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The Glass Castle Research Paper

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How much does parenting really affect the upbringing of a child? In the memoir “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls, Jeannette shares her story of her childhood. Jeannette's parents wanted to live an unpredictable life and were always looking for adventure. The walls family never stayed in one place too long and were constantly moving. Jeannette's parents, Rex and Rosemary, wanted their children to be strong and able to do things on their own. Rex and Rosemary's harsh parenting made their children independent, tough, and unattached. The Walls children became independent because they grew up doing everything for themselves. When Jeannete was in the hospital, the nurses asked her “What [she] was doing cooking hot dogs by [herself] at the age …show more content…
They left their homes very suddenly and didn’t have time to say goodbye to anyone that they were friends with. They couldn’t become attached to their homes or to their friends because they never knew when they were going to move again. The walls children first looked at moving as an adventure, because thats what their parents called it, but started to grow tired of constantly moving. Not only were they unattached to their homes and friends, but also to their pets. The walls family cat, Quixote, didn’t like to travel so Rex “stopped the car, grabbed Quixote by the scruff of the neck, and tossed him out the window” (Walls 18). The kids couldn’t become attached to their pets because they were often left behind when they moved. If the pets were in an inconvenience while they were traveling, they couldn't come with the rest of the family. Rex didn’t care if the kids liked the pets, if they were an inconvenience, Rex didn’t allow them to stick around. The children's lives were constantly changing, so when Jeannete was older she thought she wanted to marry someone that was safe and predictable: “My life with Eric was calm and predictable” (Walls

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