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Implicit Association Test Paper

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Introduction In modern day society, it is very likely that someone would show subtle signs of prejudice towards people or ideas they aren’t familiar with in their immediate reactions rather than be overtly obvious with it. Along with societal norms of just not accepting blatant prejudice, this may be due to the fact that this particular person doesn’t realize they have a prejudice towards a specific type of group. Thus, tests such as the Implicit Association Test (IAT) by Project Implicit bring light to what these prejudices within people may be. The purpose of the IAT, with tests varying from Skin-tone (Light Skin - Dark Skin) to Age (Young - Old), is to see the implicit biases people have in particular situations. According to their website’s …show more content…
Along with that, each individual went through the test in a different way. This is due to the fact that the test asks for information on the participant and these questions, although they were skipped by the participants of this lab, came in the beginning, end, or both. Variation also came along when it came to the order of group association. The actual IAT consisted of the participant using the 'E' and 'I' keys to categorize items into groups as fast as possible. The test was divided into 7 parts, in which they were first met with the images or titles associated with groups. After using the keys to group the images together, Part 2 asked to group positive and negative words together. Part 3 & 4 then matched one group with the positive words and the other group with the negative words. After those two rounds, part 5 changed the positions of the labels to opposite sides, only consisting of the groups images/words. Part 6 & 7, similar to 3 & 4, matched one group with the positive words and the other group with the negative words. Upon completion of all these parts, participants were given a result ranging from "slight", "moderate", or "strong" automatic preference of a particular group, as well as "no preference" and “too many errors”. Upon knowledge of their result, participants were asked to confirm their result on a paper and give it to the experimenter to tally all of the …show more content…
The class results shows that this is also true as again, 70% showed automatic preference for young, while only 20% showed no preference and 10% showed automatic preference for old. Again, this shows that there is a societal emphasis on those that are young, rather than those that are old making it hard for a lot of people to have automatic preference for old. Lastly, the description of the test for Gender/Career described that there was automatic preference for between males and career & females and family. The class results mirrored this greatly as 85% had preference for male with career, with only 15% having no preference and 0% having reference for female with career. With roughly half of the participants being female, it just goes to show that societal subliminal influence plays a major role in suggesting certain roles on to certain

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