...Running head: GREAT NORTHERN AMERICAN Great Northern American Case Study Abstract Joe Slatino, as executive who has operated his business for over 35 years have the qualities to maintain its success. Joe gauges his company success on many factors including how well his employees are paid. Joe ultimate goal is to make sure that his employee productivity continues to grow his business. Under his leadership, he understands that a hand off approach works best for his organization. Joe does not micro-manage his employees but make sure that they understand the responsibilities that comes with this freedom. Joe understands his leadership style, and the employees must have similar qualities that are parallel to Joes’ style. As the president of Great Northern American supply company perceptions and attribution drives a part of his business. For continue growth of his company, Joe understands how society works and he looks for employee who has the same concept. Understanding your audience and managing and recognizing those behaviors help to better services the clients. Although Joe look for similar qualities in his employees he still understood that people no matter how good that said they are training was essential for new employees. With training this gives Joe the chance to see if his perception of the person was accurate. Training provides a chance for the employer to see how a new employee expresses his or her in a stressful environment. Also this opens the door...
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...Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study Trina Casto Strayer University BUS 520 Dr. Russell Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study 1. Discuss why Joe’s employees need to understand the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions. Understanding of how individuals form their perceptions and make attributions can be the difference between making a sale and losing a sale for Joe’s employees. When a sales professional understands how others form their perceptions and make attributions, they can utilize that information to control how a potential customer perceives not only them but also the product in which they are attempting to sell. Forming a perception with the customer that the sales professional is competent and trustworthy will heighted the possibility of making a sale to that customer. This is considered impression management (Hellriegel and Slocum. 2011. pp.117). Aiding the customer in perceiving that the deal being offered is a great value, that the customer needs the product, and that the product is worth the money spent is also important in the sales process and is a form of impression management. Perception is said to be the “process by which the individual selects, organizes, interprets, and responds to information” (pp.104). Attribution is how individuals understand and explain causes of behavior and events including the behavior of themselves and of others (pp. 119). To be successful...
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...Bus 520 Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study [Name of the writer] [Name of the institution] Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study 1. Discuss why Joe’s employees need to understand the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions. In the case study about Great Northern American, it is plain that Joe Salatino has worked hard in order to ensure his workforce remains motivated and works hard to face their competitors. It is important to realize that making a sale or losing a sale for Joe’s employees may be dependent upon their understanding of how individuals, who may or may not be their consumers, form their perceptions about the organization. A sales professional would be the first individual to ensure they understand the basis behind other people’s perceptions about their organization and the attributions. This is to they can utilize this information and thus create an environment which can be controlled in helping the consumer form a perception about them and the product they are selling. This form of controlling the consumer’s perception is called “impression management”, (Hellriegel and Slocum. 2011. pp.117), and is used as a support in solidifying the claim that the deal being made is one of great value to the consumer, that they have need for this product and it is definitely worthy of their money if they plan to buy it. Impression management is a tricky process...
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...Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study The Great Northern American is a Dallas-based telemarketing company. The salespeople sell more than 20 million dollars in office, promotional, arts and crafts, and computer supplies to 60,000 businesses around the country, which includes particularly packaging tape, paper clips, pens, and pencils. Many of his salespeople earn more than $60,000 a year, and top producers earn more than $ 100,000. Mr. Salatino, the president of the company, believes that employees who have established solid relationships with their customers earn significantly more money than those who have not been able to foster good relationships with customers (Hellriegel & Slocum Jr., 2011). Employee rewards, bonuses, commissions or any incentive pay are powerful employee motivators to improve productivity and to build a strong customer relationship. Leaders must constantly review and evaluate both the sales people and the company’s selling strategy to see if there is a need for improvement. The most common improvement needy areas would be employee morale, encouragement, training programs, and the learning theories. The objective of this paper is to discuss the importance of how Mr. Salatino’s employees form perceptions and make attributions, and the learning theory that is most appropriate for his employees. It will also suggest how Mr. Salatino could apply the learning theory to improve employee performance and leverage an understanding of the...
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...Topic: Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study Course name: Bus520 Leadership and Organization Student's name: Bernadine Wininger Lecturer's name: Dennis Carlson 2 February 2013 Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study Understanding of customer perceptions and attributions is a vital aspect in ensuring that an organization remains competitive in terms of the products/services it offers and price. Organizations are capable of giving competitive prices and products from perceptions, which they get from their customers (Zeithaml, 2001). Salesmen of an organization have a vital role to play in analyzing people perception and giving feedback to the organization so as to know what commodities or services to recommend and at what price. In this assignment I will discuss issues relating to Joe’s organization and its employees in relation to competence of the organization. It is vital for Joe’s employees to understand the vitality of how people form perceptions and make attributions in order to maintain competence of the organization. Through this understanding the employees will be capable of advising the organization what it needs to offer the people and at what price the service or commodity will be capable of making vast profits. Through this, the employees will assist the organization to remain competitive to other organizations since it will be capable of matching people’s...
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...Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study BUS 520 Dr. Powers July 21, 2012 Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study 1. Discuss why Joe’s employees need to understand the importance of how people form perception and make attributions. Joe Salatino is the President of the 35-year old company, the Great Northern American. Salatino gauges his success by the amount he pays his employees, and so far he has been successful. His sales team is a self-motivated and highly energetic. Their tactic is simple they motivate their 30 person sales staff with commission and bonuses. The quality and dedication of their employees is what has made this company the success it has become. Joe’s employees attribute their personal success to four main factors, ability, effort, task-difficulty, and luck. By this it can be assumed that they will succeed because they were capable of doing the job, that it their ability attribute. The effort attribute is because they logged the time, and worked hard at reaching their client base. Task-difficulty is easily overcome when the necessary effort is being made. This is how their success was achieved, because they overcame the difficulties. Finally consider luck. Even with ability, effort, task-difficulty they have to attribute a certain amount to luck. Consider time and mood of the individual to coincide with the luck of the employee. Joe’s employees...
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...Technology is the driving force of the future. It effects us in our everyday lives; whether it is a major function such as a job related responsibility, or something as simple as sending an e-mail to a friend (S. Merriam, 2007). The technological age is everywhere even in the educational arena. In order for us to advance as educators and students we must learn to implement technology as a part of our everyday curriculum. Technology should be the primary factor in our educational system, and become the focal point of how adult students are educated. Technological tools should be used in various educational settings so that adult students are provided the opportunity to be successful in a learning environment as well as in a career environment. Most adults who make the decision to continue their educational goals do so for career advancement and growth as well as utilizing and enhancing their professional and educational knowledge and skills. Adults should be given the opportunity to be successful in all aspects of their lives; which includes their educational endeavors. The way that this opportunity can occur is for adult students to be properly exposed to the advantages that technology can provide them. This report will discuss and demonstrate the advantages of technology and its connection to educating adult students through my explanation and delivery of an educational lesson. The content of the curriculum of focus will be that of Science Research Projects, which...
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...Regulating Work Place Romances By At some time during your working life, you may have dated, or even married, someone you met at work. If you haven't, then the odds are that you know someone who has. A 1995 survey estimated that 80 percent of all employees have either observed or been involved in a romantic relationship at work. 1. The Problems with Employee Dating Even though romantic relationships in the workplace are common, employers have legitimate reasons for concern about employee dating. The biggest fear is a sexual harassment lawsuit arising from either: 1) a supervisor who has a habit of asking subordinates out on dates; 2) an employee who files a lawsuit after a consensual relationship goes sour; or 3) the perception of co-workers that a supervisor is playing favorites with his or her "significant other." Sexual harassment laws prohibit "unwelcome" sexual advances. Therefore, the participants in a truly "consensual" relationship cannot prove sexual harassment. The difficulty for the employer is proving that the relationship was consensual. Often, an employee will argue that he or she was an unwilling participant in a relationship that merely appeared to be consensual. Even a consensual relationship, if it goes sour, can result in unwelcome advances, stalking, or other predatory conduct. In a consensual relationship between a supervisor and a subordinate, the subordinate often is the recipient of preferential treatment. Employees have asserted claims for...
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...1. Discuss why Joe’s employees need to understand the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions. Understanding the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions will help Joe’s employees in building and maintaining trusted, culturally competent relationships with clients. Ensuring employees understand the cultural differences and perceptions of others will reduce the likelihood of employees mistakenly offending customers. What we know, as a simple wave of our hand to say hello or goodbye can be interpreted differently to someone from Japan or India. A simple curl of our index finger indicating come here; can be perceived to someone in Indonesia and Australia as solicitation for prostitution. Most people are unaware of the verbal and non-verbal cultural differences across cultures. If Joe educates his employees on the factors that contribute to an individual’s perception, employees will have additional skills to build solid relationships. It will also help employees understand how people form perceptions and make attributions about others. Some of the internal factors involved include examples listed above (hand movements). Those particular examples are related to the perceiver. External factors include intensity, motion, size and contrast. An Example of intensity used in Joe’s situation is the blue lights that flashed as indicators of a buy one get one free sale on pens. Employees knew that when the lights flashed blue the sale was on...
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...organizations that, some institutions collapse due such leadership that take a different course. There are a number of strategies of achieving coordination of different divisions. For instance in a factory, the production processes are divided into various simpler operations. In these operations, there are workers who have been assigned to take care of them. The management then supervises the divisions in order to coordinate the whole system. In overseeing the operations, it can give instructions which are followed by both divisions. Such mode of operation is known as the industrial division of labor (Boyes & Melvin, 2012). More often than not, division of labor is only known to exist within one organization or company. That is not the case because it can exist between different companies, factories or organizations. It also exists between different workers for example between a doctor...
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...Running Head: JOE SALATINO Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study The case study of Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American, enlightens the success process of the organization. It highlights the measures and processes that Salatino adopted to motivate his employees in order to enhance the achievements of Great Northern American. It portrays the fact that in spite of having a sales force of 30 employees, Salatino was still able to achieve success and effectively compete with its competitors. Why Joe’s employees need to understand the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions? Perception is a process which involves the recognition and interpretation of stimuli which register our senses. It relates to how we make sense of our environment and sensation refers to basic stimulation of the sense organs. Understanding the perception of people is essentially important. The role that perception of a customer plays in a business transaction is very much significant for the growth of the organization, as it is due to the perception of an individual which affects the outcomes of the conclusion that an individual draws on a particular good, product or service (Wilson & Rookies, 2000, p. 2-3). In the case study of Joe Salatino, the President of Great Northern American, it is evident that the understanding of the perception of the customers is essentially important for the employees working in Joe’s firm. As it is acknowledged...
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...Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Ashley Dean Jama Rand BUS520 Organization & Leadership February 3, 2013 Joe Salatino, president of Great Northern American, takes pride in the success of the company. Great Northern American has had a successful 35 years of business, and owes it all to its employees. Organizations spend lots of time and money to train and build employees (Fortune & Utley, 2005, p.21) Great Northern American understands that it takes its employees to keep the doors open and make the company money. Employees of the Great Northern American companies enjoy their jobs and are not too quick to leave based on the pay and incentives. Great Northern American will always have competition, especially from the internet based companies and wholesalers that can offer consumers the exact same products at much cheaper prices, for that reason the Great Northern American company should encourage employees to understand the importance of how people form perceptions and attributions of others, companies that keep that in mind will always have a growing clientele. Perception is the process by which the individuals select, organizes, interprets, and responds to certain information. While the attribution process refers to the way in which people come to understand the causes of their own and other’s behaviors (Hellriegel/Slocum 2011, p. 104). The way an individual perceives themselves and the way that they perceives others can have a major impact...
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...the president of Great Northern American, a telemarketing based company located in Dallas, Texas. Salatino scopes the success of this 40 year old organization due to the amount of money he pays employees (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2009). Salatino keeps his 30 plus person sales team motivated by shelling out money on commissions and bonuses. Great Northern American still has the ability to blossom in a competitive market, even with the “Internet users” (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2009). Great Northern American sales team annually sells more than “$20 million in office, promotional, arts-and-crafts, and computer supplies to more than 60,000 businesses around the country” (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2009). Salatino’s employees are able to earn roughly between $60,000 and $100,000 a year depending on their sales. The leader of this organization has developed a system to create revenue and profit while motivating employees. Perceptions and Attributions It is critical for Salatino and his employees to understand the importance and concept of how individuals will form perceptions and make attributions. Perception describes the way people filter, organize, and interpret sensory information (Duggan, 2009). Attribution explains how people act; determining how people react to the actions of others as well. Salatino holds a position where it is his duty to guide and give directions to his employees. His main focal point should be helping his employees understand Great Northern American’s mission...
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...Chris Hutson Dr. Tom McFarland Organizational Behavior 4/15/2016 Case Study: Joe Salatino 1. What kind of reinforcers does Salatino use to motivate his salespeople? Joe Salatino uses positive reinforcement techniques to motivate his salespeople. Positive reinforcement can be defined as a pleasant consequence after the occurrence of a desired behavior. There are different types of positive reinforcements and they are primary and secondary reinforcers. A primary reinforcer falls under the category of food and shelter because a person already knows the value of it. On the other hand, a secondary reinforcer is in the category of money because it has a certain value to it. Salatino’s uses the secondary reinforcer because he believes in spending money on commissions and bonuses to give to employees for their hard work and to motivate them to do an even better job. He has a system to where during the day he uses different types of motivation techniques to pump up his employees to sell their product at an efficient and effective pace. For example, on a recent Friday morning Salatino set up a rotating blue light in the salesroom to motivate his employees for that day. The light indicated that there was a special pen deal going on only when that light was on and rotating. He kept this light on for an hour and it allowed employees to give their customers a two for one deal on Stars and Stripes promotional pens. When that light turns off then the deal is over and employees have to go...
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...| | | | | | | Karla M. Kassey Dr. Hwang Lu Bus 520 Assignment 2 July 29, 2012 Discuss why Joe’s employees need to understand the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions: Great Northern American, according to (Hellriegel, 2011), is a telemarketing organization that sells office supplies, promotional products, arts-and-crafts, and computer supplies over the phone. This publication will study the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions as well as well as which learning theory (either the operant conditioning, social learning theory or learning theory) would be most appropriate for Joe Salatino to apply to motivate his salespeople. This publication will also study how Joe Salatino can use the value of self-efficacy to ensure that he hires quality salespeople that have the potential to be highly successful in a telemarketing environment. According to (Hellriegel, 2011, p. 104), “Perception is the process by which the individual selects, organizes, interprets, and responds to information.” Based on information from (Duggan, 2012), perception also includes the gathering of sensory information through the body via sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. The Attribution Process, according to (Hellriegel, 2011, p. 119), “refers to the ways in which people come to understand the causes of their own and others’ behaviors.” The need to understand a person’s perceptions and attribution processes is due to the...
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