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Health Care Mangement


Submitted By hjohnson85
Words 3389
Pages 14
Medical Technology and U.S. Health Care

Medical Technology and U.S. Health Care Over the course of history, medical technology has continued to evolve in more ways than one. The advancements in surgical procedures, imaging techniques and the use of computer technology has allowed for patients to receive health care in a more convenient and efficient way, but with this convenience and the ever evolving technology comes the burden of cost on the U.S. economy. This paper will review how early medicinal practices have evolved into the technologically advanced world of medicine we live in today, as well as discuss how these advancements play a role in the accessibility, affordability and quality of life and care the patients of the United States receive today. In the early 1800’s, medicinal practice in the U.S. was considered to be very primitive. Unlike the European countries of Britain, France and Germany, “American medicine lagged behind in the advances of medical science, experimental research and medical science education” (Shi & Singh, 2008 p. 85). Instead, America focused more on applied science rather than the research of basic sciences. In return, the United States’ “early practices of medicine were regarded more as a trade than a profession. It did not require the rigorous course of study, clinical practice, residency training, board exams and licensing, without which it is impossible to practice today” (Shi & Singh, 2008 p.85). This meant that pretty much anyone during this time could call themselves a physician, and so they did. In the early 1800’s tradesmen, barbers and merchants were involved in healing by selling herbal prescriptions, elixirs, cathartics and nostrums. Barber’s at the time would also function as surgeons, using the same blade to cut hair, shave beards and bleed the sick (Shi & Singh, 2008 p.85). They did not practice

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