA, Canada, the U.K., Australia, Finland and France. The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the literature and propose a conceptual framework for accounts manipulation. This framework is based on the possibility of wealth transfer between the different stakeholders, and in practice, the target of the manipulation appears generally to be the earnings per share and the debt/equity ratio. The paper also describes the different actors involved and their potential gains and losses. We review the literature on the various techniques of accounts manipulation: earnings management, income smoothing, big bath accounting, creative accounting, and window-dressing. The various definitions of all these, the main motivations behind their application and the research methodologies used are all examined. This study reveals that all the above techniques have common elements, but there are also important differences between them. I. Introduction Finns have been manipulating accounts for a long time, and this practice, well known in the literature, has been given various names: earnings management, income smoothing, big bath accounting, creative accounting, and window dressing. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the literature and propose a conceptual framework for accounts...
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...May 19, 2008 Criteria: Sovereign Credit Ratings: A Primer Primary Credit Analysts: David T Beers, London (44) 20-7176-7101; david_beers@standardandpoors.com Marie Cavanaugh, New York (1) 212-438-7343; marie_cavanaugh@standardandpoors.com Table Of Contents Criteria Update Rating Basics Ratings Methodology Profile Local And Foreign Currency Rating Distinctions Rating Changes Sovereign Ratings Compared To Nonsovereign Ratings Historical Default Trends Appendix: Sovereign Default Definitions And Emergence From Default www.standardandpoors.com/ratingsdirect Standard & Poor's. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P?s permission. See Terms of Use/Disclaimer on the last page. 1 648990 | 300000861 Criteria: Sovereign Credit Ratings: A Primer Criteria Update Sovereign credit ratings reflect Standard & Poor's Ratings Services' opinions on the future ability and willingness of sovereign governments to service their debt obligations to the nonofficial sector in full and on time. Ratings coverage continues to expand, with the 118th sovereign rating recently assigned to the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah (see "Sovereign Ratings And Country T&C Assessments," updated regularly and available on RatingsDirect, the real-time Web-based source for Standard & Poor's credit ratings, research, and risk analysis, at www.ratingsdirect.com). This criteria article replaces an earlier article of the same name, which was published on Oct 19, 2006...
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...Chairman 1 Dear IBM Investor: I am pleased to report that IBM had another strong year in 2010. Your company continued to outperform our industry and the market at large. We once again achieved record pre-tax earnings, record earnings per share, record free cash flow and improved profit margins, with increased revenues. At the same time, we continued to deliver superior returns to you, our owners. Most importantly, we are well positioned to grow as the global economy recovers. These results were made possible by decisions and actions that we undertook a decade ago, based on where we believed the world was shifting. But even more, they are a reflection of the mindset, ambitions and values that have guided IBM since its inception, 100 years ago. As such, our performance in 2010 marks a fitting conclusion to our first century as a corporation, and a promising start to our second. In this letter, I will explain why the long-term thinking and management that IBM has practiced over the past decade have positioned your company advantageously for the next five years and beyond. 2 IBM today IBM’s performance in 2010 is indicative both of our high-value market position and of the discipline we apply to our strategy and operations. Since 2002, we have added $14 billion to IBM’s pre-tax profit base, increased our pre-tax income 3.4 times, our earnings per share 4.7 times and our free cash flow 2.8 times. Cumulatively, we have generated about $96 billion of free cash flow. Our strong 2010...
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...U N I T E D N AT I O N S C O N F E R E N C E O N T R A D E A N D D E V E L O P M E N T WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT 2013 GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS: INVESTMENT AND TRADE FOR DEVELOPMENT New York and Geneva, 2013 ii World Investment Report 2013: Global Value Chains: Investment and Trade for Development NOTE The Division on Investment and Enterprise of UNCTAD is a global centre of excellence, dealing with issues related to investment and enterprise development in the United Nations System. It builds on four decades of experience and international expertise in research and policy analysis, intergovernmental consensusbuilding, and provides technical assistance to over 150 countries. The terms country/economy as used in this Report also refer, as appropriate, to territories or areas; the designations employed and the presentation of the material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. In addition, the designations of country groups are intended solely for statistical or analytical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage of development reached by a particular country or area in the development process. The major country groupings used in this Report follow the classification of the United Nations Statistical Office. These are:...
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...U N I T E D N AT I O N S C O N F E R E N C E O N T R A D E A N D D E V E L O P M E N T WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT 2013 GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS: INVESTMENT AND TRADE FOR DEVELOPMENT New York and Geneva, 2013 ii World Investment Report 2013: Global Value Chains: Investment and Trade for Development NOTE The Division on Investment and Enterprise of UNCTAD is a global centre of excellence, dealing with issues related to investment and enterprise development in the United Nations System. It builds on four decades of experience and international expertise in research and policy analysis, intergovernmental consensusbuilding, and provides technical assistance to over 150 countries. The terms country/economy as used in this Report also refer, as appropriate, to territories or areas; the designations employed and the presentation of the material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. In addition, the designations of country groups are intended solely for statistical or analytical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage of development reached by a particular country or area in the development process. The major country groupings used in this Report follow the classification of the United Nations Statistical Office. These are:...
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...Malaysian Financial System Content Outline 1. The Banking System ............................................................................. 1-2 2. The Functions and Responsibilities of Monetary and Non-Monetary Institutions ............................................................................................. 1-6 3. The Functions and Responsibilities of Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries...................................................................................... 1-16 4. Other Institutions / Bodies.................................................................. 1-30 5. Summary and Conclusion .................................................................. 1-34 Practice Questions ...................................................................................... 1-35 Learning Objectives What you should achieve after completing this chapter: • Understand the importance of the Malaysian financial system; • Be able to apply the relevant statutory and regulatory provisions governing the Malaysian banking system; • Appreciate the functions and responsibilities of monetary and non-monetary institutions, together with non-bank financial intermediaries; • Gain knowledge of the role of Bank Negara Malaysia; and • Understand the scope of the regulatory framework within the Malaysian financial system. © Institut Bank-Bank Malaysia 1-2 CCP-FSPC The Malaysian Financial System 1. 1.1 The Banking System Brief history of the Malaysian financial...
Words: 11026 - Pages: 45
...Strong… Neptune Orient Lines Limited Annual Report 2011 CONteNts 6 The Most Honoured Names in Global Trade 8 NOL Group at a Glance 10 Chairman’s Message 12 Board of Directors 14 Group President and CEO’s Message 18 Management Team 20 Liner Review 23 Logistics Review 26 Source of our Strength 28 Dedicated People 29 Financial Wherewithal 30 Sound Investments 31 Superior Technology 32 Recognised Brands 33 Sustainable Operations 34 Community Spirit 36 Corporate Data 37 Corporate Governance and Summary Financial Statements & Sound NOL Group has a healthy balance sheet plus fully committed financing for investments. In the midst of an industry downturn, the Group is positioned for future growth. Leaner… A group-wide Efficiency Leadership Programme is accelerating the drive to streamline operations and improve our cost base. 2 Neptune Orient Lines Limited Annual Report 2011 Neptune Orient Lines Limited Annual Report 2011 3 & Cleaner NOL is committed to sound environmental stewardship in all its activities. Trade must be environmentally sustainable or it can’t grow to meet the needs of the global economy. Neptune Orient Lines Limited Annual Report 2011 5 The Most Honoured Names in Global Trade Best Logistics Service Provider – Sea Freight Asian Freight and Supply Chain Awards Ship Operator of the Year Lloyd’s List Best Shipping Line, Asia-Europe Trade Asian Freight and Supply Chain Awards Innovation IT of the Year Containerisation...
Words: 26550 - Pages: 107