...Angel Helm Liberty University Discussion Board Forum 2 BUSI: 642 Response to DB 2 the Hiring Process While the recruiting process varies by industry, company and even department, the end result is the same: One person out of many receives an offer (Needleman 2010). As illustrated in Stephanie’s post the hiring process can be a lengthy process. Companies take several steps in determining factors that constitute bringing on a new employees. In my own personal experience, the hiring process for my last two positions were very different, but both were created to remedy a problem that exist in a specific department. In the first position, the company which normally promoted from within, realized that not enough qualified or willing participants were available to fill these specific roles. The company decided the best way to fix this problem was to post to the position to the public, and began the hiring process externally. As the discussion post describe, the recruitment process began with the position was made available to external candidates. As the applicants were preselected, they were contact via email to partake in a telephone interview. The telephone interview greatly reduces the number of steps in the recruitment process, ensuring faster recruitment for the open position. Telephone interviews are now common practice among many companies. This tool of the hiring process is very efficient in cost savings, and allows the human resources department to pre-screen more...
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...Human Resource Management Assignment 2.2 Research paper topic Job hiring process When looking for a job it can be confusing and even downright puzzling at times. It is hard trying to apply for a job that you don’t know what the title means or even if you’re qualified for, thus bringing a mountain of frustration and even a sense of anger. Sometimes the hardest part of the whole job searching process is when you have to answer specific questions about yourself to a total stranger who is essentially judging you for the job opening. Lastly, waiting for the results of your interview with either a job offer or not can be nerve racking. This can be an agonizing experience for the applicant, but also a more stressful one for the company and person conducting the pre application phase, the advertising phase, the application phase, the preparing of interview and qualification phase, the interview phase, the verification phase, and extending offer phase. This is all part of the application process for most companies and jobs of most Human Resource departments when trying to fill a job void. For many different reasons, a company could need to fill vacancies and the best way to do that is through the application process. When a company needs to fill an employment void, the company must first engage in a pre application phase. Normally companies have a human resource (HR) department that handles this whole process in the direction of senior leadership throughout the company. The HR...
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...the Hiring Process Employers can agree that first impressions are everything; now, what if your first impression was your Facebook profile? Many companies now use Facebook and other social media sites to really get to know who they could be hiring. Facebook is dominating the social media platform with more than one billion active users monthly posting photos, status updates, and personal information. And not all of these users understand how much their Facebook profiles affect their employment opportunities. Employers are looking to hire employees that are reliable, responsible, and get their work done. Employers want to make sure they are hiring people that will be able to reflect the company vision and represent the company in a way that makes customers keep coming back. The way that employees act, talk, and present themselves can affect the way consumers see the company. Facebook is a great source for information when employers are using phone interviews to hire new employees. Companies that use agencies to get qualified candidates are not doing the employer's work for them. Agencies are looking at candidates resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and qualifications, and many agencies contact candidates with phone calls and emails only. When agencies submit candidates to an employer, the first step is most often than not a phone interview. At this point, employers need to research these possible candidates before going any further in the hiring process. Facebook...
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...Environment & The Hiring Process La Toya Wright ENM 356 March 1, 2014 Dr. J. F. Ford From a human resources perspective, the hiring process is very important. There are so many factors to be taken into account when deciding how to hire someone for an opening in a company. Recruiting is a necessary party of any company's expansion efforts. But, there are a number of legal considerations in the recruiting process. Job postings, interview questions, checking references, and making hiring decisions / job offers all need to be done in a manner that decreases risk to the business. In fact, it is possible to ask unlawful or even discriminatory questions without realizing it. For example, employers are forbidden from discriminating on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, marital or family status, physical or mental disability, gender, age, and possibly sexual orientation. The main thrust of all employment discrimination laws is to make it illegal for employers to treat employees or applicants adversely on the basis of something about themselves that they cannot change, or should not be expected to change. Such factors are called "immutable characteristics". For example, one cannot change one's race or color, gender, age, or national origin, cannot readily change one's disability status, and should not be expected to change one's religion, as a condition of getting or keeping a job. There are quite a few laws set in place to protect people in the hiring process: Equal Pay Act...
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...SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE HIRING PROCESS Preeti Khare Central Michigan University Human Resource Management MGT-643 Dr. Edward Ward 3/29/2015 Introduction Employers can use Social Networking Websites (SNWs) in two ways when hiring: to recruit candidates by publicizing job openings, and to assess potential candidate’s profile including attitude, behavior, personality and qualifications. Kluemper and Rosen (2009) examined the feasibility of whether the information available on these SNWs really helps to improve the employment selection decisions. They asked 63 raters to rate candidates on intelligence, performance and the Big Five personality traits. They found that based solely on viewing social networking profiles, judges were consistent in their ratings across subjects and were typically able to accurately distinguish high from low performers. In addition, raters who are more intelligent and emotionally stable outperformed their counterparts. Given this reliability of assessment, SNWs such as Instagram, My Space, Facebook, and Linked In with hundreds of millions of profiles could be gainfully deployed in hiring decisions. Not surprisingly SNWs have become extremely popular and useful in the hiring process these days. However, use of SNWs in hiring does not come without accompanied costs and risks. Scholars argue that the use of SNWs increases the chances of decisions being affected by unrelated information such as race, gender, origin, nationality and may increase the risk...
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...Hiring the Right Employee is a Challenging Process Mary Mac Church Chamberlain College of Nursing In, the 1940’s, it was perfectly legal to refuse to hire, promote, or fire someone because of race, ethnicity gender or religion. The legacy of Pitney Bowes historical leadership and job opportunities provided to African Americans played a pivotal role in decades of change in diversity management. Organizations that realize the advantages diverse employees will increase profits, productivity, long term growth and overall success (Harvey & Allard, 2012). The goal is to make race, sex and religion irrelevant in the hiring process. In fact, the civil rights movement established state and federal laws that bar employers from discriminating against employees. The recruitment process involves many steps, which include advertisement, screening, preparation and decision- making. It is important to collect and review a fair amount of applications. It crucial to screen all applicants, analyzing their qualifications, skills and experience. Resumes are very useful however they don’t provide the individuals work ethic. It is critical to interview the most qualified candidates. The Atlanta based Fortune 500 Company is looking for a sales representative that is articulate, sophisticated and knowledgeable about fiber optics. After closely reviewing the four applications I initially chose Karen. It was based on having the most experience...
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...E-RECRUITMENT: REVOLUTIONIZING THE HIRING PROCESS Abstract In today’s turbulent and dynamic market e-recruitment is the emerging employment practice which provides fast, reliable and instant solution to many problems essentially in high turnover industries. It has been evolved into a sophisticated interactive engine with the ability to automate every facet of the hiring process virtually. It can ease the selection of employees, especially where long-distance are involved. Thus e-recruitment is revolutionizing the way employers hire employees. Some implications for managers are printed out such as-the need to be trained for these changes. It can save a lot of money on advertisements; the saving could be used to develop careers or training of employees. Further, it is suggested that the HR objectives have to be align with the organizational objectives to ensure that they recruit, select and employ right candidate for the right job. In this paper there will be an introduction on e-recruitment, and its development process, its effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages and the impact it has on the management. Keywords: Recruitment, e-recruitment, internet, explosion, growth and web based recruitment. Introduction E-recruitment market is one of the vital aspects in the process of recruiting the talent. Internet has completely changed the role of the traditional recruiter. Earlier, cold calling and candidate networking were the only options available for identifying the new...
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...September 19, 2012 Re: Improving the hiring process for Corporate and Business Sales I. Current situation Vivacom is a large company in the field of telecommunications. After the privatization the company’s structure and strategy were changed. The accent is on quick profit achieved by extreme sales push. In the current situation the Account Managers are required to sale as much products as possible but also to retain the responsibility of servicing the corporate and business customers in a proper manner. Often appears that employees who are with the company for a few months only, need to be released because of their inability to cope with the job responsibilities and the stress. The HR department invests time and money in the training process but on the other side neglects the hiring process, because of which the latter is slow and inefficient. II. Problems The process of hiring in Corporate and Business sales in Vivacom is slow and inefficient. Because of lack of recruitment team, the HR management of the company relies too much for the hiring process on the Account Executive Managers (Team Leaders) and the Directors of Corporate and Business departments. The HR managers delegate the right of choosing and hiring the candidates, to the direct management of each of these two departments. The Human Resources personnel do not fully participate in the hiring process, which makes the process time taking and brings the problems of hiring people without the necessary job skills...
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...Is The Rise Of An Internet Only Hiring Process Discriminatory To Poor Americans And Minorities? Steven Wilson PMAP 4211 9/20/2011 As a young man, my father gave me that advice that when applying for a job, make a good first impression by putting on your nicest suit, introducing yourself to the manager, have a strong handshake, and look him/her in the eye. This advice served me well over the years and helped me to gain many different positions. But what about the job seekers of today? Over the years, I have trained many young people to research what they want to do and then to go to that business during a slow time and ask for the manager and do just that. A firm handshake, a confident voice, and strong eye contact would make the Hiring individual remember you and want to hire you. But over the years, that method has become less and less effective. Young people come back dejected and disappointed because the only response they get is to go to a website and fill out an application. Gone are the days of going into many businesses, asking for the manager and dropping off a resume or an application. Most large companies have adopted a policy of internet only applications. Instead of applicants taking up the time of a manager, applicants are directed to a website to apply for their desired position. Sometimes there is even a kiosk on site to complete the task. On the surface this seems like a great idea. Companies cut down a lot of time...
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...ABC Case Study COMM/215 Once completing my research into the hiring dilemmas at ABC Inc., I found it imperative to gather more information on today’s job market and how it affects the hiring process. The following is an introduction of a specific company that had requested a case study to be done on a recent internal hiring process that took place or did not take place. In this situation, a new recruiter was expecting to bring on 15 new hires to complete for orientation to work in the Operations department. When the operations supervisor contacted the new recruiter and checked on the status of the recruiting process, he was assured that all requirements were taken care of. When the recruiter looked into completing the vital paper work that would typically be in place for new hire orientation, he then realized that there was not a set process or checklist. Background Since Carl (the recruiter) was new to ABC Inc., he had assumed that there were set procedures on how to complete a new hire process. It was abruptly brought to Carl’s attention that there was a lack of organization within the guidelines and processes of the company. There should have been set steps that would have led him through the process of requisition, to recruitment and the matching up a candidate with the job opening. Carl then decided to investigate further. He then decided to look over the new trainee’s files, and realized that some of the files did not have completed applications or...
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... The xxx has gone through many changes with the creation of a formal human resources division within recent years. Attempts to centralize the recruitment and hiring process in the human resources division with limited staff have been unsuccessful. A formal recruitment and hiring process was implemented in the past two years that helped to centralize the process, but also increased the time to get new employees started in the organization. Believing that creating a formal process will alter informal realities is a myth in planning for change (Cloke & Goldsmith, 2000). Hiring supervisors have reacted to human resources involvement in the process negatively. I have noticed an increase in managers looking toward me to make decisions that they should be able to make themselves. They have also stopped doing some tasks related to the employment process that they should still be completing. A change is needed that will involve human resources and also allow hiring managers the ability to regain autonomy in the hiring process. Organizational Culture At the xxxx some departments are isolated and they do not like to work together with other departments as a whole organization. Separation by departments can be a defense against cultural change (Cloke & Goldsmith, 2000). The department with the most hiring managers is also the...
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...Case Study Analysis for ABC, Inc. COMM/215 UOP January 9, 2012 Korijna Valenti Introduction During my reach into the hiring issues at ABC Inc., it was found necessary to research and read more in today’s hiring process with the current job market. The following is an introduction of one specific company that recently requested a case study of a current internal hiring process that took place or did not take place. In this situation, a new campus recruiter was expecting to bring on 15 new hires to complete for orientation to work in the Operations department. When the operations supervisor contacted the new recruiter and checked on the status of the recruiting process, they were assured that all requirements would be in place. The recruiter went to finalize the necessary paper work that would typically be in place for new hire orientation, only to discover that there was not a defined process or checklist. Background Because Carl (the recruiter) was new to ABC Inc., he was under the impression there should be a plan of action defined for how to complete a new hire. With this, Carl should have first noticed a lack of organization in which there should be a process flow to take him from requisition, to recruitment and the matching up a candidate with the job opening. When he pulled out the new trainee’s files, it was discovered that some of the files did not have completed applications or transcripts and none of the trainees had been sent for a standard...
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...The Challenge of Managers to Hire the Right People A manager has one of the most demanding roles in the business world. In today’s business environment, he or she is responsible for a wide variety of tasks while facing many challenges. One of these is hiring the right people for an organization. The hiring process is difficult because many people apply for jobs, but very few are actually a good fit for the company. In addition, the replacement of employees is costly. However, exceptional managers are able to create a fairly consistent selection process while applying theories of management in order to face the challenge of hiring the right person. Hiring the right people has become a major challenge for most managers in today’s business world. Eric P. Bloom states, “Everyone employed by the company…is an expense to the company.” (2) Therefore, part of that expense is the cost it takes to replace a new employee through the hiring process, otherwise known as employee turnover. There are countless sources that show varying statistics on exactly how much this costs, mostly depending on the role and salary of an employee. For example, a Center for American Progress (CAP) study showed average replacement costs for a mid-range employee (annual earnings between thirty and fifty thousand dollars) was twenty percent of his or her salary. The study also suggested the cost to replace an executive, such as the CEO of a company, could be up to as much as two hundred and thirteen percent...
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...| The Massachusetts Trial Court | We’re Not Quite Done Yet | | | | Marissa Pina | May 11, 2015 | | Table of Contents The Massachusetts Court System: Massachusetts Trial Court 2 Functions of the Human Resources Department 6 The Massachusetts Trial Court Human Resources Department 8 My Role within the Human Resources Department 9 Old Practices 10 Turning Point 13 The New Hiring Process 14 We’re Not Done Yet! 18 Review of Kotter’s 8 step Model 22 Human Capital, the most Important Asset of an Organization 25 My Hopes 26 The Massachusetts Court System Massachusetts Trial Court Focus The Massachusetts Court System consists of the Supreme Judicial Court, the Appeals Court, and the Executive Office of the Trial Court, the 7 Trial Court Departments, the Office of the Commissioner of Probation, and the Office of the Jury Commissioner. For the purpose of this paper I will be discussing my place of work which is the Massachusetts Trial Court consisting of: Executive Office of the Trial Court, the 7 Trial Court Departments (Boston Municipal Court, District Court, Juvenile Court, Superior Court, Housing Court, Land Court, and Probate and Family Court), Office of the Commissioner of Probation (OCP), and the Office of Jury Commissioner. Exhibit 1 Massachusetts Trial Court is committed to fair and impartial administration of justice; protection...
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...basic principles organizations must follow to develop a selection program that is both legally defensible and ensures hiring the most qualified applicants. The organization needs to find the right person for the right job is critical to the success of any organization. The hiring process at the organization must do this as well as meet the test of public sector accountability and mandated requirements. The Department of Human Resources must developed procedures and this guide to assist departments in conducting a defensible hiring process that is objective, fair, consistent, job related and documented. The department managers are responsible for selection decisions needs to follow a consistent procedure and make use of the same tools to minimize the potential for subjectivity and liability in the selection process. The company’s hiring practices must follow the Federal Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection and state law that requires all personnel actions be based on merit and fitness, and must comply with the company’s Equal Employment Opportunity Plan. The four areas of the hiring process that have the potential to subject the company’s to challenges and liability are Recruitment, Testing, Interviewing and Selection. The hiring department head/appointing authority is ultimately responsible for ensuring that selection decisions follow defensible hiring practices as outlined in this guide. As the company’s and its departments continue to deal with retirements, turnover...
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