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How Have Space Suits Changed History?

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Space suits have changed history in many ways!! People can now travel to space safely because of these amazing inventions like the biosuit, without space suits space travel would not be possible and we would have no intel on any of the planets, stars,etc.
Space suits were invented in 1961 on May 5th by Russell Colley. They have evolved majorly and the newest space suit invention is called the biosuit. The skin tight suit was invented by Dava J Newman. The biosuit was made and designed or females only because Dava was the designer and that is what she wanted. The biosuit was made in her MIT lab. They have been working on the biosuit for about 12 years now perfecting it, making changes, and adding things to it . As of right now it takes about …show more content…
The biggest conflict to this suit is that in space it causes your space suit to push a lot of pressure on to you making it hard to move. The idea of a ,“second skin” or a ,“tight suit” was brought up in the late seventies. Even before both of those ideas the first idea was to just make a suit with tighter sleeves that have built in sensors to show your leg movement. They are hoping to use elastic fabric and ,”The soft skeleton pattern” to help enable ability of movement in your joints. The idea of a gas pressured helmet was brought up in the late nineties but they never followed through with the idea fully. To this day they are working to improve the biosuit, they brought back the idea of a gas pressured helmet allowing you to turn your head back and forth and look backwards. They are also working on gas-filled gloves that mold to your hands and work with touchscreens and they fight against the flexing of your fingers. They have been working on all of these things for the past 5 years with colleagues and students from Harvard University and Boston University. In the past 5 years that they have been working with these students spacesuits have definitely evolved in a good way . Space suits definitely have

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