...much in common, they do have quite a few differences. Both Christianity and Islam have one creator, God. Islam claims that their founder was given laws by Allah just like Christians received their Ten Commandments from God. Also, Christians believe that God is made up of three persons- the Holy Trinity- and that Jesus is the Son of God and savior of humanity while Islam believe Allah is only one God and He is the creator of all things and has no offspring, race or gender. All in all, these two religions, though having a similar origin, have different views on Jesus Christ, teachings, and scriptures. Islam was founded by a prophet named Mohammed in the approximate year of 610. At the age of forty, he was supposedly visited by the Angel Gabriel, who presumably told him the fundamentals of Islam, while in a cave near Mecca, a city in Saudi Arabia.1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 states that Jesus Christ preached the gospel and we are saved by it. It was he who sent out apostles to spread God's word throughout the world, it was he who died for the world; and it was he who founded Christianity. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and Mohammed, a prophet...
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...radical leaders of their people during their lives and are still highly regarded by followers today. It is believed that Jesus was born a few years before the beginning of our current Christian’s calendar Year One. He is said to have been born in Bethlehem in current day Israel. The New Testament of the Bible tells the story of Jesus’ life as beginning with a virgin birth by Mary. He worked as a common carpenter, following in his father Joseph’s trade. 18 years of Jesus’ life are unrecorded in the New Testament. His story picks up when he is 30 years of age and begins preaching among the people. He gathers disciples during this time who follow him throughout the region. His teachings include the basic precepts of living in humility, faith and forgiveness. He also taught of God’s mercy and forgiveness to man. He is said to have performed miracles during his travels. Some of these are turning water to wine at a wedding ceremony, healing the blind and sick and raising the dead. He was considered a threat to the prevailing power structure in his time, so as he gained popularity he began to experience repression. He was arrested by the Roman Pontius Pilate. Pilate asked Jesus if he believed he was the Son of God and the...
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...Eastern people’s beliefs in religion have not changed since 600 C.E. to 1450. The religion that is still continued and the majority of people practice is Islam. In early 600 C.E. the religion of Islam originated in the city of Mecca. Mecca was chosen as the holy city because of the Ka’ba, which is a holy shrine dedicated to Allah and Muhammad. Islam follows the teachings out of the holy book, called the Qur’an. The followers of Islam include the believed that there was a prophet and he was named was Muhammad. They believed in an afterlife and that angels are real. Islam was and continues to be a monotheistic religion, that worships one god, Allah. There are the Five Pillars of Islam which are rules that the practicing people must follow. The religion is based on the Five Pillars are testimony of faith, praying five times a day, giving a zakat, fasting during the month of Ramadan, and making a pilgrimage to Mecca. The beliefs of the Islamic society did not change drastically between 600 C.E. to 1450. The Islamic world has changed over time as it has expanded beyond its cultural territories. The expanded Islamic world also improved their trade system and education system. The changes and continuities are largely due to its religion, trade system, political organization, and education system. In the early 620s C.E., the Persian Empire conquered the Babylonian Empire and allowed for the Jews to come back into the Middle East. This is when the religion of Judaism arose in the...
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...For example, Christians believe that there is a God and Holy Spirit, and all Muslims believe that there is one and only God, Allah. Muslims also believe in the Five Pillars, similarly, Christians believe in the Ten Commandments. The Pillars and Ten Commandments are the rules that are to guide behavior of Muslims and Christians. Christians believe that the Bible is the Holy Book and Muslims believe that the Qu’ran is the Holy scripture. Muslims believe people were born with equal ability to do good or evil, likewise, Christians believe people were created good but all inherit “original sin” from Adam, causing a tendency to...
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...derived from the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, John, and Luke. These gospels lie in the New Testament which is the text that is commonly used for its teachings. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are the three synoptic gospels that have a similar narrative. These gospels focus on Jesus’s journey from Galilee to Jerusalem where he was crucified or where he died for the world’s sins. The gospel of John represents Jesus as a teacher or revealer. His story focuses more on the logos or words, glory, truth, and love. Jesus represents the rationality of all that exists. Christianity as a whole tells its followers that their vocation is to love each other. In Mark 12:31 the message states, “The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Although love is the common message, the history of Christianity has had its fair share of...
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...for eternity. The entire meaning of Islam is to surrender to God. As a Muslim searches for meaning in life he should follow the Qur’an and the prophets’ teachings within the faith. The prophets were sent to guide Muslims and ensure they understand what is asked of them by God and how to obtain the divine existence in heaven. Servitude of God is what Muslims believe separates them from others and what will help them follow their faith properly. Islamic beliefs about the Qur'an follow the idea that God’s word is directly translated and interpreted into the Qur’an. There is no difference between what was said to Muhammad and what is in the Qur’an. Muslims believe in an afterlife that will follow with a bodily resurrection. Based on their actions and beliefs in life it will determine if they are a part of this resurrections. The life of a Muslim is spent leading up to the afterlife and ensuring they have done all they can to be a part of heaven. Life is preparation of eternal life like Christianity. Islam has guidelines for the worldly and spiritual completeness of Muslims. Muslims are guided by the five pillars of Islam. The pillars are the beliefs of the Islamic faith. They are believed to be the most important guide for leading a Muslim life. They are as important as the Ten Commandments are to Christians. They are different...
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...origin, but also hold their differences. Judaism is a monotheistic religion, as is with Islam. It originated from the Hebrews, who believed that God was their special protector and was everything, the most powerful, and is present everywhere. Like Islam, Judaism has a holy book called the Torah, a sacred recording of laws and events in the Jewish history. The Jewish faith believes that God gave them the Ten Commandments through Moses, “the Lawgiver”. According to the Jewish tradition, God made a covenant, or agreement with Abraham, the founder of Judaism. Islam was strongly influenced by Judaism. Islam was founded by Mohammad and also holds a monotheistic approach to religion. Just like Judaism it has a holy book similar to Judaism’s Torah, called the Koran. The Koran contains the sacred text as spoken to Muhammad from God. The Koran not only teaches about God, but about how to lead a good, faithful life. Muslims believe in one all-powerful, compassionate God, known in Arabic as Allah. Similar to the Ten Commandments given by Moses in Judaism, the Muslims accept five basic duties, known as the Five Pillars of Islam. The teaching of Islam appeals to many individuals because it places high emphasis on honesty, generosity, and social justice. Sharing common ancestors, a belief in divinely given written scriptures, common rituals and practices, such as regular prayer and charity; valuing pilgrimage and sharing common holy places;...
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...Sample Essay 1 Belief systems and philosophies have greatly affected the people and societies where they are practiced. They give guidelines on how to live their lives and affect every aspect of their cultures. Two such belief systems and philosophies are Hinduism and Confucianism. Hinduism is a religion with no founder. The people who practice this religion believe in moksha and reincarnation. Moksha is the freedom from earthly desires and a complete understanding of the world. Reincarnation is the belief that people are reborn over and over again until achieving moksha. Whether or not they are born into a good life depends on their previous life’s karma (good or bad deeds). In Hinduism, they also have a caste system. It divides people into four social classes and hardly gives any social mobility at all. People are decided which class they belong to at birth. For example, if a child is born into a family of slaves, that child will be a slave for the rest of his life. Confucianism is a philosophy started by Confucius in China. In Confucianism, the people valued education and believed in filial piety, the respect for elders. They also believed in the spirits of ancestors and created the famous quote, “do not do unto others, what you would not want them to do unto you.” Hinduism and Confucianism greatly affected the people and societies they were practiced in. In Hinduism, because of the belief in reincarnation and karma, people avoided doing bad deeds. Those who achieved...
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...The Islam Religion Rel/134 The Islam Religion “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God” is the basic core belief in the Islamic religion. Islam means “submission (to God)” in Arabic. Islam is a monothetic religion whose followers are known as Muslims. This paper will be clearing common myths in the Islamic religion, explaining the sacred texts, and giving descriptions of common symbolism in Islamic text and religious practices. Also to be found in the paper is the historical foundation of the religion and some of the similarities and differences between Islam and Christianity. Islam traces its roots back to Abraham and his son Ishmael. In 570 AD, a descendant of Abraham named Mohammed was born. He began his life working as a shepherd for his uncle. In 610 AD, the Qur’an begins to be revealed to Mohammed by God. By 650 AD, the complete written text of the Qur’an is established. Only one hundred years after Muhammad’s death, Islam had spread around the Mediterranean. The Golden Age of Islam (750-1258 AD) saw new legal, philosophical, and religious developments. The major Hadith collections were compiled and the four modern Sunni Madh'habs, or schools of law were established. As the Caliphate, or Islamic Empire expanded, the Muslim culture became enriched by the scholars, poets, and scientists that they conquered. For example, many Muslim thinkers pursued humanistic, rational and scientific discourses in seeking knowledge, meaning and values...
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...World Religion Report Today there are over one billion members of the Catholic Church and that number grows daily. What it means to be catholic is to love Jesus completely and to follow him and his teachings. Catholics try to integrate Jesus into every aspect of their daily lives. They believe Jesus is lord, father, the son and the Holy Ghost, the Holy Trinity. They follow the Ten Commandments, Thou shalt have no other gods before me, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, Honor thy father and thy mother, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor and Thou shalt not covet. The seven sacraments, Penance, Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders are the heart of the catholic religion. There are actually three different branches so to say of Christianity, Roman Catholic, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox. The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church. They belong to Catholic churches that are known as parishes, where they go and worship no matter where their location in the world. Catholicism can be traced back to Jesus Nazareth. Its members are headed by Bishops, whose roles originated with the disciples of Jesus. (Patheos Library website, n.d.) Vatican City and Peters Basilica stands above the grave of Peter. The pope is actually...
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...Michael Moore History paper unit 2 10/16/2014 The Islamic religion is the youngest of the three great monotheistic religions. Our views on the Islamic religion can be miss lead by the media in today’s society. The truth is the Islamic religion originated in the Arabian Peninsula around the seventh century. This religion is heavily based on the economy of the Arabian Peninsula. At this time the Arabian Peninsula was very diverse. Framing was mainly located in the southwest mountains and tribes formed around oasis. The city with the greatest economic power was Mecca. This was the center for trade where artisans, merchants, and religious leaders came. Even though the Bedouin's had small numbers they were an important military and political power because of their ability to survive in the desert. As an Arab you belonged a family in a clan and in a tribe. The prophet Muhammad was recognized as the last in a series of prophets. There is not much about Muhammad's child hood but it is thought that he was raised like most children of this time. It was said that Muhammad was born in a well-liked family which was a part of the Quraysh tribe. He would herd the sheep to help his father. As Muhammad grew older he entered the caravan trade. He later married a woman named Khadija. After this he started to turn to the spiritual side of his life. At the age of forty it is said that he started to see visions which said that he was to be the prophet of God. Since having lived in Mecca...
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...Opposite Ends of the Belief Bench One subject darkly clouded with confusion is religion, and the idea that they are all the same. Mahatma Gandhi, an important Hindu teacher states, “The soul of religion is one, but it is encased in a multitude of forms.” Two of the most popular religions in the United States, Christianity and Islam, are facing this problem. I grew up Christian so the subject of religion is very important to me. After 9/11 the American public was on high alert for terrorists, and they still are today. Just recently a US Ambassador to Libya was killed along with two Navy Seals by an Islamic terrorist group. Some people may ask why do they attack, what motivates them it is what they believe. When your Sacred text, the Koran in this case, has verses that say, “And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]”, it is seen clearly why there are terrorist attacks ( Koran 2:191-193). Americans live in a culture where acceptance is the goal. Everything is acceptable because everyone has their own opinion. No one can refute that opinion because the refusal itself could be seen as offensive and the offender will likely get sued. As a result, most people keep their thoughts to themselves, creating the opposite of the desired environment. Instead of freedom of speech we have freedom to speak as long as you do not mind being chewed up by the media...
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...Islam The Islamic culture is set to be one of the oldest and largest religions today. Being monotheistic the belief that there was one god and one god only was the main belief. The practices of the Muslims were conducted by the “Five Pillars of Islam” which essentially was a commitment and guide allowing you to prove your religion is put first and your proof of only praising one god. Amongst one of the most unique beliefs of the Islamic religion would be the monotheistic belief that there is one God yet no Jesus. Muslims believe in one sole, incomparable God. Who has neither a son nor partner, except for his prophet Muhammad, and that no one has the right to be worshipped but him alone. He is the one true God, and every other god is false. He has the most magnificent names and sublime perfect attributes. No one shares His divinity, or his attributes. In the Quran, God is described as, “He is God, the One. God, to whom the creatures turn to for their needs. He begets not, nor was he begotten, and there is none like him.” (Qur’an 112:1-4). It is God who has the right to be praised and shown worship. Although this is the most understanding, a few things make this belief unique. According to Christianity, God, is the father god, the son who is Jesus and then there’s the Holy Spirit. Although the Islamic religion believes in Jesus, they believe he is not a part of God. They disbelieve anyone who believes, “God is the third of three (in a trinity) when there is no god but...
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...Judaism Historical Information: Judaism first started from 2000b.c.-1500b.c. it first appeared in SW Asia. Judaism is a Hebrew religion. Their accounts became the Hebrew Bible. In 1200bc God told Moses to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. Moses led them out of Egypt which is now called the Exodus. Their release from slavery proved to them God was protecting and watching over them. Beliefs: The Hebrews believed in only one God, Yahweh. They were the first monotheistic religion and the oldest today. Their central element was education, the study and ideas of justice and righteousness. They were obedient to the law and followed the Ten Commandments. They forbid working on holidays or on the seventh day of the week, and having certain foods to eat. There are also certain laws that must be followed. This law is also known as the Mosaic Law. Customs, Practices, and Traditions: Today some Jews are Rabbis. Rabbis are religious teachers. They also celebrate Hanukah. Hanukah is a holiday in which Jews light candles on a menorah. Modern Information: Today over 14 million people in the world practice this religion. Most people practice in a synagogue. All Hebrew don’t always practice the same way they just share their basic beliefs. Controversies: Today Hebrew has problems with who the church declares a saint, and where crosses should be located. Hinduism Historical Information: The Caste System divided Indian society into groups based on a person’s birth, wealth or occupation...
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