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The Fairtrade Certification Impact on Small Producers


Submitted By chrisalliot
Words 37371
Pages 150
Max Havelaar France The Fairtrade certification impact on small producers: Conclusions of the first studies, April 2009

Synthèse Max Havelaar France : Karine Laroche & Barbara Guittard.

From studies carried out by : OREADE BRECHE (République Dominicaine : Conacado et Banelino ; Pérou : Cocla), AVSF (Equateur : Fapecafes ; Pérou : Apromalpi ; Bolivie : Coopératives des Yungas).

Synthèse on the impact of Fairtrade Certification FLO

PREAMBULE A reflective work around the impact of FTC (Fairtrade Certification)’s activities, on the main group of beneficiaries, has been initiated in 2005 by Max Havelaar France and its federation FLO. Indeed, the substantial work done until now around guarantee (referring to the guarantee of the means (standards, prices, etc.) and the direct results of those means (verified through certification, ie: whether volumes sold have been paid at the defined levels, to democratic organisations, etc.)) only gave an incomplete overview of the sustainable and substantial changes brought by the FTC to organisations and its members. The action taken of measuring the FTC’s impact is thus aiming at better understanding the mechanisms and the reality of the FTC’s impact, in order to 1/ being able to explain it and to have more solid information, and 2/ being able to improve its tools and interventions. Several studies have been carried out in parallel to the elaboration and to the improvement of a common methodological frame. Those activities have been coordinated by FLO and supported by different structures: consultants specialised in Fairtrade or impact measuring (AVSF, IDS, Oreade-Breche) and financing bodies (MAE, F3E (also involved in the elaboration of the methodological approach), ICCO), and have benefited from the implication of FLO and some of its members (Certification initiatives: Max Havelaar France,

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