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The Girl and Her Cat


Submitted By Lizzi144
Words 498
Pages 2
Sue was completely obsessed and in love with her gorgeous brown and orange striped cat, kangaroo, kangaroo has always been there for her throughout all of her hard times. Words were never enough to express her overwhelming compassionate feelings towards kangaroo so every day at exactly one a.m. She would hide a fish somewhere in the house and kangaroo would search her little heart out for it when she would wake that morning. As years passed by little sue grew into big sue and got very caught up in her studies and extra achidemical courses that she forgot to go fishing for more fish and didn't hide a fish for kangaroo. That morning kangaroo spent the whole entire day searching for her fish but just couldn't possible find it. So she decided to take a Nap and wait for her loving sue to come home from school. When sue came home kangaroo jumped on the table hovering over her studies and was begging her with her magical kitty cat ears to tell her where she could have possibly hid the fish, but sue would not budge and pushes little kangaroo off of the table. Kangaroo figured that she was just really stressed out from school ad would wait till tomorrow morning and be overwhelmed with two fishes as an apology from sue. As time ticked by and daylight turned to night sue never got up to hid the fish, when kangaroo excitedly woke up she immediately started her Search. When she came up empty again she filled with dread and hollowness. She came to think that sue didn't love or appreciate her anymore and decided to do them both a favor and leave. Later that day sue came stumbling through the door with a huge bucket of fish! She screamed and hollered for kangaroo but there was no sign of her, she searched and searched and searched but kangaroo was no where to be found. She then filled with guilt and sorrow as she collapsed onto the floor in tears. She knew she hasn't been paying

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