...Robotic Surgery Technology, Society, and Culture HUMN432 Introduction: Robotic Surgery Robotic surgery is the latest development that uses robots and computer aided apparatus to aid in normal surgical procedures. It is a new technology and mostly used in well-developed countries. With robotic surgery a single surgeon is able not only to perform multiple surgeries but also do his/her work from any part of the world (McConnell, Schneeberger & Michler, 2003). Robotic surgery is a type of procedure that is similar to laparoscopic surgery. It also can be performed through smaller surgical cuts than traditional open surgery. There are small precise movements that are possible with this type of surgery. It gives some advantages over standard endoscopic techniques. Sometimes robotic-assisted laparoscopy can allow a surgeon to perform a less-invasive procedure that was once only possible with more invasive open surgery. Once it is placed in the abdomen, a robotic arm is easier for the surgeon to use than the instruments in endoscopic surgery. The robot reduces the surgeon’s movements. The robot assistance reduces some of the hand tremors and movements that might otherwise make the surgery less precise. Robotic instruments can access hard-to-reach areas of your body more easily through smaller incisions compared to traditional open and laparoscopic surgery. This procedure is done under general anesthesia where you are asleep and pain free. The surgeon sits at a computer...
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...Robotic Surgery Deborah Martin, ROBOTIC SURGERY ༉ Introduction ༉ Advantages & Disadvantages ༉ How Robotic Surgery Works ༉ Conclusion Robotic Surgery Mostly paying consideration on reducing the invasiveness of the surgical procedure Robotic Surgery • Computer supported surgery • Surgeon operates the machine to do the operation • Surgeon uses one or more technique to control the instrument • While operate the operation the Surgeon uses remote or directly the computer to manage those instrument AESOP Endoscope Positioner robotic system ༉ Computer Motion, Inc developed the AESOP Endoscope Positioner robotic system and in 1993 this became the first robot approved by the FDA for surgery. ༉ AESOP Endoscope Positioner is a voiceactivated robotic system for endoscopic surgery. ZEUS® Surgical System ༉ Computer Motion, Inc introduced the ZEUS® Surgical System in 1998. ༉ ZEUS® Surgical System consists of : ༉ Surgeon control console ༉ Three table mounted robotic arms Da Vinci Surgical system ༉ ༉ ༉ ༉ ༉ Intuitive Surgery, Inc. created the da Vinci Surgical system and approved in 1997 by FDA. July 2000 it become the first laparoscopic surgical robotic. The da Vinci system consists of: A Surgeon console A patient side cart Four robotic arms (the three arms of the da Vinci system holds the operation instruments and the fourth arm has a camera with two lenses...
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...Abstract The robotic lawn mower, which is like the Roomba robotic vacuum, where it can mow the lawn by itself can attract two main target markets that will be covered in this paper. One target market is the elderly people, because simple task, like mowing the lawn can get harder for them. The second target market would be people that are always on the go, because they are always busy and may not have the time to cut their grass. The product positioning will be high be cause its more for people that have a higher income because they will most likely have nicer yards then people who have lower income. Keywords: Robotic Lawn Mower, Positioning, Segmentation, and Target Market Technology is always advancing to try and make things better or easier; the first lawn mower in1868 that was just a “reel type spiral-bladed cutter”, it came from a long way from now, a self-propelled robotic lawn mower (Haster). The robotic lawn mower is similar to the concept of Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner; it mows the lawn by itself and is able to get around obstacles. The robotic lawn mower is controlled by what it hits and has sensors that can make sure it is only cutting grass and prevent it from going out too far. The robotic lawn mower is great for many people because they can maintain their lawn without having to deal with the hot weather or the hard work that usually comes along with cutting the grass, which are the two main reason people do not like mowing their lawn. People who want a...
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...EMERGING TECHNOLOGY - ROBOTICS Emerging Technology - Robotics Team A LAS-432 Professor Stuart Vanorny 28 February, 2013 DeVry University Introduction & Brief description of robotics technology: (Elizabeth Burrier) Robotics has been coming further and further in technology over the years. Robots are not just something you see in the movies, they are now used by the military, NASA and the medical field. This paper will take you through the world of Robotics, and show you the best, newest and what is to come. There was a big popularity Automatons in ancient and Medieval times were very popular. Simple automatons for the use as tools, toys and as part of religious ceremonies were made possible by the Ancient Greeks and Romans. Automatons were population as part of clocks and religious worship, in Europe and the Middle East. The Arab polymath Al-Jazari left texts illustrating his various mechanical devices. Working to develop the foundations of computer science in the early to mid-nineteenth century, Charles Babbage continued to provide entertainment during the 19th century. In 1920, Karel Capek published his play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots), which introduced the word "robot". Robotics became a burgeoning science and more money was invested. Robots spread to Japan, South Korea and many parts of Europe over the last half century, to the extent that projections for the 2011 population of industrial robots are around 1.2 million. Robotics is something that came...
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...more sophisticated than the one before. Due to the sensitive nature of surgery, moral and ethical obligations were established early on and eventually formed the basis of “The Hippocratic Oath”, which is still relevant to the modern surgeon. We are now in a place in history where robots are being used to assist with surgical procedures that were once only conceivably done by human hands. This paper seeks to detail this evolution as well as describe current and future applications of robotics in the surgery and the ethical implications inherit with this technology. This report will also attempt to identify and discuss the complex legal, political, and cultural issues that have also evolved with this science. A review of the literature was undertaken using Medline. Articles describing the history and development of surgical robots were identified as were articles reporting data on applications. This most recent development in surgical advancement has infinite potential but it is also accompanied by same ethical dilemmas that ancient surgeons were faced with. ------------------------------------------------- Robot Assisted Surgery: The Evolution of the Surgeon and the Operating Room The proliferation of robotics in many of today’s industries has had a significant economic and social impact upon our modern world. The economical impact is easy to...
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...Robotics and its Progression Through History (Intro) Robotics has played a big part in the progression of the 21st century. Robots are used to do everyday things in your household, such as make coffee, but can also be made to accomplish more challenging tasks such as work in assembly lines that create automobiles and machinery. Some examples of simpler robots are the automatic vacuum robot, the coffee machine, and the basic alarm clock. Robots have changed a lot over time, starting with the most facile designs such as a coffee makers or a microwave, going all the way to robotic arms that manufacture products with ease. You should expect that sooner rather than later we will have created robots that are more practical for individual care. (Past...
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...Abstract Robots are the representation of how fast technology growing around the world. Robots are the instruments to understand the real time applications of diverse theories and concepts. Not only that but they could replace humans in the future to do certain tasks specially those involving dangerous mission and could kill a human being. Therefore, this report will introduce a small part of the robotics world by introducing a short history about robotics technology. Then will move to show why robots are important to us. Afterward, different types of sensors will be introduced including their principles. Furthermore will show how sensors should be interfaced with the development boards (8051 based as well as AEM) that have been recently purchased by the computer department in the university. Besides these of course, the microcontrollers, which have been mentioned earlier, will be fully documented and tested. Likewise, to understand how these sensors works, a test program will be written and will be fully documented for inclusion of the final report. Abstract 2 Introduction 4 References 8 Figures 9 Introduction Robot for many people is simply a machine that does certain job and that’s it. Unfortunately, it is not! Robots currently go beyond these very simple tasks and imaginations. Nowadays a single robot can replace a huge number of people in different fields. Nevertheless, in the future it is expected to be capable of acting as human being from the way of...
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...2013 Professor Aimee James DeVry University Abstract Robotic surgery is a described as when a surgeon uses robotic equipment to assist during a surgical procedure. The surgeon manipulates controls which send information to the robotic equipment, telling it what to do. This surgical technology can be used for a wide range of surgical procedures. There are multiple benefits from choosing this type of surgery, but can also cost more than laparoscopic. Robotic surgery has been discussed for over two decades. Over the last decade, it has increased in popularity and applicability. There are many economic concerns over the use of this technology such as the cost versus the applicable use. There are also concerns about the implications the use of this technology will have on the environment, as well as moral and ethical concerns. By providing background information and history of this technology, information on the use of this technology, economical, sociological, and psychological effects and concerns associated with this technology, and information on environmental implications and moral and ethical concerns of this technology, we hope to provide readers a basis to form an educated opinion on the applicability of remote and robotic surgery. Table of Contents Abstract (Jesse Edwards)…...……………………………………………….…………………….ii Introduction (Jesse Edwards)……………………………………………….……………………..1 Description of Robotic Assisted Surgical Technology and What it Means to You (Gregory...
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...Society.” The organization’s purpose is to compete in different robotics competitions and create different rover prototypes. They also get involved in the community to promote and support youth interest in the STEM area.I was not able to find an exact date and site for club meetings. During my freshman orientation, I also researched and signed up for information for this club. An email I received said, they will have their general meetings for new members on September 16th at noon. Why I expressed interest in this club is my history with robotics. I was on my high school's robotics team from freshman year, all the way to senior year. With 4 years of experience, I felt it was ready to take the next step and take on college level robotics. That is why I showed interest in this club. This will also enhance my UT Arlington experience by meeting new people. The fellow robotics team members would help my social life. They will also help guide me in a path in the future for...
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...Robotics: Utopia or Dystopia Robotics: Utopia or Dystopia? Table of Contents: Serial No. | Particular | Page No. | 01. | Introduction | 04 | 02. | Definition of a Robot | 04 | 03. | History of Robotics | 05 - 10 | 04. | The implications of robotics for jobs in manufacturing | 10-12 | 05. | The implications of robotics for jobs in the service sector: | 12 -13 | 06. | Robotics and future jobs, utopia or Dystopia | 13-15 | 07. | Conclusion: | 16 | 08. | Recommendation | 16 | 09. | References | 17 | Robotics: Utopia or Dystopia? Introduction: We are living in such an era, when the needs and demands of human beings are increasing day by day. To satisfy those needs, innovation and development in every field which guide the future of humanity is also proceeding in a rapid way. To meet the various needs and desires of the increasing population, inventors were seeking for a genuine solution which could provide the overwhelming challenges and will be able to meet the demands of the civilizations and that leads to the idea of mechanization. Inventors, who put forward the idea of mechanization, stated that by mechanization there would be great convenience for people to respond to their demands and can help them to complete their task in a short period of time. By following these principles, machines have started to meet the needs of increasing population...
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...Robotic Surgery The robotic surgery system market is predominantly run by a surgical system currently known as: Da Vinci; however, the Raven II is another system that is out there and is making an impact on robotic surgery research and studies. There are obvious differences between both systems and their capabilities, but we will investigate further. Additionally, there are a significant number of surgeries that are being performed by the da Vinci surgical robots in hospitals and in regards to research. The Raven II surgical robot is opening doors of opportunity for technological advancement purposes. All this is a driving effort to better improve healthcare services in relations to minimally invasive surgical procedures and to drive the advancement of this technology through industry collaboration. The da Vinci surgical system was originally developed in the former Stanford Research Institute under contract to the U.S. Army; however, the idea of introducing a product for commercial applications was the route taken by Intuitive Surgical in an effort to find different applications for minimally invasive surgical procedures. Every aspect of the da Vinci robotic system is proprietary which includes both the production and assembly of the hardware and software. This closed model approach has allowed Intuitive Surgical to monopolize the surgical robot system market. Results of the success they have had, as of May 2013 they were listed as number eight on the Forbes list for innovative...
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...INNOVATION Kabi Portland State University Fall 2013 Abstract The concept about the robotic has always been the most attracting topic, especially to scientists and engineers. Robots, once the stuff of science fiction, are becoming part of our everyday lives. As to say, robotics are what people made to serve the humankind, and they are becoming one of the greatest disruptive innovation. The top three most famous robots are the Asimo, Kawada HRP-4 and Alderbaran Nao. When we talk about robotics, android, humanoid and cyborg are always mentioned. These terms are part of robotics. In this report, we will identify and analyze the use of robotics in human lives, and clearly understand why robotics have become disruptive technology. History and Context The original meaning of the word robot comes from a Slavic word "robota", which means labor (Wikipedia). The Maschinenmensch (machine-human) was the first depiction of robot to appear on film in 1927. Moreover, In 1942, Issac Asimov formulated his Three Laws of Robotics, and in 1948, Norbert Wiener formulated the principles of cybernetics, the basis of practical robotics (Wikipedia). In other word, the principles of cybernetics were the base for the development of robotics. Historically, many inventions such as the steam engine by James Watt can be considered as the first step of the robot's developmental progress. Recently, there are many robotic development such as the cute-looking humanoid iCub that can play children's games, Reeti...
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...Medical Technology and U.S. Health Care Medical Technology and U.S. Health Care Over the course of history, medical technology has continued to evolve in more ways than one. The advancements in surgical procedures, imaging techniques and the use of computer technology has allowed for patients to receive health care in a more convenient and efficient way, but with this convenience and the ever evolving technology comes the burden of cost on the U.S. economy. This paper will review how early medicinal practices have evolved into the technologically advanced world of medicine we live in today, as well as discuss how these advancements play a role in the accessibility, affordability and quality of life and care the patients of the United States receive today. In the early 1800’s, medicinal practice in the U.S. was considered to be very primitive. Unlike the European countries of Britain, France and Germany, “American medicine lagged behind in the advances of medical science, experimental research and medical science education” (Shi & Singh, 2008 p. 85). Instead, America focused more on applied science rather than the research of basic sciences. In return, the United States’ “early practices of medicine were regarded more as a trade than a profession. It did not require the rigorous course of study, clinical practice, residency training, board exams and licensing, without which it is impossible to practice today” (Shi & Singh, 2008 p.85). This meant that pretty much...
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...robot’s builders set in place. This gave the builders the freedom to create what they pleased, but within a set barrier put in place by the VEX company. The designers only used a manual to build the base, and then developed specific parts as modifications to the robot. Both robots were built to play defensively and offensively but responsible for different tasks. One robot was intended to move balls in low goals and the other for high goals. As a result, the team constructed two robots that were able to compete against teams from other schools. This research shows that robots could assist people with transporting objects in the dangerous environments. Introduction Robotics is the science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots (What is robotics, 2013). Robots are machines that can be used to do jobs....
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...Japan’s Service Robotics Development Yumiko Myoken Senior Science Officer Science & Innovation Section British Embassy Tokyo Japan’s Service Robotics Development Japanese industrial robots are estimated to represent a share of approximately 30% of the world market. The service robot industry will grow up to 65 billion yen in 2020. Japan has maintained its high patents rate and achieved rapid growth in the areas of speech recognition and safety technologies as well as technologies related to affinity to human beings. The ministry investing the largest budget for robotics R&D is the Ministry of Economics, Trade and Industry (METI). There are two large scale ongoing projects funded by METI that are focused on next generation intelligent robots and living assistance robots. Introduction For decades, Japan has maintained high competence in developing advanced robotics technologies. The proportion of Japanese industrial robots in the world market has grown steadily, mainly in response to the increased demand for industrial use. Today Japanese industrial robots are estimated to represent a share of approximately 30% of the world market. Faced with a rapid increase in serious concerns about an aging population combined with the decline in birth rate, a growing number of people look to advanced intelligent robots, not merely as suitable for industrial use, but also for service applications for people to support nursing care and housework. The Aichi Expo in 2005 was...
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