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The Giant Wealth Gap In Mexico

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Mexico is the 14th richest country in the world, yet more than half of its population is struggling to survive. While an estimated 53 million Mexicans living in poverty a mere one percent has 43 percent of the country's wealth at their fingertips. This however is not a new issue; Mexico has been struggling with it’s giant wealth gap for some time which can date back to the Mexican revolution starting in 1910. So why does mexico have the same problem it did 100 years ago? Mexico can partly blame it’s giant wealth gap on two easily repairable ideas, a low minimum wage, and education access. First of all, one of the main reasons Mexico has such an extreme wealth gap is because of the minimum wage. The current minimum wage is equal to $3.90 U.S. dollars a day according to, Schiaffino and Santo. Mexicans …show more content…
Although, the Mexican employers federation says that raising the minimum wage to just $5 a day would allow people to support themselves at the most basic level (The Washington Post.) Right now Mexican citizens are not able to sustain their families or themselves, however, if the minimum wage were to increase then they would be able to at least afford the most basic necessities. Not to mention it would leave more money to spend on other things increasing Mexico’s economy and decreasing the giant wealth gap. Not only is it morally correct to raise the minimum wage it is in Mexico’s constitution here, “Our 1917 constitution (article 123), dictates: The minimum wage that a laborer should enjoy shall be sufficient, considering the conditions of every

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