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Witch Hunt In America Research Paper

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Hartford, Connecticut
One of the very first witch hunts that happened in America, took place in Hartford, Connecticut. The witch hysteria began when Elizabeth Kelly’s parents assumed a woman named Goody Ayres bewitched Elizabeth and made her ill. This assumption arose when Elizabeth came home with Ayres and shouted, “Father! Father! Help me, help me! Goodwife Ayres is upon me. She chokes me. She kneels on my belly. She will break my bowels. She pinches me. She will make me black and blue.” (Woodward) After Kelly died, a girl named Ann Cole became ill and accused Rebecca Greensmith, a rude lady, who had already been accused by others in the Kelly case. “The most damning testimony supposedly came from Greensmith herself, who reportedly admitted to having “familiarity with the devil” and said that “at Christmas they …show more content…
Elizabeth and her husband were both hanged, Goody Ayres escaped the town, and Seagar was put in jail but was released a year later, after the decision was overturned. The death of these “witches” ended the trials. Since this was the first recorded incident of witchcraft in U.S. history, this is what opened up the idea of witchcraft in the U.S.
Agnes Waterhouse
In 1566, a woman named Agnes Waterhouse was accused of witchcraft along with her daughter, Joan Waterhouse. In addition to the two ladies was another lady named Elizabeth Francis Agnes was accused of witchcraft because she supposedly used it on William Fyne to give him a illness

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