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Christianity Vs Islam Research Paper

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Though two of the world's most populated religions, Christianity and Islam, have much in common, they do have quite a few differences. Both Christianity and Islam have one creator, God. Islam claims that their founder was given laws by Allah just like Christians received their Ten Commandments from God. Also, Christians believe that God is made up of three persons- the Holy Trinity- and that Jesus is the Son of God and savior of humanity while Islam believe Allah is only one God and He is the creator of all things and has no offspring, race or gender. All in all, these two religions, though having a similar origin, have different views on Jesus Christ, teachings, and scriptures. Islam was founded by a prophet named Mohammed in the approximate year of 610. At the age of forty, he was supposedly visited by the Angel Gabriel, who presumably told him the fundamentals of Islam, while in a cave near Mecca, a city in Saudi Arabia.1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 states that Jesus Christ preached the gospel and we are saved by it. It was he who sent out apostles to spread God's word throughout the world, it was he who died for the world; and it was he who founded Christianity. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and Mohammed, a prophet …show more content…
Their origins begin with God Almighty but the laws given to them are different because some are actions and some are laws but both forms of commandments will lead to the ideal Christian or Muslim. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, according to the Christian Bible; he came down to Heaven to sacrifice himself for our sins and thus was crucified under Pontius Pilate. Muslims disagree with the crucifixion for they believe that God saved him and raised him up to Heaven. Today, both religions have among one billion followers and continue to teach Islam's importance of belief and practice and Christians' faith and hope in Jesus

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