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The Financial Crisis


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作者: 作者单位: 刊名: 英文刊名: 年,卷(期): 被引用次数: 李翀, Li Chong 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院,北京,100875 学术研究 ACADEMIC RESEARCH 2009,""(4) 0次

参考文献(5条) 1.国家统计局 中国统计年鉴 2008 2.国家统计局 中国统计年鉴 2006 3.国家统计局 中国统计年鉴 2007 4.查看详情 5.查看详情

相似文献(10条) 1.期刊论文 肖辉.XIAO Hui 美国金融危机与东北地区金融发展策略 -东北亚论坛2009,18(4)
当人们对虚拟资本(比如次级债券)未来收益的现值丧失信心时,将纷纷抛售虚拟资本,追逐货币,货币内在矛盾激化,金融危机爆发.美国金融危机是信 用危机,根源在于货币和资本内在矛盾的激化.东北地区经济对外开放度不高,金融机构发展迟缓、银行不良贷款水平较高、直接融资比重偏低,美国金融 危机对东北地区经济和金融业的冲击不大.在美国金融危机背景下,东北地区金融发展策略包括防止不良贷款产生、促进具有区域特色的金融创新、加强 企业直接融资、完善信用体系、加大对农村和中小企业的金融支持力度等.

2.期刊论文 李翀.LI Chong 论美国金融危机的原因及其影响 -中山大学学报(社会科学版)2009,49(2)
2007年和2008年美国金融危机是1929年以来最严重的一场金融危机.这场危机波及到美国的抵押贷款业、投资银行业、保险业、银行业,并导致美国 经济的衰退.但是,美国政府在21世纪的作用与1929年不可同日而语,美国的金融危机不会导致美国严重的经济衰退.然而,美国的金融危机通过进出口的环 节对我国经济产生了严重的不利影响.美国金融危机的直接原因是美国虚拟经济的过度扩张以及美国政府对金融部门的监管失当.美国金融危机给予我们 的启示是深刻的,我国政府必须要加强对虚拟经济的监管,同时要注意调整过于依赖净出口的经济增长结构.

3.期刊论文 罗成.尹益兰.LUO Cheng.YIN Yi-lan 美国金融危机,中国的机会还是威胁 -红河学院学报2009,7(2)
始于2007年4月的美国次级抵押贷款危机已演变为美国金融危机,并通过传导机制蔓延至世界各国.失于监管和不断延展的金融创新链条是此次金融危 机的主要原因;世界经济格局的变化也削弱了美元国际货币"公共产品"地位;中国政策选择的困境在于中美经济的相互依赖和联动性效应.因此,维护中国 国家利益的最优政策选择是协助美国应对金融危机的挑战.

4.期刊论文 彭粲 次级抵押贷款危机成因浅析及其引发的思考 -科技创业月刊2009,22(12)
作为美国历史上最严重的金融危机之一,次贷危机引发的美国金融危机已经对全球的金融市场和经济发展产生了巨大的影响.对美国次贷危机的成因 以及一些列连锁事件的分析对我国的金融市场具有重要的参考意义,对美国和中国金融市场的监管及发展提出了相关政策建议.

5.期刊论文 胡志强.连漪 浅谈美国金融危机对我国经济的影响与对策 -今日财富2008,""(12)
一、金融危机的原因与进程 次级债,足指发放给信用级别低、收入证明缺失,因而存在较高违约风险的借款者的抵押贷款.美国的次级抵押贷款主要足次级住房抵押贷款.由十风险较 大,次级按揭贷款的利率较高.金融机构为获取更多利润,把"次级贷款"门槛降得很低.在逐利动机卜,美国次级贷款规模迅速攀升.2004年之后,由于美国的 利率上升和住房市场的持续降温,次级抵押贷款的违约牢急剧上升,引起次级抵押贷款机构破产、投资基金被迫关闭、股市剧烈震荡,次贷危机爆发.

6.期刊论文 宋辉艳.赵静 美国金融危机引发的多米诺骨牌效应 -经济研究导刊2009,""(18)
2008年源于次级抵押贷款的美国金融危机的爆发,它以空前的规模迅速蔓延,引发了一场全球性的多米诺骨牌效应,对世界经济产生了深远的影响.从 分析美国的次级债危机开始,详细探讨了美国金融危机的爆发以及对欧洲和亚洲经济的影响;并以中国为例,阐述了中国应从中获得的启示及中国政府目前 采取的有力措施;最后,从发展的角度审视了中国应积极地面对金融危机带来的机遇与挑战.

7.期刊论文 陈华.赵俊燕 美国金融危机成因及警示 -党政论坛2008,""(11)
亚洲金融危机过去了十年,美国金融危机又起,美联储前主席格林斯潘说:这是二战以来最为严重的金融危机.这是场源于次级抵押贷款,迅速升级为全 球金融风暴的金融危机,而且,美国金融危机仍在进一步扩大,波及美国经济的各个领域及更多国家的态势.这不禁再次引发我们对现代金融危机的思考.

8.期刊论文 白战伟.李树培 经济结构、政府行为与美国金融危机 -开放导报2010,""(2)
经济结构失衡和政府行为失当是美国金融危机形成和爆发的主要根源.经济结构失衡为金融危机的产生提供了温床,政府行为失当则过度地干扰了市 场经济的正常运行:过度宽松的货币政策和"公允价值"的会计准则提高了银行的放贷能力和激励;金融监管的放松为金融创新提供了空间;政府的住房政策 则为金融创新提供了方向.这些政策的合力最终促成了次级抵押贷款证券化机制的形成和蓬勃发展,紧缩的货币政策则直接引发了金融危机.金融危机给我 们的重要启示是,为保证经济的正常运行,必须注意经济结构的平衡,提高宏观经济政策的长期性、稳定性.

9.期刊论文 杨琳.李建伟 美国金融危机的根源及其风险扩张机制 -重庆工学院学报(社会科学版)2009,23(7)
房地产泡沫破裂是美国发生次贷危机与金融危机的根源.美国次贷危机之所以快速向系统性金融危机和经济危机演变,关键原因是次级抵押贷款债券 及其衍生品具有内在的风险扩张机制.次贷市场不透明,以及缺少流动性保障的交易机制、评估普遍存在"助涨杀跌"的顺周期效应、金融机构风险管控不 力、营销模式隐含了很高的道德风险等制度性因素,对次贷市场的风险集聚和危机爆发起到了推波助澜的作用.美国金融危机已演变为全球性经济与金融 危机,全球经济有可能因此陷入中长期衰退状态.

10.学位论文 张力 美国金融危机与《2008年紧急经济稳定法案》研究 2009
2007年当世界经济正处于景气发展之时,一场意想不到的金融风暴突然向人们袭来,风暴的中心不是贫穷落后的非洲国家,也不是金融体系不完善 的发展中国家,而是全球金融的头号强国——美国。如此强大的金融巨人却被一个叫做次级抵押贷款的金融产品给击倒了,次贷引发的危机使得美国在

短短两年内股市暴跌50%,房价下跌超过40%,大批的金融机构亏损甚至倒闭,美国的五大投行也是倒的倒卖的卖,美国的实体经济也受到了严重影响 。 2008年10月3日,美国政府通过了《2008年紧急经济稳定法案》,通过对该法案出台过程、内容、特点等详细的介绍,并结合对美国金融危机爆发的 全过程的分析,找出美国金融危机发生的根源,本次金融危机的爆发是由于美国长期采取负债消费的方式发展经济,而这种方式的增长会逐渐缺乏实体 经济的支持,直到最后无法支撑,最终引发金融危机。这是资本主义制度内在矛盾不断激化,资本主义制度不适应生产力发展的必然结果。 美国(2008年紧急经济稳定法案》是在贝尔斯登被收购、雷曼兄弟破产、“两房”公司被接管的严峻形势下出台的,是美国政府用来重振投资者信心 ,挽救金融市场的重要举措。法案的内容虽然是各方力量在反复博弈后的结果,但其“收购问题资产”的核心措施,正中了危机的要害,为缓解危机打 开了一扇门。法案对于如何授权和监督也都做出了十分细致的规定,确保救市措施能够完全的落到实处。 对美国《2008年紧急经济稳定法案》的评价基本上还是肯定的,作为一个快速出台稳定市场的紧急法案,它是起到了十分重要的作用,但是如果想 通过这部法案来解决这次危机却是不可能的,法案中并没有也不可能涉及到转变美国经济发展模式的内容,所以最终美国要想走出危机,美国政府还得 下更大的决心,动更大的手术。 美国(2008年紧急经济稳定法案》的出台,对于目前也正在受到危机困扰的中国来说,无论是从法案制定的过程、法案核心措施的实施还是法案中关 于授权和监管的规定,无疑都有十分重要的借鉴意义。我国需要通过这次金融危机调整产业结构,不断扩大内需;抓紧金融体系建设,不断加强监管力 度;加快汇率改革,保护外汇储备。只有通过不断的改革前进,中国的经济才能保持稳定、持续、快速的发展。

本文链接: 授权使用:北京邮电大学(byab),授权号:913478b7-15bd-4705-be55-9e5d00fff627 下载时间:2010年12月31日

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Financial Crisis

...09-093 July 22, 2009 The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 – 2009: The Role of Greed, Fear and Oligarchs Cate Reavis Free enterprise is always the right answer. The problem with it is that it ignores the human element. It does not take into account the complexities of human behavior. 1 —Andrew Lo, Professor of Finance, MIT Sloan School of Management The problem in the financial sector today is not that a given firm might have enough market share to influence prices; it is that one firm or a small set of interconnected firms, by failing, can bring down the economy. 2 —Simon Johnson, Professor of Entrepreneurship, MIT Sloan School of Management, Former Chief Economist, IMF On October 9, 2007 the Dow Jones Industrial Average set a record by closing at 14,047. One year later, the Dow was just above 8,000, after dropping 21% in the first nine days of October 2008. Major stock markets in other countries had plunged alongside the Dow. Credit markets were nearing paralysis. Companies began to lay off workers in droves and were forced to put off capital investments. Individual consumers were being denied loans for mortgages and college tuitions. After the nine day U.S. stock market plunge, the head of the International Monetary Fund had some sobering words: “Intensifying solvency concerns about a number of the largest U.S.-based and European financial institutions have pushed the global financial system to the brink of systemic meltdown.” 3 1 2 3 Interview with the case writer...

Words: 10022 - Pages: 41

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The Global Financial Crisis

...The Global Financial Crisis: Impact on Bangladesh A.K.M. Atiqur Rahman Professor Department of Economics North South University Overview I. Introduction: Genesis and Spread of the Crisis. II. Global Recession and LDCs III. Impact on Bangladesh IV. Recession and Export from Bangladesh V. Exchange Rate Movement VI. Remittance VII. Import and Tax Revenue VIII. Overall Impact IX. Policy Implications I. Introduction: Genesis and Spread of the Crisis. • Root: Mispricing in the Massive Credit Default Swap Market • Sub prime Mortgage: Bank transferred credit risk to third party through the process of securitization ( MDS, CDO) • Reckless growth of sub prime mortgage-lower yield in risky mortgage • Arbitrage drove the yields on all bonds & loans down • Expansion of consumer credit, housing price bubble Intriduction continued • Unsustainability of Credit default swap and subprime mortgages exposed • Housing bubble burst → mortgage default → foreclosures→ bank and insurance failure→ credit freeze • Spillover of financial crisis to real economy through virulent credit crunch →depressed aggregate demand • Sub prime mortgage default led to spillover effects around the world (Europe and emerging economies) via an elaborate network of derivatives Continued . Global consequence of the crisis includes: • Sharp rise in Unemployment in the US, Job loss in few other countries • Sharp fall in the stock market price around the globe, current...

Words: 2083 - Pages: 9

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Financial Crisis

...we often hear about the term financial crisis. Every day on the news we can hear about the financial crisis in some countries and how they are trying to prevent it or to get out of it. Especially about the financial crisis in Greece. So what exactly is financial crisis? There have been a lot of definition of what financial crisis is, but they all agree in one thing financial crisis appears when some institution or assets suddenly lose a large part of their value. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many financial crises were associated with banking panics, and many recessions coincided with these panics. Other situations that are often called financial crisis include stock market crashes and the bursting of other financial bubbles, currency crises and sovereign defaults. There a lot of types of financial crisis: banking crisis, speculative bubbles and crushes, wilder economic crisis and other crisis. But from all of them, today the most frequent financial crisis is the banking crisis. This happens when a lot of the depositors withdraw their deposits from the bank, causing the bank to bankrupt. This kind of crisis happened in 2007-2008,also known as the global financial crisis and 2008 financial crisis. This crisis is considered by many economists to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. This crisis was called the worst because it was spreading really quickly all around the world. But what causes this kind of crisis to happen? There a lot of causes...

Words: 519 - Pages: 3

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The 2008 Financial Crisis

... | |The 2008 Financial Crisis | |A Review and Critique | | | |Nicholas Makris | |12/4/2012 | | | Introduction The 2009 economic crisis was significant for two reasons: the rapid rate at which the free market constraints were dropped, and the lack of any stable resolution by the Left (Mellor, 2009). Tenets pertaining to market domination suffered a lethal crack owing to multiple nations realizing the inessential communization, rather than the actual, of economic arrangement (Mellor, 2009). The core of the problem was complicated, but simplification showed it was the nonstandard arrangement of the monetary system that created a complicated scope of financial tools and entities to be...

Words: 7080 - Pages: 29